From Sun Jan 1 18:36:00 2012 From: xj-digest To: Date: Mon, 02 Jan 2012 02:35:55 +0000 Subject: xj-digest V1 #3343 xj-digest Monday, January 2 2012 Volume 01 : Number 3343 Forum for Discussion of XJ cherokees and wagoneers Brian Colucci Digest Coordinator Contents: xj: road trip - italian food xj: Re: Chrysler trying to shut down AMC reproduction parts makers xj: current Diesel offerings? shopping for a friend. xj: Re: Chrysler trying to shut down AMC reproduction parts makers xj: administrivia: notes on using this list xj: 1985 Jeep Cherokee Pioneer - DIESEL (fwd) XJ Digest Home Page: Send submissions to Send administrative requests to To unsubscribe, include the word unsubscribe by itself in the body of the message, unless you are sending the request from a different address than the one that appears on the list. Include the word help in a message to xj-digest-request to get a list of other majordomo commands. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 00:58:29 -0800 (PST) From: john Subject: xj: road trip - italian food The Italian dinner adventure... across the sound to Port Townsend... drove almost 200 miles to go about 35. (but only used about 1/4 tank of Diesel...) Ya gotta love the Puget Sound, you simply can't get from here to there... :) saw jeeps and mercedes there... and deer in town... food was good, my wife loved the tiramisu... john ----- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -o|||||o- fahrvergnugen y'all Snohomish, Washington - where Jeeps and VWs don't rust, they mold TRSTGZS HTTP://WAGONEERS.COM - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 12:53:37 -0800 From: Jim Blair Subject: xj: Re: Chrysler trying to shut down AMC reproduction parts makers I forgot the other link that explained what has been going on. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 15:27:14 -0800 (PST) From: john Subject: xj: current Diesel offerings? shopping for a friend. have a friend who is serious about buying a new Diesel vehicle, prefers a wagon so he can carry a dog in the back... we talked about the Jetta Sportwagon and the Passat TDIs... He looked for a Passat TDI, talked to one dealer who said they weren't getting any, but I'm not convinced... We talked about the Toureg as well... his brother had one with the V10, and of course there were a number of issues with that one... like way too much torque... horrible economy, etc.... I think the current offerings are more in line with what will be a good thing... I'm also thinking an ML Diesel wouldn't be a bad thing for him either... not sure what Diesel offerings MB has, or if Jeep has one... ...figured that I'd check the collective to see what's currently out there and if there are any to be avoided. I'd hope there were timing chain versions out there, but an 80-100k timing belt isn't going to be a big deal either... I think Audi, VW, Mercedes and maybe Jeep have an offering... He doesn't want a pickup, he's most interested in a Wagon... I don't think he's concerned as much about costs as most of us... this is the friend that had the brand new Range Rover a few years back... he's seen my success with Diesels and Mercedes and VWs and Jeeps and contacted me to make a good selection... He called me yesterday asking for an assist... love shopping for friends like this... :) so, thanx all for the input, links, caveats and ideas... and hoping also that he gets one with all the options I want so in four to five years when he's ready to get a new one I can get it from him knowing it'll be well cared for. :) happy new year y'all. thanx, john ----- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -o|||||o- fahrvergnugen y'all Snohomish, Washington - where Jeeps and VWs don't rust, they mold TRSTGZS HTTP://WAGONEERS.COM - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 19:41:50 -0800 From: Jim Blair Subject: xj: Re: Chrysler trying to shut down AMC reproduction parts makers Probably won't be up there long. I asked why they were attacking the reproduction parts makers when they didn't even own the AMC trademark!!/dodge?sk=wall ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 01 Jan 2012 07:05:01 +0000 From: Richard Welty Subject: xj: administrivia: notes on using this list Digest.Net mailing list "Meta FAQ" These general notes on using Digest.Net mailing lists are posted on the 1st and 15th of each month. This file may be found on the web at [last revised 5/1/02; removed list of spam strings, as i'm not the only one filtering on them -- rpw] Additional information on Digest.Net's spam policies may be found at and Table of Contents 1. Why don't my postings go through? 2. Why can't I unsubscribe? 3. How do I post to the list? 4. Where are the archives? 5. What other lists are on 6. Is there a web subscription form? 7. Why not move the lists to someplace like (egroups, topica,...)? 8. How do I contact the server adminstrator in an emergency? 9. What is Krusty Motorsports, anyway? The Meta-FAQ 1. Why don't my postings go through? There are several things that may interfere with postings making it to the list. a) Are you a member? Some read the ftp archives rather than receiving the list in email. Persons who read the list via email are automatically members, but readers of the FTP archive are not, and need to contact me ( and get your name added to the list of "permitted senders". b) has your email address changed? some of you have had changes in your email address. your old address still works, and is still on the list, but your From: line shows a new address. this can happen for various reasons; you may have changed jobs or ISPs, and left a forward in place, or your IT staff may have fiddled with the email system. you will need to unsubscribe your old email address and subscribe the new one. this may require my involvement, if you can't figure out a way to get your old address off the list using the conventional majordomo commands. you can use the majordomo "which" command to probe for old addresses. send a message to with one or more which commands in the body, one per line. to check for potential addresses for Fred Flinstone, formerly of, the following commands can be sent: which flintstone which bedrock note that the matches above might return any of the following addresses, if they appear