Nineteen Kings who ruled JUDAH:  				931-586 BC
Rehoboam ruled 17 years (I Kings 14:21)				931-913 BC
Abijam ruled 3 years (I Kings 15:2)           			913-911 BC
Asa * ruled 41 years (I Kings 15:10)            		911-870 BC
Jehoshaphat * ruled 25 years (I Kings 22:42) 			873-848 BC
Jehoram ruled 8 years (2 Kings 8:17)         			853-841 BC
Ahaziah ruled part of 1 year (2 Kings 8:25, 26) 		841 BC
    Note: Queen Athaliah 6yrs (2 Kings 11:3)			841-835 BC
Jehoash ruled 40 years (2 Kings 12:1)           		835-796 BC
Amaziah ruled 29 years (2 Kings 14:2)         			796-767 BC
Uzziah (also known as Azariah) ruled 52 yrs (2 Kings 15:2)  	790-740BC
Jotham * ruled 16 years (2 Kings 15:33)       			750-731 BC
Ahaz rules 16 years (2 Kings 16:2)            			735-715 BC
Hezekiah * ruled 29 years (2 Kings 18:1, 2)  			715-686 BC
			+Sun dial backwards -15 minutes
Manasseh ruled 55 years (2 Kings 21:1)       			695-642 BC
Amon ruled 2 years (2 Kings 21:19)            			642-640 BC
Josiah * ruled 31 years (2 Kings 22:1)            		640-609BC
Jehoahaz ruled 3 months (2 Kings 23:31)   		 	609BC
Jehoiakim ruled 11 years (2 Kings 23:36)   			609-597BC
Jehoiachin ruled 3 months (2 Kings 24:8)   			597BC
Zedekiah ruled 11 years (2 Kings 24:18)   			597-586BC
		* - indicates a godly king


 The purpose of this site is to provide detailed, accurate information from the Living Word of God.

The focus is on the Bible, in context, to understand the passage and how it relates to the rest of Scripture.  

Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, he explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.
Luke 24:27  NASB

WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY and HOW are questions that should be asked.