Sat Feb 23 19:52:26 2002 From: Stan Rozycki Coriolis. When one drains the water from the bathtub, it spins counter clock wise on the northern hemisphere and clockwise on the southern. The scientists blame that on Coriolis forces. I always had problems to believe in that. I did not have problems believing that the forces influence ocean currents, winds, tornadoes, rivers and other cases when media is moved across large distances. But how it can have any measurable effect on distances equal to the size of the drain hole in the bathtub? I could not believe that - till I saw it on my own eyes. The water did not spin on the equator, but spinned in the proper directions when the basin was moved from one or the other side of the equator. I was so impressed with the demonstration that I decided make the experiment myself. Anyway not everyday I am on the equator, especially in such place where the line of equator is marked with accuracy of 0,5 mm! My goal was to find out the sensitivity of this thing, how far from the equator I have to move the basin to make the water to spin. So I bought in a tailor supply store "cinta metrical", a measuring tape, prepared test cases and early in the morning, to avoid to many tourists, I went to the museum, where I spent several hours. The result I got are unbelievable! I found out that the minimum distance where water spins consistently is 22 cm, for both hemispheres. MINIMUM DISPLACEMENT 22 cm !!!!! EXPERIMENT: There was a basin on a stand with drain opening of diameter 45 mm, with a stopper. The water was drained to the bucket. Then after covering the opening with the stopper, I poured the water back to the basin and waited till it calms. There was 12 liters of water. I made 20 emptying for each of the following distances: RESULTS: 0 cm - never spinned, however 2 times was kind of oscillating in both directions. 15 cm - 3 times spinned, however once in "wrong" direction, caused probably by something else. 20 cm - 17 spinning, good direction, 3 straight 22 cm - all spinning, good direction. 25 cm - all spinning, good direction. ========================================== It took 22 sec to drain the basin. Due to the inertia, the water began to spin with a delay, which depended of the strengths of the Coriolis forces, which depended of the distance of the displacement from the equator. The delays were: 18 cm - 18 - 20 sec 20 cm - 15 - 18 sec 22 cm - 10 - 16 sec 25 cm - 05 - 08 sec So perhaps it would be 100% for 18 and 20 if I had longer drain time than 22 sec ( more water) I repeated the measurements for the northern hemisphere, however with much less cases. I could make the water to spin on the equator, if I initiated the spinning manually. So I got repeatable results. If one of you is going to Quito and wants to repeat the test, please go to Inti Ņan Museo. It is a private museum just behind the government obelisk. Inti Ņan means in Quechua road of the sun I had to stop the experiment several times, because they had the tourists and wanted to make the demonstration. One of the tourists was a retired civil engineer from North Carolina. He was as shocked with this as I, especially when I showed him mu results. We both agreed that we don`t understand how it works. ======================================= Another thing, which I don`t understand, is the egg. It is possible to stand an egg on its one end, when it is exactly on the equator. It is impossible otherwise. I don`t know why, but I saw the eggs being put on their ends end remaining in this position. ========================================= There is also 2 face sundial. The dials are vertical. Horizontal dials cannot be built between tropics. This face, which is on spring - summer side shows the time. the other is in shadow. ============================================== There is also a church built on the equator, which runs through the alley. Two rows of benches are on different hemispheres. The church is used wor weddings. ===== Stan Rozycki Home page: Need a Home Page? I can make it for you! Just contact me at: __________________________________________________