time line from the Gospels and the Old Testament showing a Thursday crucifixion

more diagrams showing Thursday


 BibleTech - a site where details of the Bible have been studied and analyzed, 
in context and the results presented with minimal commentary.

The focus is on the Bible, in context, carefully analyzed using only the Bible. 

The laws of language are used to interpret what is written. 

The basic analysis tools are used to determine the writer's intent.

WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY and HOW are questions that will be asked and attempt to be answered.  

The Bible is it's own best commentary.  To understand the Bible one must read it.  If there are things not
found but essential to understanding the passage then we will look at history, archeology, language
and determine the context and culture of the author and their intended audience.  We need to understand
the literary genre used. 

The plain and simple interpretation of a passage is usually what the author intended.  

One must not approach a passage with a preconceived idea of what it says. Read it fresh, read it and
ask questions. Do not seek the mind of other men until you have sought the Word of God.  Avoid the
traditions of men.  Don't read about the Bible as reported by others, but read it yourself.

Remember that as believers we have the helper, the Holy Spirit, to guide us in understanding the things written. 

Some supplemental material may be cited, but it's use is only to present the appropriate Bible verses, or
to provide a historical or cultural reference. We must not assume that the Bible author was writing to us in our own
time and place, but to their contemporaries who understood their culture, history, customs and language. 

The Old Testament was not written to or about the New Testament Church. One must not try to make the church fit
the Old Testament.  The church is not Israel.  America is not Israel.  Israel is Israel.  The blessings of Israel
are provided to the church through Jesus Christ.  God says in Romans 11 that He is not finished with Israel.
In Ezekiel 35 to 40 we see Israel returning to their land in the last days.

There are a few resources in the Reference directory to supplement some details, but if one examines those resources
they will often find other details that contradict the Bible by those authors, therefore we must identify and validate
Biblical issues with the details from the Bible only, and supplement for clarification by other writers when possible.  

e.g., in the Coming Prince the author talks of a Friday crucifixion, yet a detailed analysis of the Passion Week
demonstrates a Thursday crucifixion.  A careful analysis of Leviticus and the Gospels was done to determine this.
The details are in the Crucifixion directory. The writer of the Coming Prince was not addressing the issue of the
crucifixion and made reference to the common view of his day. This is why we must use the Bible as our primary source. 
Examine the verses and material, if you see an error in this material or have additional information please send an 
email to john at this domain.  

The goal is understanding the Bible, not proving or disproving any of the works of man or doctrinal statements or 
confessions of faith.  It's all about the Bible.  And the Bible is all about Jesus Christ.

This site will not follow the traditions of men (Colossians 2:8-10).  Doctrinal statements from a variety of churches
may be found in an appendix of the Bible Summary guide, but this is to help identify relevant verses, not to promote
one group or another.  There are many false teachers out there.  Many are deceived and deceiving and leading many 
astray.  These people ignore the Word of God and twist scripture to fit their views.  They use allegory and spiritualize
a passage to make it fit their own world view.  We need to carefully analyze a passage and understand it prayerfully.

There is only one correct interpretation, with the possibility of many applications.  What did the writer intend?
Who were they writing to? When did they write it?  Why did they write it?  How did they write it? What were the issues,
the problems, the event?  We have to understand the passage in the context it was written in a point of space and time.
We must also understand that the writer would know of God's nature, the Law, and other accepted ideas of the Jews when
writing. Most of the writers of the Bible were Jews, they would have understood the Old Testament with all its history
and prophecies and feasts.  Because the Bible is often terse the writers rarely provide details about events, but will
mention it in ways that most of us in the West will not understand or take as significant.  A careful study of the Word
will keep you alert to these subtle keys and match them up to other passages in Scripture.   In the study of the
crucifixion works such as "preparation day", Sabbath according to the commandment, a High Sabbath, and other details
pointed to various Old Testmanent details. Details... 

If one is in a leadership position at a local church they must take care to avoid refering to writers to make a point,
There is a risk that your flock will read that author instead of the Bible... is that what you want them to do?
This is suggested not because there is not wisdom available through other sources than the Bible, it is that 
these writings are not inspired and almost always include errors.  It is far better to encourage the flock to 
study the Bible. Helping others learn more about the Bible is what we should be doing, not promoting man.