Historical Timeline:
930 BC Israel Divided (Solomon's son, Rehoboam)
792 BC Azariah (Uzziah) became king of Judah
755 BC Isaiah prophesizes in Judah
732 BC Damascus falls to Syria
729 BC Hezekiah becomes King in Judah
722 BC Northern Kingdom captive by Assyria
612 BC Babylonians overrun Ninevah, Assyria
605 BC Battle of Carchemish - (Egypt and Assyria against the Babylonians)
597 BC Jerusalem is captured by Babylonians
Chronological Order of the Prophets (approximate dates)
I. Pre-Exilic prophets
Joel 850 - 700 BC
Jonah 800 BC
Amos 780 - 755 BC
Hosea 760 - 710 BC
Micah 740 BC
Isaiah 740 - 680 BC
Nahum 666 - 615 BC
Zephaniah 630 - 620 BC
Habakkuk 627 - 586 BC
Jeremiah 626 - 580 BC
2. Exilic prophets
Daniel 604 - 535 BC
Ezekiel 593 - 570 BC
Obadiah 585 BC
3. Post-Exilic prophets
Haggai 520 BC
Zechariah 520 - 518 BC
Malachi 450 - 400 BC
Three Kings who ruled All of Israel:
Saul ruled 40 year (Acts 13:21)
David ruled 40 years (2 Sam 5:4)
Solomon rules 40 years (I Kings 11:42) (see I Kings 11:11)
Northern Kingdom of Israel - Dispersion by Assyria 720 BC; Babylonian Captivity 586-539 BC
Nineteen Kings who ruled JUDAH: 931-586 BC
Rehoboam ruled 17 years (I Kings 14:21) 931-913 BC
Abijam ruled 3 years (I Kings 15:2) 913-911 BC
Asa * ruled 41 years (I Kings 15:10) 911-870 BC
Jehoshaphat * ruled 25 years (I Kings 22:42) 873-848 BC
Jehoram ruled 8 years (2 Kings 8:17) 853-841 BC
Ahaziah ruled part of 1 year (2 Kings 8:25, 26) 841 BC
Note: Queen Athaliah 6yrs (2 Kings 11:3) 841-835 BC
Jehoash ruled 40 years (2 Kings 12:1) 835-796 BC
Amaziah ruled 29 years (2 Kings 14:2) 796-767 BC
Uzziah (also known as Azariah) ruled 52 yrs (2 Kings 15:2) 790-740BC
Jotham * ruled 16 years (2 Kings 15:33) 750-731 BC
Ahaz rules 16 years (2 Kings 16:2) 735-715 BC
Hezekiah * ruled 29 years (2 Kings 18:1, 2) 715-686 BC
+Sun dial backwards -15 minutes
Manasseh ruled 55 years (2 Kings 21:1) 695-642 BC
Amon ruled 2 years (2 Kings 21:19) 642-640 BC
Josiah * ruled 31 years (2 Kings 22:1) 640-609BC
Jehoahaz ruled 3 months (2 Kings 23:31) 609BC
Jehoiakim ruled 11 years (2 Kings 23:36) 609-597BC
Jehoiachin ruled 3 months (2 Kings 24:8) 597BC
Zedekiah ruled 11 years (2 Kings 24:18) 597-586BC
* - indicates a godly king
2 Kings 2:24
(Jehoshaphat / Jehoram)
Isaiah 740-681 BC
Jeremiah 626-586 BC
Ezekiel 592 BC
born 622 BC Ez 1:1
Jeremiah 36:27-31 - Jehoiakim - king of Judah
Jeremiah 36:27 Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah after the king had burned the
scroll and the words which Baruch had written at the dictation of Jeremiah, saying,
28 "Take again another scroll and write on it all the former words that were on the first
scroll which Jehoiakim the king of Judah burned.
29 And concerning Jehoiakim king of Judah you shall say, 'Thus says the Lord, "You have
burned this scroll, saying, ‘Why have you written on it that the king of Babylon will
certainly come and destroy this land, and will make man and beast to cease from it?'"
30 Therefore thus says the Lord concerning Jehoiakim king of Judah, “He shall have no
one to sit on the throne of David, and his dead body shall be cast out to the heat of
the day and the frost of the night. 31 I will also punish him and his descendants and his
servants for their iniquity, and I will bring on them and the inhabitants of Jerusalem
and the men of Judah all the calamity that I have declared to them—but they did not listen."'"
Nineteen Kings who ruled the Northern Kingdom of Israel: 931-722BC
Jeroboam ruled 22 years (I Kings 14:20) 931-910 BC
Nadab ruled 2 years (I Kings 15:25) 910-909 BC
Baasha ruled 24 years (I Kings 15:33) 909-886 BC
Elah ruled 2 years (I Kings 16:8) 886-885 BC
Zimri ruled 7 days (I Kings 16:15) 885 BC
Omri ruled 12 years (I Kings 16:23) 885-874 BC
Ahab ruled 22 years (I Kings 16:29) 874-853 BC
Ahaziah ruled 2 years (I Kings 22:51) 853-852 BC
Jehoram ruled 12 years (2 Kings 3:1) 852-841 BC
Jehu ruled 28 years (2 Kings 10:36) 841-814 BC
Jehoahaz rules 17 years (2 Kings 13:1) 814-798 BC
Jehoash ruled 16 years (2 Kings 13:10) 798-782 BC
Jeroboam (II) ruled 41 years (2 Kings 14:23) 793-753 BC
Zachariah ruled 6 months (2 Kings 15:8) 753-752 BC
Shallum ruled 1 month (2 Kings 15:13) 752 BC
Menahem ruled 10 years (2 Kings 15:17) 752-742 BC
Pekahiah ruled 2 years (2 Kings 15:23) 742-740 BC
Pekah ruled 20 years (2 Kings 15:27) 752-732 BC
Hoshea ruled 9 years (2 Kings 17:1) 732-722 BC