Vari-Lok Test
1.Park the vehicle on a level surface or raise vehicle on hoist so that the vehicle is level.
2.Remove the axle fill plug.
3.Verify that the axle fluid level is correct. The fluid level is correct if the fluid is level with the bottom of the fill hole.
4.Shift the transfer case into the 4WD full-time position.
5.Drive the vehicle in a tight circle for 2 minutes at 5mph to fully prime the pump.
1.Block the tires opposite the axle to be tested to prevent the vehicle from moving.
2.Shift the transfer case into the 4WD Low position and the transmission into the Park position.
3.Raise both the wheels of the axle to be tested off of the ground.
4.Rotate the left wheel by hand at a minimum of one revolution per second while an assistant rotates the right wheel in the opposite direction.
5.The left wheel should spin freely at first and then increase in resistance within 5 revolutions until the wheels cannot be continuously rotated in opposite directions.
6.The Vari-Lok differential has engaged properly if the wheels cannot be rotated in opposite directions for a moment. After the wheels stop rotating for a moment, the fluid pressure will drop in the differential and the wheels begin to rotate once again.
7.If the system does not operate properly, replace the Vari-Lok differential.
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