From Thu Sep 15 14:17:00 2011 From: xj-digest xj-digest Thursday, September 15 2011 Volume 01 : Number 3327 Forum for Discussion of XJ cherokees and wagoneers Brian Colucci Digest Coordinator Contents: xj: Special short term deal '82 Spirit $600 xj: when marketing goes too far... xj: OT: question on VW TDI automatics Re: xj: OT: question on VW TDI automatics Re: xj: OT: question on VW TDI automatics XJ Digest Home Page: Send submissions to Send administrative requests to To unsubscribe, include the word unsubscribe by itself in the body of the message, unless you are sending the request from a different address than the one that appears on the list. Include the word help in a message to xj-digest-request to get a list of other majordomo commands. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2011 13:09:02 -0700 From: Jim Blair Subject: xj: Special short term deal '82 Spirit $600 258, 998 auto (weak but drivable), ps/PB (no AC or pw/cruise), lifted in the rear with Eagle springs and axle (found out it had bad bearings after install and too low geared for highway cruising) It comes with an XJ 8.25 with 3.54 gears (bolts in except shock mounts) I found an O/D for my J10 so I don't have to remove the T18 to freeway cruise. I need $ as soon as possible. Car can stay at my place indefinitely as I have the room. I also will have space to change the axle and converter if it needs to drive a long ways. Let me know ASAP. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2011 13:27:40 -0700 (PDT) From: john Subject: xj: when marketing goes too far... found this in a information security update... (SANS digest - - received intensive UNIX security training from these folks) don't we have enough stress in our lives already... "punking" someone like this is nuts... people in general are not technically saavy enough to deal with the basics of email and the web let alone tossing some terrorizing scenario like this on them... although 10M bucks seems a bit extreme too... ;) john --Woman May Sue Toyota Over Scary Ad Campaign (September 9 & 12, 2011) A lawsuit filed by a woman who was unwittingly a target in a Toyota Matrix advertising campaign may proceed. Amber Duick filed the lawsuit in 2009 after she was targeted in an ad campaign designed to "punk" people. A friend signed her up without her knowledge, and she began receiving alarming emails from a stranger who appeared to have access to some of her personal information, including her home address. The advertising company behind the campaign went so far as to create social networking pages for the fictional characters used in the stunt. Toyota sought to have the case dismissed, claiming that Duick had clicked on an online terms-of-service agreement that allowed the company to send the emails and provided for arbitration as a means of resolving any disputes that arose. But a California appellate judge ruled that Duick was induced to click on the agreement under false pretenses, which made the provisions invalid. The court's ruling found that the defendants, which include Toyota, the advertising company responsible for the campaign and 50 associated individuals, "misrepresented and concealed (whether intentionally or not) the true nature of the conduct to which Duick was to be subjected." - -terribly-wrong-2011-9 [Editor's Comment (Northcutt): Sounds like Toyota has hired the think-outside-the-box team from Sony. Only thing missing is installing a root kit on Duick's computer to monitor her keystrokes. I hope the lawsuit is successful and it has many zeros attached to the judgment.] from: A woman who was targeted by Toyota in a creepy, stalker-themed online advertising stunt will be allowed to sue the company, despite the carmakerb^Ys argument that she unknowingly agreed to the whole thing. Amber Duick sued Toyota in 2009 over its intrusive b^\Your Other Youb^] campaign, after she began receiving frightening e-mails over a number of days from a strange man. The man, who had her home address, told her he was on the lam from the law and needed to crash at her place for a bit to hide out with his pit bull, Trigger. According to a court document (.pdf), b^\Sebastian Bowler,b^] who appeared to be a 25-year-old Englishman and soccer fanatic with a drinking problem (based on the MySpace page he sent Duick), told the plaintiff that he was on a cross-country road trip and would be at her house in a few days. After Bowler wrote that heb^Yd run into some trouble at a motel, Duick received an e-mail from someone purporting to be manager of the motel, who included a bill to Duick saying she was responsible for a TV Bowler had smashed. Duick freaked out over the e-mails before she received a message directing her to a video explaining sheb^Yd been punked by Toyota. The video explained that Bowler was a