DaimlerChrysler timeline Jan. 12, 1998: While in Detroit for the auto show, Daimler-Benz AG Chairman Juergen Schrempp meets with Chrysler Corp. Chairman Robert Eaton and suggests a merger. In late January, Eaton calls Schrempp and suggests an early February meeting. Feb. 5: Chrysler board of directors briefed on meeting between Eaton and Schrempp. Feb. 12: Eaton and Gary Valade, Chrysler's chief financial officer, meet with Schrempp and Eckhard Cordes, Daimler-Benz management board member. Both sides believe industry consolidation is inevitable. Feb. 17-18: Cordes and Rudiger Grube, director of corporate strategy for Daimler-Benz, and advisers from Goldman Sachs meet with Valade, Thomas Capo, Chrysler treasurer, and William O'Brien, general counsel, and advisers from CS First Boston to discuss transaction structures. In meetings over the next two weeks, Chrysler says a deal must be tax-free to its shareholders and that management of new company must be a "merger of equals." Daimler-Benz says a deal has to be tax free and that the new entity must be a German corporation to enhance acceptance of shareholders. March 2: Schrempp and Cordes meet with Eaton and Valade in Lausanne, Switzerland. The discuss best way to create the merged company -- a new U.S. company, a company incorporated in the Netherlands, or newly organized German Aktiengesellschaft. A simple merger is not possible under German law. They choose Aktiengesellschaft because it is tax-free to both parties. March 5: Chrysler board updated on talks; Chrysler's and Daimler's legal and investment advisers meet in New York to discuss transaction structure. They meet again on March 17. March 6: Valade and Cordes meet to review progress of working teams. Valade asks for Daimler's thoughts on valuation of the company. March 19: Companies and their investment advisers meet to discuss valuation. March 23: Chrysler board updated on talks. March 26: Chrysler and Daimler officials meet at offices of CS First Boston to discuss progress. April 7: Chrysler and Daimler-Benz boards updated on talks. April 9: Schrempp and Eaton meet in London and agree to recommend merger to their boards. They discuss management structure of new company. April 16: Schrempp and Cordes meet with Hilmar Kopper, chairman of Daimler-Benz Supervisory Board, to discuss merger. April 19: Schrempp and Cordes give detailed presentation on merger to management board. April 21: Eaton and Valade meet with Schrempp, Cordes and Grube. They agree to try and complete work to announce the merger on May 7. May 3: Daimler management board unanimously approves combination agreement and transactions. May 5-6: Chrysler board reviews and approves combination agreement and transactions. May 6: Newspapers report Chrysler, Daimler considering merger; combination agreement signed late at night in London. May 7: Merger publicly announced. May 14: Daimler supervisory board approves merger. July 30-31: Chrysler and Daimler boards agree to amend combination agreement to give Daimler shareholders 1.005 shares of DaimlerChrysler AG if more than 90 percent approve the merger so it can be considered a pooling of interests under German law. Aug. 6: Chrysler merger proxy released. Sept. 18: Chrysler, Daimler shareholders to vote on merger.