FYI: 28 January 2017 - Joshua Watched an old rerun of the Time Tunnel called the "Walls of Jericho"... wow, in 1967 they actually represented the story well out of Joshua 2, a couple things weren't quite accurate, like the timing of the spies visit, but still impressive: THEN, I was watching the Israel Now News and they reported some recent research about the "long day of Joshua", Joshua 10:12 in particular, here's several links that PINPOINT the date of Joshua's victory over the Amorites as October 30, 1207 BC at 4:28 PM! Wow. 12 Then Joshua spoke to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the sons of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, “O sun, stand still at Gibeon, And O moon in the valley of Aijalon.” 13 So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, Until the nation avenged themselves of their enemies. The researches noted the locations mentioned and determined with NASA data that there was a complete solar eclipse... I downloaded the abstract and have a picture of a related map at: THE RESEARCH ARTICLE IN HEBREW, PDF FORM, IS AT: (the English abstract is in this directory on my server) Here are the links: ----------------- Dr. Hezi Yitzchak, Dr. Daniel Weistaub, and Dr. Uzi Avneer, of Ben Gurion University in Israel’s Negev, released the results of their study last week in Beit Mikra, a Hebrew language journal for the study of the Bible. In the study, they suggest that the miracle of the sun standing still when Joshua fought five armies in order to help the Gibeonites was actually attributable to natural causes – namely, a solar eclipse. In chapter ten of the Book of Joshua, the Israelites go to war against five kings in order to help the Gibeonites, with whom they had signed a pact. While Israel was prevailing in the battle, God sent down stones from heaven to smite the enemy. Joshua prayed for the sun to stand still in order to have time to complete the victory. God answered his prayer. And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the nation had avenged themselves of their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jashar? And the sun stayed in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day. Joshua 10:13 Read more at ----------------- Researchers claim to pinpoint the exact date — October 30, 1207 BCE — and explanation for an astounding event in the Battle in Gibeon By Times of Israel staff January 16, 2017, 10:35 pm ----------------- ----------------- (I didn't watch this... if it's really good let me know. :) -------------- NOTE: this information is different than the Long Day of Joshua as described in Harold Hill's book How to Live Like a King's Kid where he has as story about NASA researchers finding a missing day, have heard this before, but it has NOT been verified or substantiated, found a link mentioning it... This eclipse information provides details that support the Biblical text with facts. ------------------------------ According to new research by Ben Gurion University scientists – one physicist, one Bible scholar, one archaeologist – the miracle described in the Book of Joshua in which the sun and the moon stood still to provide a longer day so that the Israelites could finish off their Canaanite enemies – was merely an eclipse that lasted five minutes and fifteen seconds, which happened, according to NASA’s calculations, on October 30, 1207 BCE 4:28 PM, a.k.a. 1 Kislev, or 29 Cheshvan (it was Rosh Chodesh either way), 2554. We have not seen the actual work, and so must rely on the reports on it in the Israeli media, so that if the media got it wrong, we apologize. The researchers suggested that what makes the biblical event unique is the fact that it mentions the role of the sun and moon: “Then, on the day God handed over the Emorite to the people of Israel, Joshua spoke to God in the sight of Israel, saying: ‘Sun, stand motionless over Givon! Moon, you too, over Ayalon Valley!’ So the sun stood still and the moon stayed put, until Israel took vengeance on their enemies.” (Joshua 10:12-13) The mention of both the sun and the moon led the three researchers to the conclusion that the text refers to a solar eclipse, during which the moon moves between the sun and the earth, blocking the sunlight. They checked the NASA data, discovered the eclipse, and published their results. The physicist, Dr. Hezi Yitzhak, who led the team, has been contemplating that bit of text from the Book of Joshua for some time now, and his conclusion regarding the eclipse bears some merit, even though it appears counterintuitive. Those of us who are familiar with the text, as well as all of Jewish tradition, have always imagined the story as being about the daylight hours becoming twice as long, to let the Israelites kill as many of their enemies as they could. What if what Joshua and his army needed was not more daylight, but instead more darkness? After all, they began their successful battle that day with a quick trek from Gilgal, on the shores of the Jordan River, under cover of the darkest night of the month – Rosh Chodesh is when the moon is usually unseen. It was darkness that gave them the element of surprise and the edge over their enemies – what if darkness is what they needed for the rest of the day? -----------------