fictional character, and the whole thing had been an elaborate prank b^T part of an ad campaign for Toyotab^Ys Matrix car. Unknown to Duick, someone had signed her up for the campaign at, a web site set up for the prank. The campaign was aimed at 20-something males because the companyb^Ys advertising firm, Saatchi & Saatchi LA, determined that the demographic loves to punk their friends. Ads in print, online and on billboards drove traffic to the YourOtherYou web site where people could enter the name and details of someone they wanted to punk with the campaign. The person could choose one of five fictional characters b^S among them a heavy metal fanatic and a soccer hooligan b^T who would barrage the designated friend with text messages, phone calls, e-mails and videos for five days. The aim was to freak out the friend by making him or her think the stranger possessed personal information about the target b^T phone number, home address b^T and was on his way to visit. Saatchi & Saatchi made sure the deception was complete by going so far as to create online personas for the fictional characters, including a band web page for the heavy metal fanatic. The agency even recorded an album for the fictional characterb^Ys fictional band. b^\Even when you get several stages in, itb^Ys still looking pretty real,b^] Saatchi creative director Alex Flint said about the campaign in 2008. b^\I think even the most cynical, anti-advertising guy will appreciate the depth and length to which web^Yve gone.b^] Duick, however, didnb^Yt appreciate it. She sued Toyota and Saatchi & Saatchi and fifty individuals associated with the campaign for intentional infliction of emotional distress; unfair, unlawful, and deceptive trade practices; and negligent misrepresentation, among other things. Sheb^Ys seeking $10 million in compensatory damages. Toyota moved to dismiss the suit, insisting that an online terms-of-service agreement that Duick had clicked on authorized the company to send her the e-mails, and also included a provision that any disputes over the campaign would have to be handled through arbitration. Therefore the case, Toyota maintained, did not belong in court. But a California Appellate judge ruled last month that Toyota had enticed Duick to click on the agreement under false pretenses, thus invalidating the arbitration provision. According to the suit, after Duickb^Ys friend signed her up to participate in the campaign without her knowledge, she received an e-mail with a link to a web site where she was invited to have a personality evaluation. Duick clicked on the agreement, which made only cagey references to an b^\interactive experienceb^] and a b^\digital experience,b^] thinking she had signed up for a personality test. Later, she began receiving the disturbing e-mails from the strange soccer hooligan, b^\Bowler.b^] The court ruled that the ToS was void due to b^\fraud in the inception,b^] stating that the defendants b^\misrepresented and concealed (whether intentionally or not) the true nature of the conduct to which Duick was to be subjected.b^] ----- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -o|||||o- fahrvergnugen y'all Snohomish, Washington - where Jeeps and VWs don't rust, they mold HTTP://WAGONEERS.COM - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2011 13:53:22 -0700 (PDT) From: john Subject: xj: OT: question on VW TDI automatics since there isn't a specific list for TDIs, have a question that other listers might be able to answer. On our 2002 Jetta TDI sedan with the 01N automatic and ALH engine, the transmission has issues shifiting from 1-2 under heavy acceleration, not always, but some of the time. it's like it falls on its face when shifting... it lurches, and just drops... picks back up and goes on... hard to describe but it's quite unnerving when you plant your foot and head out into traffic... The transmission is under warranty by aamco and they're working with us, but their level of incompetence has wasted weeks of time and I'm ready to take it to Dave's Transmission in Lynnwood and have them fix it and pursue reimbursement from aamco, in the court system if necessary. Getting tired of incompetence... you pay a bloody fortune for labor and you get mediocrity at best... why is it that a shop will replace a radiator and ignore soft hoses??? Jim Startup's in Everett, WA is now on my don't go there list... charged me $14 for a gallon of antifreeze, sent my benz out with a leaking upper rad hose and bad clamp.. another shop looked at the antifreeze and said it was really some nasty old crap... but that's another gripe... anyway... the "techs" at aamco believe the problem is my Diesel TDI, that it's "torque" is causing the transmission to shift badly, or in their terms, "it's not the transmission, but the engine that