Thu Jan 25 15:32:02 2001
From: JC Jones ( 

I went to the trouble to do this write-up for a guy having a problem with this, and I just 
thought maybe it should be in the archives in a few places so nobody has to do this again.

JC  :)

AMC 360 in 85 Grand Wagoneer timing instructions:

The following instructions sound very complicated and intimidating, but this is a very easy procedure 
if you follow the instructions and do things very carefully and slowly.  

During this procedure, if you notice any worn or burnt parts you should replace them before continuing.

Reference Items:

Firing Order AMC 360cid : 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2

Distributor Rotation    : Clockwise

Drivers Side cylinder numbering (front to back) : 1 3 5 7
Passenger Side cylinders numbering (front to back) : 2 4 6 8

I hope the following diagram stays intact:

     Pass          Driver
       8             7

       6             5

       4             3

       2             1

              ->  Rotation of distributor

             5   7
          6   O O   2
            O     O
            O     O
          3   O O   1
             4   8

              <-  Rotation of distributor

Note: on the above diagram, #1 may not be in the same position as on your vehicle - I don't remember 
exactly which direction #1 is so the above diagram is for example purposes only.

1)  Disconnect the battery.

2)  Remove all 8 spark plugs to make the engine easier to
    turn over by hand.

3)  Put your thumb over the #1 spark plug hole and rotate
    the engine in the direction of normal running rotation
    with a socket wrench on the center crank pulley.  There
    are other methods of rotating the engine manually, but
    I will not mention them here since they are not very
    (you can check the rotation direction by watching the
    engine from the front while someone "bumps" the key
    to cause the engine to rotate slightly with the
    starter before you disconnect the battery).

4)  You will feel air pressure on your thumb when you have
    rotated the engine to the compression stroke on
    calendar #1.  Continue rotating the engine until
    the #1 piston is at the very top (Top Dead Center or
    TDC) on the compression stroke.  Once you know you
    are compressing on calendar #1, you can use a long
    screwdriver as a feeler for the piston to know when
    it is at the very top, but be careful not to get
    the screwdriver jammed between the piston and the
    spark plug hole.  Also, be very careful of the
    threads in the spark plug hole to not damage them.

5)  Now, re-install the spark plugs, and reconnect the
    spark plug wires making sure that they all reach
    the distributor with plenty of slack. Make sure
    you do not turn the engine at all or you will have
    to repeat step #4.

6)  Disconnect all the spark plug wires from the
    distributor cap and remove the cap.  Note the 
    direction that the distributor rotor is pointing,
    and determine which plug wire hole on the cap
    the rotor points to.  This is where the plug wire
    for calendar #1 goes.  Once you determine this
    you can put the distributor cap back on.  If your
    distributor cap has a 1 molded into it, that should
    be the hole that you identified (if not you need
    to check more thoroughly to see what the problem
    is, because that indicates that you might have a
    mechanical timing problem).  If your distributor
    cap does not have this molded marking on it then
    you should mark your distributor cap for future

7)  Now, you can re-install the plug wires on the
    distributor cap by following the firing order
    above in a clockwise rotation from the #1
    position you have identified.

8)  Reconnect the battery, make sure you removed
    the socket wrench from the crank pulley and have
    retrieved any tools you had under the hood.

9)  You should be able to start the truck and it
    should run fine now.  Use a timing light to
    adjust your timing to within specs for your

*  JC Jones                                  *
*  76 Wagoneer (Road Warrior)                *
*  84 Grand Wagoneer (Eeyore)                *
*                   *

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It is about FREEDOM!
...remember, it's Freedom OF religion,
NOT freedom FROM religion...

Let's make one thing perfectly clear:  Jesus Christ is Lord.

  One Lord, one faith, one hope, one way to God, one salvation.
Acts 4:12 "And there is salvation in no one else; 
	for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved." 

Romans 10:9-10 says it all concerning how you will be saved:
	1) confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and
	2) believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead.

Nothing more, nothing less.    Believe, confess, you're in.  Sealed for eternity by the BLOOD of the LAMB!
	Verse 10 explains that with the heart a person believes - resulting in righteousness,
	and with the mouth confess Jesus as Lord, resulting in Salvation!

That's it.  

