copyright © 1996-2000 john meister - available 2 for $6

The "FOUR" FSJ-List Rules: 1) NO flames 2) NO foul language 3) keep it Family oriented 4) keep it mostly FSJ

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Return-Path: To: From: Subject: Welcome to fsj-digest Reply-To: Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 22:23:00 -0500 -- Welcome to the fsj-digest mailing list! Please save this message for future reference. Thank you. If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list, you can send mail to with the following command in the body of your email message: unsubscribe fsj-digest or from another account, besides unsubscribe fsj-digest If you ever need to get in contact with the owner of the list, (if you have trouble unsubscribing, or have questions about the list itself) send email to . This is the general rule for most mailing lists when you need to contact a human. Here's the general information for the list you've subscribed to, in case you don't already have it: you're on the Full Size SJ Jeep digest. send administrative requests to the body of the message should contain one of help subscribe fsj-digest unsubscribe fsj-digest or one of the other standard majordomo messages. send general mailings to There is a non digest version of the list. To switch, send a note to containing the following two commands: subscribe fsj unsubscribe fsj-digest


Archives of the fsj digest are kept by majordomo. Back issues may be obtained using the majordomo index and get commands; see the majordomo help files for more information. The FSJ-Digest has a home page at ------------------------------------------------------- If you have a FULL-SIZE JEEP, you understand why we're here... if you don't, well... you'll never understand... It's an FSJ thing...
John Meister : Snohomish WA USA : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 83 JEEP J10 Stepside (SJ) 258 (4.2L), T-5, NP208, Michelin, AMSOIL, leather seats, roll bar, 3.31's, brushguard, Jacobs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 88 jeep wagoneer ltd (xj) "the little wagoneer" 4.0 liter, leather, 4.10's detroit locker rear, true trac front, np242, cd, 4spd at, BFG 30x9.5's, Old Man Emu 2" lift, high flow cat, Flowmaster, all AMSOIL filters and synthetic lubricants, 18-20 mpg... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ former Editor - FULL-SIZE JEEPS - Jan 97 - Nov 97 CHEROKEE AMERICA - Jun 97 - Nov 97 --------------------------------------------------------------- ... sold in 1998 ... 81 JEEP WAGONEER LTD (SJ) "OLD BLUE" RTI=673 LEATHER, MOONROOF, 360, AMSOIL, 727, 2.72, NP219, RANCHO 2", Michelin LTX 235's, AMSOIL Two Stage Air Filter, 10-14MPG... ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • FSJ Charter page
  • to John's JEEP page