stumbles". This is the same guy standing there telling me that my EGR valve was a throttle body... and that my vaccuum lines (cloth covered stock lines) were "cracked". Is there anything on a TDI that would cause the engine to stumble on shifting ONLY between first and second? (I think I already know the answer, but have to provide overwhelming proof of their incompetence, and ask also with the slight possibility that there may actually be something external to the transmission and on the TDI that could cause it to fall on its face in a shift... Throttle Position? - but wouldn't it affect EVERY shift?) Is there anything in the vaccum connections that control shifting? - I have seen this to be an issue in Mercedes... and I know if the vacuum lines aren't right on a TDI that the turbo wont' work correctly as well... I know that the TDI will spit up codes if anything isn't right on the engine... any sensor or indicator unplugged spits up codes pronto. I can't think of a thing that could cause this condition... but I want to ask the collective before proceeding. I am not (yet) a TDI expert, but quickly heading that way... :) thanx all for your wisdom and advice.... john ----- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -o|||||o- fahrvergnugen y'all Snohomish, Washington - where Jeeps and VWs don't rust, they mold HTTP://WAGONEERS.COM - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2011 14:10:46 -0700 (PDT) From: Ed Kummel Subject: Re: xj: OT: question on VW TDI automatics This sounds exactly the same thing that happens to my wife's '96 JGC. Under hard acceleration, the shift from 1st to 2nd will rev, then drop then shift into 2nd. It's like it hiccups. It goes to shift into 2nd, but instead of grabbing 2nd gear, it goes back into 1st, then it shifts into 2nd... I was thinking that it may be a band issue not grabbing properly, or it may be a transmission pump not pumping enough to tighten the band enough. But basically, we just live with doesn't happen often enough to make it a major issue. Ed web/gadget guru - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Oh Yeah...That's the stuff!" Stewie Griffin, Family Guy ________________________________ From: john To: Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 4:53 PM Subject: xj: OT: question on VW TDI automatics since there isn't a specific list for TDIs, have a question that other listers might be able to answer. On our 2002 Jetta TDI sedan with the 01N automatic and ALH engine, the transmission has issues shifiting from 1-2 under heavy acceleration, not always, but some of the time. it's like it falls on its face when shifting... it lurches, and just drops... picks back up and goes on... hard to describe but it's quite unnerving when you plant your foot and head out into traffic... The transmission is under warranty by aamco and they're working with us, but their level of incompetence has wasted weeks of time and I'm ready to take it to Dave's Transmission in Lynnwood and have them fix it and pursue reimbursement from aamco, in the court system if necessary. Getting tired of incompetence... you pay a bloody fortune for labor and you get mediocrity at best... why is it that a shop will replace a radiator and ignore soft hoses??? Jim Startup's in Everett, WA is now on my don't go there list... charged me $14 for a gallon of antifreeze, sent my benz out with a leaking upper rad hose and bad clamp.. another shop looked at the antifreeze and said it was really some nasty old crap... but that's another gripe... anyway... the "techs" at aamco believe the problem is my Diesel TDI, that it's "torque" is causing the transmission to shift badly, or in their terms, "it's not the transmission, but the engine that stumbles". This is the same guy standing there telling me that my EGR valve was a throttle body... and that my vaccuum lines (cloth covered stock lines) were "cracked". Is there anything on a TDI that would cause the engine to stumble on shifting ONLY between first and second? (I think I already know the answer, but have to provide overwhelming proof of their incompetence, and ask also with the slight possibility that there may actually be something external to the transmission and on the TDI that could cause it to fall on its face in a shift... Throttle Position? - but wouldn't it affect EVERY shift?) Is there anything in the vaccum connections that control shifting? - I have seen this to be an issue in Mercedes... and I know if the vacuum lines aren't right on a TDI that the turbo wont' work correctly as well... I know that the TDI will spit up codes if anything isn't right on the engine... any sensor or indicator unplugged spits up codes pronto. I can't think of a thing that could cause this condition... but I want to ask the collective before proceeding. I am not (yet) a TDI expert, but quickly heading that way... :) thanx all for your wisdom and advice.... john ----- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -o|||||o- fahrvergnugen y'all Snohomish, Washington - where Jeeps and VWs don't rust, they mold HTTP://WAGONEERS.COM - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2011 14:17:28 -0700 (PDT) From: john Subject: Re: xj: OT: question on VW TDI automatics if it's electronically controlled, which I think it is... that's a 42RE in the '96 ZJ, it would likely be a bad solenoid or valve... same thing I suspect with this TDI... a bad 1-2 solenoid. anyone have any tech info on the VW 01N trans? john ----- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -o|||||o- fahrvergnugen y'all Snohomish, Washington - where Jeeps and VWs don't rust, they mold HTTP://WAGONEERS.COM - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On Thu, 15 Sep 2011, Ed Kummel wrote: # This sounds exactly the same thing that happens to my wife's '96 JGC. # Under # hard acceleration, the shift from 1st to 2nd will rev, then drop then shift # into 2nd. It's like it hiccups. It goes to shift into 2nd, but instead of # grabbing 2nd gear, it goes back into 1st, then it shifts into 2nd... # I was # thinking that it may be a band issue not grabbing properly, or it may be a # transmission pump not pumping enough to tighten the band enough. # But # basically, we just live with doesn't happen often enough to make it a # major issue. # Ed # web/gadget guru # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # "Oh # Yeah...That's the stuff!" # Stewie Griffin, Family Guy # ________________________________ # From: john # To: # Sent: # Thursday, September 15, 2011 4:53 PM # Subject: xj: OT: question on VW TDI # automatics # # since there isn't a specific list for TDIs, have a question that # other listers might be able to answer. # # On our 2002 Jetta TDI sedan with the # 01N automatic and ALH engine, the transmission has issues shifiting from 1-2 # under # heavy acceleration, not always, but some of the time. it's like it # falls on its face when shifting... it lurches, and # just drops... picks back up # and goes on... hard to describe but it's quite unnerving when you plant your # foot and head out # into traffic... # # The transmission is under warranty by aamco # and they're working with us, but their level of incompetence has wasted weeks # of time and I'm ready to take it to Dave's Transmission in Lynnwood and have # them fix it and pursue reimbursement from aamco, in the court system if # necessary. Getting tired of incompetence... you pay a bloody fortune for # labor and you get # mediocrity at best... why is it that a shop will replace a # radiator and ignore soft hoses??? Jim Startup's in Everett, WA # is now on my # don't go there list... charged me $14 for a gallon of antifreeze, sent my benz # out with a leaking upper rad # hose and bad clamp.. another shop looked at the # antifreeze and said it was really some nasty old crap... but that's another # gripe... # # # # # anyway... the "techs" at aamco believe the problem is my Diesel # TDI, that it's "torque" is causing the transmission to # shift badly, or in # their terms, "it's not the transmission, but the engine that stumbles". # This is the same guy standing # there telling me that my EGR valve was a # throttle body... and that my vaccuum lines (cloth covered stock lines) were # "cracked". # # # Is there anything on a TDI that would cause the engine to stumble # on shifting ONLY between first and second? (I think I already know the answer, # but have to provide overwhelming proof of their incompetence, and ask also # with the slight possibility that # there may actually be something external to # the transmission and on the TDI that could cause it to fall on its face in a # shift... # Throttle Position? - but wouldn't it affect EVERY shift?) # # Is there # anything in the vaccum connections that control shifting? - I have seen this # to be an issue in Mercedes... and I know if # the vacuum lines aren't right on a # TDI that the turbo wont' work correctly as well... # # # # I know that the TDI will # spit up codes if anything isn't right on the engine... any sensor or indicator # unplugged spits up codes pronto. # # I can't think of a thing that could cause # this condition... but I want to ask the collective before proceeding. I am # not (yet) a TDI # expert, but quickly heading that way... :) # # # thanx all for # your wisdom and advice.... # # john # # # # ----- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # -o|||||o- fahrvergnugen y'all # Snohomish, Washington - where Jeeps # and VWs don't rust, they mold # # # # HTTP://WAGONEERS.COM # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------ End of xj-digest V1 #3327 *************************