Sat Jul 27 16:04:00 2002
From: Mike Cummings 


I've very successfully swapped in the entire driveline from a 
J-20 into a Cherokee, with minor mods to the frame.  
(I only had to fab up motor mounts and take 1/4" off of 
each exhaust manifold to make the beast fit.)  For cooling, 
I simply installed twin 12" cooling fans on a stock 3 row standard 
transmission radiator from a '92 XJ (my truck is an '88)  The x-fer 
case is a 205 from a ford F-250, but everything else is Jeep, including 
the wrangler front springs (+2.5" lift from RE) It's a real power-house, 
but really lacks pick-up.  The T-18 isn't a real gear-jammer, but if I 
had a little extra weight, I could tow a Caterpiller D-9 up a hill! ;)

I can't seem to post this on the list, but if you would forward this to 
anyone who's interested, I'd be happy to answer questions.


(The pic of the enginebay was just after everything was bolted up.  
The install is much cleaner now...)

  [Part 2, "enginebay.jpg"  Image/JPEG  160KB]
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  [Part 3, "flexatAES.jpg"  Image/JPEG  158KB]
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