Month 			Length		Gregorian Equivalent
Nissan  (Abib)			30 days		March-April
Iyar (Zif)			29 days		April-May
Sivan				30 days		May-June
Tammuz				29 days		June-July
Av (Ab)				30 days		July-August
Elul				29 days		August-September
Tishri (Ethhanum)		30 days		September-October
Heshvan (Bul)			29 or 30 	October-November
Kislev (Chisleue)		30 or 29 	November-December
Tevet (Teboth)			29 days		December-January
Shevat (Sebat)			30 days		January-February
Adar				29 or 30 	February-March
Adar II				29 days		March-April

Month - references 1) NISAN/ April - Religious New Year - Began with Ex 12:2; 13:4, Deut 16:1 - PASSOVER (the 10th of Nisan Israel selects the lamb for the passover - that was Palm Sunday) 2) Zif (IYYAR) May - I Kings 6:1, 37 3) Sivan - Esther 8:9 4) Tammuz - July - Jer 39:2 5) Ab - August - Numbers 33:38 6) Elul - September - Nehemiah 6:15 7) Tishri - October - I King 8:2 8) Bul - November - I Kings 6:38 9) Chislue - December - Ezra 10:9 10) Tebeth - January - Esther 2:16 11) Sebat - February - Zechariah 1:7 12) Adar - March - Esther 3:12, 13


 The purpose of this site is to provide detailed, accurate information from the Living Word of God.

The focus is on the Bible, in context, to understand the passage and how it relates to the rest of Scripture.  

Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, he explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.
Luke 24:27  NASB

WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY and HOW are questions that should be asked.