         FSJ information
    This list is for the discussion of Full-size Jeeps (FSJ)  
    An "FSJ" is any vehicle produced in North America, carrying the "Jeep"
    nameplate, with 2 or 4drs, in 2 or 4wd, whose wheelbase does not exceed
    132", nor is less than 108", and whose tread width is no more than 63" 
    nor less than 57". 
    This definition is known to include the following models:
                           Wagoneer: 1963-1983
      Gladiator and J-series pickup: 1963-1987
                           Cherokee: 1974-1983
                     Grand Wagoneer: 1984-1991
    FSJ readers are NOT a splinter group. It is our intent that 
    the FSJ mailing list supplement other Jeep and 4x4 internet
    resources and not replace or detract from them. 
    Other resources beyond/beside FSJ-List: 
      Mailing list: offroad
      Mailing list: JEEP-L
    The folks that started this thing all off were referred to as the Charter
    Members, here is the list of those folks in order by year of their vehicles...:
    VEHICLE, NAME, STATE, E-MAIL  (sorted by Vehicle age...)
    67 Super Wagoneer, Ken Wetherall, California  (met in 1998)
    68 Wagoneer, David Klingenberg, Idaho  (met in 1997)
    74 Wagoneer, Rolf Aalto, Washington (almost neighbors, still haven't met...)
    75 J-10, Hunter Hasbrouck, Alaska
    76 Wagoneer, Ron Strouss, Washington  (met in 1997)
    77 Chief, Russ Campbell, Oregon
    79 Cherokee, Michael Baxter, Nevada  (met in 1999)
    79 Cherokee, Ed Pedersen, Vancouver, B.C. (met in 1997)
    79 J-10, Rich Holley, Nebraska
    79 Wagoneer, Mike Lacher, N. Dakota (posted "wagoneer owners unite")
    81 Wagoneer Ltd, John Meister, Washington (worked with Mike Lacher to start FSJ list)
    82 Wagoneer, Steve Nordby, Mass.
    84 Wagoneer, Allen Lundgren, Texas
    Have met many others from the FSJ list(s) over the years:  
    Tom Anhalt (Chero), Walt Greenwood (J4000), Joe Hughes (Wag), RJ Baynum (Wag/J10 Honcho), 
    JC Jones (Wag, J10), Karl Kuehn (Wag/Chero), Greg Loxtercamp (Wag), Brad Seevers (Wag), 
    Mark Wallace (Wag), Dennis Fariello (J10), Chris  Westenskow (J10), Whit Hickman (J20), 
    Allan Weidenheimer (Wag), Wes Molsberry (Chero), Tom Collins (Wag), Dan (Wag), 
    Fred (aka Superwrench) (wag/chero), Ben Williams (Wag), Bryan Nyse (Wag)...
    and of course the 200 or so at Ouray in 2002!!!!
    and a few others...  apologizes if I forgot your name, or misspelled it....
    I know there are more...  :)
    Historical time line:
       1. John Meister and Mike Lacher meet on circa spring 1995
       2. Mike Lacher posts "Wagoneer Owners UNITE" on circa 1995
       3. Mike and John meet up with SuperKen, Michael Baxter and so on June 1995
       4. FSJ charter members assemble Fall 1995, emails via "cc"
       7. late 1995 offers list service and webspace
       8. late 1995 john starts HTML home page on
       9. Zynet disappears, spring 1996, resort to "cc" emails via john's eudora
      10. offers list service
      11. John takes on role at Jan 97 as FSJ editor, moves FSJ list in Aug 97
      12. John quits ORC in Nov 97, banned from FSJ list by list server owner
      13. John forms new list on and lives happily ever after
    John Meister : john at wagoneers . com 
    Snohomish WA USA  :
    When the FSJ list started...
    360, AMSOIL, 727, 2.72, NP219, RANCHO 2", 10-14MPG, Michelin XLT 235's
       sold in June 1998, replaced with:
       several other FSJs and Jeeps, see 
    88 jeep wagoneer ltd (xj)  "the little wagoneer"  4.0 liter, leather,
    4.10's, trac-lok rear, truetrac, np242, at, BFG 30x9.5, OME, decent mpg...

    You think you want a Full Size Jeep?

    1) are you a mechanic? 2) are you married to a mechanic? 3) are you related to a mechanic? 4) are you independently wealthy and know a good mechanic? If you can't answer yes to any of the above, this may not be the best choice in vehicles for you. :)

    support this website: buy the decal

    Old Blue john's former 81 Wagoneer does 673 on the RTI!, click to see more Full Size Jeeps!
    SuperDawg - john's '83 J10 JEEPS john's '87 XJ  
      SJ Full Size Jeeps - - XJ Cherokees - - WJ Grand Cherokees
    john started the FSJ and XJ lists and maintains copies of the digests on this server: - - subscribe FSJ - - subscribe XJ list

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      the KJV Bible chapters in order in plain text 

    King James Version: The words and the number of times a letter is used:
    A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  

    KJV Bible files and info, download plain text version free

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    It is about FREEDOM!
    ...remember, it's Freedom OF religion,
    NOT freedom FROM religion...

