Christmas Quiz ANSWER KEY:

1) Christmas Quiz: Who visited Jesus when He was in the manager? What Bible verses describe this? ANSWER: Shepherds - Luke 2:8-20

2) Christmas Quiz: Did the wise men visit Jesus in: a) Jerusalem b) Bethlehem c) Nazareth d) Egypt What verse in the Bible tells us where the wise men saw Jesus? ANSWER: C - Nazareth - Luke 2:39 and Matthew 2:8-11 -
but NOTE that they were told to go to Bethlehem, but Matthew points out the STAR appeared
and led the to the HOUSE where the CHILD was... Matt 2:9.

Matthew does NOT name the city, but it makes no other sense that it would be Nazareth...

Joseph and Mary had already registered for the Census, clearly had no family or friends in Bethlehem and
left after the days of purification as declared in Luke 2:39.

No other passages found in the Gospels suggest any other answer than Nazareth.

3) Christmas Quiz: Did the wise men see Jesus in:
a) Herod's palace
b) the temple in Jerusalem
c) the Bethlehem manager
d) a house

ANSWER:  D: Matthew 2:11

4) Christmas Quiz: Did the wise men see Jesus when he was: a) a baby in the manager b) a baby in the Temple in Jerusalem c) a baby in a house in Bethlehem d) a young child in a house in Nazareth ANSWER: D: Matt 2:11 and Luke 2:39

5) Christmas Quiz: When Mary and Joseph satisfied the requirements of Leviticus 12 they met two people in the temple. What tribe was the prophetess in the temple from? What was her name? How old was she? What passage talks about this? ANSWER: Anna was 84 and from the tribe of Asher. Luke 2:36 The other person was Simeon - Luke 2:25-35"

6) Christmas Quiz: Mary and Joseph waited 8 days to circumcise Jesus, but how many days did they need to wait to complete her purification before they could go and offer a sacrifice at the temple? What passage in the New Testament mentions this. What passage in the Old Testaments defines the purification time? ANSWER 33 days - Leviticus 12:2-4 Luke 2:21-24;39 Leviticus 12:2-4"

7) Christmas Quiz: When the wise men came to Herod to find the King of the Jews, what was the Old Testament prophecy they cited to tell them He was to be born in Bethlehem? What was the passage in the New Testament that discusses this? What is the passage in the Old Testament that makes this prophecy? ANSWER: Matthew 2:1-9 Micah 5:2

8) Christmas Quiz: If Herod made a decree to have all male children two years and younger killed as based on the timing of the visit by the wise men, how old was Jesus likely to be when they saw him? If Herod died in 4 BC and if this was close to this event, what year would Jesus most likely have been born in? ANSWER: at least 2 years before... or 6BC... but the dates of Herod's death aren't certain. assuming Luke's attention to detail about the Passover was a clue, likely within a year BEFORE Herod's death... HOWEVER, Herod's death is either 4 BC or 1 BC... either way... Jesus would have been born at least 2 to 3 years before Herod's death... no precise answer is available in the Word, and not likely in history... although many have excellent information that increases our knowledge about the time, the census, the state of Israel at the time and so on... pretty much anything in that general time is our best guess.

9) Christmas Quiz: According to Luke, Joseph and Mary went to what city after the sacrifice was presented at the Temple in Jerusalem when Jesus was 41 days old? a) Bethlehem b) Jerusalem c) Cairo d) Nazareth ANSWER: D: Nazareth Luke 2:39

10) Christmas Quiz: WHO said: "A LIGHT OF REVELATION TO THE GENTILES, And the glory of Thy people Israel." a) Luke b) Simeon c) one of the wise men d) Herod e) Anna f) Mary g) Joseph h) the high priest i) a temple worshipper ANSWER: Simeon - Luke 2:32 likely quoting Isaiah 9:1-7

11) Christmas Quiz: If Luke records that Joseph and Mary made it to the temple every year for Passover, and that Joseph had to flee with the young child to avoid Herod's death squads where did they go and for how long? a) Jerusalem for 2 years b) Bethlehem for 6 months c) Egypt for less than a year d) Nazareth for less than a year. ANSWER: C... prophecy concerning being called out of Egypt is found in Hosea 11:1

12) Christmas Quiz: What is the prophetic passage in Jeremiah that is quoted in Matthew 2:18 concerning Herod's death squads? ANSWER: Jeremiah 31:15

13) Christmas Quiz: In Matthew 2:15 what prophet is quoted and what passage in the Old Testament is it recorded? ANSWER: Hosea - Hosea 11:1

14) Christmas Quiz: The wise men from the East likely knew astronomy and astrology. (not the astrology of today, but the story of the constellations and their movement in the heavens...) What would likely have been one of the primary constellations they would have observed to let them know that the King of the Jews was born? (remember that the Jews had been in captivity in the East and likely knew of Daniel and the other major prophets...) What passage in the Old Testament mentions that the "lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night: and let them be for **SIGNS** and season, and for days and years."? ANSWER: likely Virgo and the Lion... Genesis 1:14 - see also Revelation 12. Seiss's the Gospel in the Stars might be of interest, he maps it all out: Have a Merry Christmas... remember Jesus is the REASON for the Season. - Today's Date:
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