A - Years from Creation at birth
B - est. BC dates birth
C - Patriarch
D - Father at age:
E - years after father
F - Total years
G - Years from Creation to death
H - est. BC dates for death
I - Genesis ch & v
1 0 4111 ADAM 130 800 930 930 3181 ch5 v3
2 130 3981 Seth 105 807 912 1042 3069 ch5 v6
3 235 3876 Enosh 90 815 905 1140 2971 ch5 v9
4 325 3786 Kenan 70 840 910 1235 2876 ch5 v12
5 395 3716 Mahalalel 65 830 895 1290 2821 ch5 v15
6 460 3651 Jared 162 800 962 1422 2689 ch5 v18
7 622 3489 ENOCH 65 300 365 987 3124 ch5 v21 did not die
8 687 3424 Methuselah 187 782 969 1656 2455 ch5 v25
9 874 3237 Lamech 182 595 777 1651 2460 ch5 v28
10 1056 3055 NOAH 500 n/a 950 2006 2105 ch9 v29 600 yrs flood Gen 7:6
11 1556 2555 Shem, Ham
& Japeth 100 500 600 2156 1955 ch11 v10 father 2yrs after the flood
1656 2455 FLOOD - dates range from 2349 (Ussher) to 2455 based on (3055 - 600=2455) years Gen 7:6
12 1656 2455 Arphachshad 35 403 438 2094 2017 ch11 v12
13 1691 2420 Shelah 30 403 433 2124 1987 ch11 v14
14 1721 2390 Eber 34 430 464 2185 1926 ch11 v16
15 1755 2356 Peleg 30 209 239 1994 2117 ch11 v18
16 1785 2326 Reu 32 207 239 2024 2087 ch11 v20
17 1817 2294 Serug 30 200 230 2047 2064 ch11 v22
18 1847 2264 Nahor 29 119 148 1995 2116 ch11 v24
19 1876 2235 Terah 70 205 275 2151 1960 ch11 v26
20 1946 2165 Abram, Nahor
& Haran 100 75 175 2326 1990 ch12 Lot, son of Haran, nephew of Abram
21 2046 Issac 60 n/a 180
22 2106 Jacob (Israel) 91 n/a 147
23 2197 Joseph n/a 110
The purpose of this site is to provide detailed, accurate information from the Living Word of God.
The focus is on the Bible, in context, to understand the passage and how it relates to the rest of Scripture.
Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, he explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.
Luke 24:27 NASB
WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY and HOW are questions that should be asked.