    Let's make one thing perfectly clear:  Jesus Christ is Lord.
      One Lord, one faith, one hope, one way to God, one salvation.
    Acts 4:12 "And there is salvation in no one else; 
    	for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved." 
    Romans 10:9-10 says it all concerning how you will be saved:
    	1) confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and
    	2) believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead.
    Nothing more, nothing less.    Believe, confess, you're in.  Sealed for eternity by the BLOOD of the LAMB!
    	Verse 10 explains that with the heart a person believes - resulting in righteousness,
    	and with the mouth confess Jesus as Lord, resulting in Salvation!
    That's it.  
    Galatians 5:3 says that we through the Spirit, by faith, are waiting for the hope of righteousness.
    Ephesians 1:13 says: ...after listening to the message of truth,
    	the gospel of your salvation-having also believed, you were sealed in Him
    	with the Holy Spirit of promise.
    Ephesians 2:8 -  It's by grace through Faith, NOT of ourselves... it's a GIFT!!!  No actions or works... 
    8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 
    9 not as a result of works, that no one should boast. 
    Romans 5:8-9  - while we were yet sinners... we are justified by His blood, SAVED from wrath...
    8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 
    9 Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him. 
    So, let me make one more thing perfectly clear.
       You don't need to be baptized to be saved.
    	You don't need to do good works to be saved.
    	    You don't need to go to church or the mission field to be saved.
    But if you love Him who first Loved us, you'll do those things!  Those things are expected of
        those that love the Lord.  But those things do not save us, redeem us or make us righteous.
      Our works should be there, the book of James points out that faith without works is dead.
    But please don't spread a false gospel and tell me or others that if they aren't baptized or
    	if they don't speak in tongues, or don't do works that they won't be saved... because
    	that is minimizing the amazing grace of our Lord and the blood of His precious Son!
    And if you think you can lose your salvation, please see Ephesians 1:13 and 4:30 again, and
       then ask, "what part of sealed unto the day of redemption" don't you understand?    Examine
      Romans 8 and see what can separate us from the love of God...  nothing...  Once saved, always saved.
      Now live like it... don't bring shame upon the name of Jesus Christ.  We're sinners and we're
      going to sin, see I John 1:9... 
    Remember to Walk in the Spirit (see Galatians 5:13-26, Ephesians 5:15-32 and I Thessalonians 5:14-24).
    It's a spiritual battle... prepare yourself, see Ephesians 6:10-18...
    It's not about hate.  Hate is not a part of the Gospel of Christ, nor
    His ministry.  We are to reach out in love to the blind and lost of this
    world... to share with them the Gospel of Jesus Christ...  He came, He
    lived, He died in our place for our sins... and rose from the dead.  
    Christianity is different... there is an empty tomb.  
    Christ rose from the dead.  He is God. 
    We are to love people; but hate sin and the powers of darkness.  Telling someone
    that what they are doing is wrong according to the Word of God is not hate.
    No more than telling someone not to stick their hand in boiling water.   We share
    because we care.  We warn because it's serious... it's forever, eternal.  
    God's Word is reliable and to be trusted.  It's stood the test of time and
    critics.  Examine it yourself. 
    Our responsibility is to warn and share; it's not our job to convert or force anyone.
    Of course this is all by faith.  Show me your faith, and I'll show you mine.  And I'll 
    ask, "What can your faith do for me?"  And I can tell you what faith in Christ will
    do for you.  Peace, now and forever.  Forgiveness of sins.  
    Fellowship with God and His saints.  Freedom from sin and guilt.  
    Freedom to love others.   Freedom to live my life and know
    that I'll be with Christ forever.  Freedom to warn others and do my best to
    explain what I've found in the Word of God.  But also freedom to understand that
    it's their choice...  and knowing that in the end that:
    Revelation 21:4
          And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no
          more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more
          pain: for the former things are passed away.
    The just shall live by Faith!
      The just shall live by Faith...
    	Der Gerechte wird aus Glauben leben...
    		Mas El Justo vivira Por Fe...
    			Le Juste vivra par la foi...
     Habakkuk 2:4b, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, Hebrews 10:38
      Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, 
    		the evidence of things not seen.   Hebrews 11:1
    ============================================================= South East Asia Missions =============================================================

    to email john at wagoneers dot com :

    • PLAIN TEXT only please
    • NO ATTACHMENTS - this includes vcf, gifs, backgrounds, etc.
    • if you want to send a picture of your car or truck then
      put it on your webserver and email the link, or make contact with me first.

    up until Aug 2004, john has provided training and courseware for:
    • Linux introduction, power use and Systems Administration
    • UNIX, HP-UX Solaris introduction, power use and Systems Administration
    • UNIX/Linux shell scripting (sh, ksh, bash and other POSIX complaint shells)
    • the vi Editor (any platform, including Windows - using WinVi, SFU, Lemmy, Vim32, cygwin, etc.)
    • writing HTML and web pages
    • misc info about john went on line September 24, 1998. john's FSJ pages have been on line since 1995. copyright © 2004