Thu Jan 31, 2008 Dawn Simple Green GoJo Waterless hand cleaner Varsol Kerosene With the last two, you may need to clean up afterwards with Simple Green or Dawn... I have seen that Oxy Clean do some amazing things (at Carlisle one year, a demo person showed how he took grease, smeared it on a piece of carpet, used a brush filled with the foam from an Oxy clean competitor and brushed the carpet spotless...really amazing...If it works that well in real live, that would be...well...amazing! Ed web/gadget guru john <> wrote: my '89 Grand Wagoneer ended up with grease from the driveshaft on the fabric headliner and the back (carpet) of the passenger seat when it was towed home... the helpers put the driveshaft in through the back window and hit the headliner and the back of the seat... ...and that just cost me a sale... despite no carpet in the interior, they spotted the grease and backed out... not wanting to have to deal with that as well as installing carpeting... so, how do I get the grease off the fabric headliner and the carpet without replacing or seeking professional help? :) thanx, john