Key events in Six-Day War of 1967: - May: Egypt sends troops into Sinai Peninsula, removes U.N. peacekeepers there and closes Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping. Jordan joins Egypt-Syria alliance against Israel, while Iraq and other Arab states offer small military forces. Israel mobilizes reserves. - June 5: In dramatic strike that decides course of the war, Israeli warplanes destroy 400 aircraft of Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq, most of them sitting on tarmac. Three Israeli army divisions attack seven Egyptian divisions in Sinai Peninsula. Israel urges Jordan to stay out of fight, but Jordanian troops open fire along armistice line, and Israel counterattacks. - June 7: Israeli soldiers capture Jerusalem's Old City, including shrines sacred to Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and take control of entire West Bank. Jordan accepts cease-fire. - June 8: Israel completes capture of Sinai Peninsula; Egypt accepts cease-fire. - June 9: Israeli forces attack Syrian positions on strategic Golan Heights, from where Syrian artillery shelled Israeli farm villages before war's outbreak. - June 10: Israeli troops occupy Syrian town of Kuneitra, and Syria accepts cease-fire. War ends with Israeli casualties of 679 dead, 2,563 wounded; Arab toll of approximately 21,000 dead, 45,000 wounded. By The Associated Press