Welcome to the FULL SIZE JEEP pages on johnmeister.com/jeep/sj

  FSJ's are Jeep Cherokees and Jeep Wagoneers made from 1962 to 1992.  
They include Grand Wagoneers, Gladiators, J10's through J4000's and any other J-series trucks.

You think you want a Full Size Jeep?

1) are you a mechanic? 2) are you married to a mechanic? 3) are you related to a mechanic? 4) are you independently wealthy and know a good mechanic? If you can't answer yes to any of the above, this may not be the best choice in vehicles for you. :)
====================================================================================== For Full Size Jeep help see: http://johnmeister.com/jeep/sj/FSJ http://johnmeister.com/jeep/sj/FSJ/tech - technical information http://johnmeister.com/jeep/sj/FSJ/rigs - pictures of FSJ's http://johnmeister.com/jeep/sj/FSJ/digests - list digests To subscribe to the FSJ list on digest.net: ----------------------------------------------- EMAIL to: majordomo@digest.net, (no subject needed), in the body: subscribe fsj end You will need to reply to an authentication message. Add a "-digest" to the fsj to subscribe in the digest mode. Please do not send HTML, special characters, images, SPAM, attachments or stylized text to the lists. The "FOUR" List Rules: 1) NO flames. 2) NO foul language. 3) keep it Family oriented. 4) keep the subject list oriented. to post, email: fsj@digest.net to unsubscribe, email majordomo@digest.net in the body: unsubscribe fsj (your email) end ---------------------------------------------------- There are other FSJ lists and there are lists with more localized information, the Colorado FSJ group is one such group, and they've taken on the responsibility of coordinating an event for the 40th Anniversary of the SJ model in Ouray, Colorado, see: http://www.cfsja.org/2002/ August 15 - 17, 2002 I hope to have my book on Full Size Jeeps in print by then. In the meantime I have FSJ stickers available on line (and through paypal) at: http://johnmeister.com/jeep/sj/FSJ/decal.html and we even have a magazine dedicated to FSJ's! http://www.fsjmagazine.com/ ====================================================================================== john@johnmeister.com/jeep/sj http://johnmeister.com/jeep/sj remember, leaving life with out Jesus isn't recommended... =====================================================================================

some links to other Jeep sites

www.fsjmagazine.com FSJ magazine www.wagoneer.net JC's Road Warrior
www.grandjohnmeister.com/jeep/sj www.wagonmasters.com

To the Full Size Jeep pages

some internet history

  1. John Meister and Mike Lacher meet on rec.autos.4x4 circa spring 1995
  2. Mike Lacher posts "Wagoneer Owners UNITE" on rec.autos.4x4 circa 1995
  3. Mike and John meet up with SuperKen, Michael Baxter and so on June 1995
  4. FSJ charter members assemble Fall 1995, emails via "cc"
  5. http://johnmeister.com/jeep/sj/FSJ/FSJ-charter.html
  6. http://johnmeister.com/jeep/sj/FSJ/fullsize.html
  7. late 1995 Zynet.com offers list service and webspace
  8. late 1995 john starts HTML home page on compuserve.com
  9. Zynet disappears, spring 1996, resort to "cc" emails via john's eudora
  10. Tehabi.com offers list service
  11. John takes on role at Off-road.com Jan 97 as FSJ editor, moves FSJ list in Aug 97
  12. John quits ORC in Nov 97, banned from FSJ list by list server owner
  13. John forms new list on digest.net and lives happily ever after
  14. http://johnmeister.com/jeep/sj/FSJ/FSJ-list.html

the all new FSJ magazine is now in print

I've been writing technical articles for the new FSJ magazine. Details at: http://www.fsjmagazine.com/

support this website: buy the decal

Old Blue john's former 81 Wagoneer does 673 on the RTI!, click to see more Full Size Jeeps!
SuperDawg - john's '83 J10 JEEPS john's '87 XJ  
  SJ Full Size Jeeps - - XJ Cherokees - - WJ Grand Cherokees
john started the FSJ and XJ lists and maintains copies of the digests on this server: - - subscribe FSJ - - subscribe XJ list

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Mercedes Diesels
non S/X/W type Jeeps
live by faith
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SJ 1962-1992
WJ 1999-2005
XJ 1985-2003

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Mark's 82 300D
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'91 Mercedes Benz Diesel

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  the KJV Bible chapters in order in plain text 

King James Version: The words and the number of times a letter is used: