Historical Timeline: 930 BC Israel Divided (Solomon’s son... Rehoboam) 792 BC Azariah (Uzziah) becomes king of Judah 755 BC Isaiah prophesizes in Judah 732 BC Damascus falls to Syria 729 BC Hezekiah becomes King in Judah 722 BC Northern Kingdom captive by Assyria 612 BC Babylonians overrun Ninevah, Assyria 605 BC Battle of Carchemish - (Egypt and Assyria against the Babylonians) 597 BC Jerusalem is captured by Babylonians Chronological Order of the Prophets (approximate dates) I. Pre-Exilic prophets Joel 850 - 700 BC Jonah 800 BC Amos 780 – 755 BC Hosea 760 – 710 BC Micah 740 BC Isaiah 740 – 680 BC Nahum 666 – 615 BC Zephaniah 630 – 620 BC Habakkuk 627 – 586 BC Jeremiah 626 – 580 BC 2. Exilic prophets Daniel 604 – 535 BC Ezekiel 593 – 570 BC Obadiah 585 BC 3. Post-Exilic prophets Haggai 520 BC Zechariah 520 – 518 BC Malachi 450 – 400 BC
The purpose of this site is to provide detailed, accurate information from the Living Word of God. The focus is on the Bible, in context, to understand the passage and how it relates to the rest of Scripture. Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, he explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures. Luke 24:27 NASB
WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY and HOW are questions that should be asked.