in the list (in other words, you can use vagueness and incompleteness in your recollection as a tool): c) do you have more than one email address? if so, only the subscribed addresses can post, unless you contact me (see 1.a) above for relevant information) d) are you using (intentionally or accidentially) special "features" of your mail client? [this section is no longer operative, as the demime software now strips html, attachments, rich text format, etc. from postings automatically.] e) are your posts too large? there is a 10,000 character limit on posting sizes; this is done for various reasons. you can always split up large postings to get mail through. f) are you including majordomo commands at the start of your message? administrivia control is turned on; this is a trap for things like "unsubscribe" at the start of a message. try to avoid obvious majordomo commands in the subject and the first 10 lines, or misspell them in obvious ways (e.g. unzubscribe, 1ndex, h3lp, g3t, etc.) g) are you triggering spam traps? some things are red flags; for example, many phrases found commonly in spam are automatically blocked. h) are you using "funky" character sets? [7 bit restriction lifted experimentally on 8/2/00 -- film at 11] unfortunately, there are "issues" if i permit any character set other than old fashioned 7 level ASCII; therefore, you need to avoid national character sets that include various accents, umlauts, national currency characters such as the British pound symbol, etc. i) are you unintentionally including complete digests in your reply? You need to check and make sure you cut down replys to the minimal size; digests are between 20,000 and 25,000 characters in length, and if you include a complete digest in your reply, it clearly won't make the 10,000 character limit. By the way, this feature is intentional. j) Are you using a "bad" ISP or mail relay? See for more information about Digest.Net policies about email. k) Is the error message you get back "User Unknown"? If so, you may be running afoul of spam control severices (again, see When these services register a hit, the error code 550 is returned. 550 is a generic code that many broken mail systems report as "user unknown". The "rejectlog" entries for the previous day's mail traffic on may be viewed at Some of you may find it useful or instructive to use the telnet program to connect directly to port 25 on and see what kind of reply you get; this requires some technical knowledge and is not for everyone (you can get out of this at anytime after the initial banner simply by typing quit and hitting enter.) l) Is SMTP over TLS involved? This is a bit esoteric, but as of 8/8/01 the mail server will attempt to use "TLS" (Transport Layer Security) for outbound mail if the destination mail server offers it. SMTP over TLS is fairly new technology, and a bit buggy. I am monitoring the logs on the server, and when I see TLS related problems, I manually place the problem destinations on a special exception list; however, this may delay email to the destination host until I make the exception. 2. Why can't I unsubscribe? a) are you using the right address? send to, and the command format is unsubscribe list-name my-email-address b) has your email address changed? majordomo has no way of knowing that was once you can check this with the which command (see 1.b) above for details) 3. How do I post to the list? You may use either one of two addresses: for example, the bmw-digest may be reached using either or If you are using the correct addresses and your posts don't show up, check out the stuff in 1. above. 4. Where are the archives? see for digest archives. the web archives have proven problematic, and are awaiting time for a systematic attack on the problems they've been having. 5. What other lists are on see for more information. 6. Is there a web subscription form? Yes, recently added. go to 7. Why not move the lists to someplace like (egroups, topica,...)? The Krusty Motorsports server (aka, was explicitly to provide for efficient management of the various automotive mailing lists, done the way that the owner of the server wanted it done. Any migration off of the server (which is already bought, paid for, and configured) would create any number of issues. 8. How do i contact the Server Administrator in an emergency? If my regular email address ( isn't working for you, you can fall back on 9. What is Krusty Motorsports, anyway? Krusty Motorsports (http:/ is a business which is owned and operated by Richard Welty ( Krusty is an S-Corporation in the State of New York. Krusty provides a number of Internet related services, such as mailing list, web sites, pop3/telnet accounts, and consulting on internet related issues. For more information, see the web site. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2012 18:35:35 -0800 (PST) From: john Subject: xj: 1985 Jeep Cherokee Pioneer - DIESEL (fwd) look what I found... :) this doesn't look too bad, other than the hideous interior color, faded clear coat and a few minor obvious issues... steering column, wrong tach... otherwise the engine looks and sounds good... those black wheels just don't work for me on any vehicle, well, on some, light colored vehicles they're ok, like my old cj-10a, but this just ruins this rig... price is quite good, until you consider that if this engine needs parts, which it will, you'll spend a lot of money... the engine is french, renault... o-rings, not gaskets... paris rhone vacuum pump/electrics typically, sometimes bosch... timing belt every 40k the 5 speed is feeble on these things as is the hydraulic clutch... I think I'd do the TDI conversion into a newer Cherokee before I'd get another one of these things... although that 26 mpg in town and low end crawling torque in low range was nice... and 32mpg on the interstate was also nice... the engine / trans are just not worth transplanting though... there, I think I've talked myself out of it... :) john ----- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -o|||||o- fahrvergnugen y'all Snohomish, Washington - where Jeeps and VWs don't rust, they mold TRSTGZS HTTP://WAGONEERS.COM - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ End of xj-digest V1 #3343 *************************