Galatians 5:3 says that we through the Spirit, by faith, are waiting for the hope of righteousness.

Ephesians 1:13 says: ...after listening to the message of truth,
	the gospel of your salvation-having also believed, you were sealed in Him
	with the Holy Spirit of promise.

Ephesians 2:8 -  It's by grace through Faith, NOT of ourselves... it's a GIFT!!!  No actions or works... 
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 
9 not as a result of works, that no one should boast. 

Romans 5:8-9  - while we were yet sinners... we are justified by His blood, SAVED from wrath...
8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 
9 Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him. 

So, let me make one more thing perfectly clear.
   You don't need to be baptized to be saved.
	You don't need to do good works to be saved.
	    You don't need to go to church or the mission field to be saved.

But if you love Him who first Loved us, you'll do those things!  Those things are expected of
    those that love the Lord.  But those things do not save us, redeem us or make us righteous.
  Our works should be there, the book of James points out that faith without works is dead.

But please don't spread a false gospel and tell me or others that if they aren't baptized or
	if they don't speak in tongues, or don't do works that they won't be saved... because
	that is minimizing the amazing grace of our Lord and the blood of His precious Son!

And if you think you can lose your salvation, please see Ephesians 1:13 and 4:30 again, and
   then ask, "what part of sealed unto the day of redemption" don't you understand?    Examine
  Romans 8 and see what can separate us from the love of God...  nothing...  Once saved, always saved.
  Now live like it... don't bring shame upon the name of Jesus Christ.  We're sinners and we're
  going to sin, see I John 1:9... 

Remember to Walk in the Spirit (see Galatians 5:13-26, Ephesians 5:15-32 and I Thessalonians 5:14-24).

It's a spiritual battle... prepare yourself, see Ephesians 6:10-18...

It's not about hate.  Hate is not a part of the Gospel of Christ, nor
His ministry.  We are to reach out in love to the blind and lost of this
world... to share with them the Gospel of Jesus Christ...  He came, He
lived, He died in our place for our sins... and rose from the dead.  

Christianity is different... there is an empty tomb.  
Christ rose from the dead.  He is God. 

We are to love people; but hate sin and the powers of darkness.  Telling someone
that what they are doing is wrong according to the Word of God is not hate.
No more than telling someone not to stick their hand in boiling water.   We share
because we care.  We warn because it's serious... it's forever, eternal.  
God's Word is reliable and to be trusted.  It's stood the test of time and
critics.  Examine it yourself. 

Our responsibility is to warn and share; it's not our job to convert or force anyone.

Of course this is all by faith.  Show me your faith, and I'll show you mine.  And I'll 
ask, "What can your faith do for me?"  And I can tell you what faith in Christ will
do for you.  Peace, now and forever.  Forgiveness of sins.  
Fellowship with God and His saints.  Freedom from sin and guilt.  
Freedom to love others.   Freedom to live my life and know
that I'll be with Christ forever.  Freedom to warn others and do my best to
explain what I've found in the Word of God.  But also freedom to understand that
it's their choice...  and knowing that in the end that:

Revelation 21:4
      And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no
      more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more
      pain: for the former things are passed away.

The just shall live by Faith!

  The just shall live by Faith...
	Der Gerechte wird aus Glauben leben...
		Mas El Justo vivira Por Fe...
			Le Juste vivra par la foi...

 Habakkuk 2:4b, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, Hebrews 10:38

  Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, 
		the evidence of things not seen.   Hebrews 11:1

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to email john at wagoneers dot com :

  • PLAIN TEXT only please
  • NO ATTACHMENTS - this includes vcf, gifs, backgrounds, etc.
  • if you want to send a picture of your car or truck then
    put it on your webserver and email the link, or make contact with me first.

up until Aug 2004, john has provided training and courseware for:
  • Linux introduction, power use and Systems Administration
  • UNIX, HP-UX Solaris introduction, power use and Systems Administration
  • UNIX/Linux shell scripting (sh, ksh, bash and other POSIX complaint shells)
  • the vi Editor (any platform, including Windows - using WinVi, SFU, Lemmy, Vim32, cygwin, etc.)
    Clearview Consulting, Snohomish, WA
  • writing HTML and web pages
  • misc info about john went on line September 24, 1998. john's FSJ pages have been on line since 1995. copyright © 2004
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