HOW to mount your iphone to LINUX manually

#  setup utility to connect iphone and bypass overbearing MacOsX and Ios GUIs (and MUD GUIs like gvfsd!!!)
####  STEP ONE:  INSTALL s/w on your MUD system (Mint, Ubuntu, Debian)
#  sudo apt-get -y update
#  sudo apt-get -y upgrade
#  sudo apt-get -y install libimobiledevice-utils libimobiledevice-dev libgpod-dev
#  sudo apt-get -y install ifuse  #  likely already installed
####  STEP TWO:  verify connection, pair, connect via USB and mount, then unmount filesystem
#  ideviceinfo   #  you'll see a lot of tech info   #   man ideviceinfo   # man page on this command
#  idevicepair pair  #  success - continue
#  usbmuxd -f -v  #  connect via USB  ####### if you have gvfsd running check your GUI tools
#################   note if you have gvfsd running look in /media/iphone (or something like that...)
#  mkdir /home/luser/iphone   # make a directory, good idea to touch a warning file:  touch /home/luser/iphone/MOUNTPOINT-for-iphone-DO-NOT-USE.txt  
#  ifuse /home/luser/iphone  #  mount the iphone to that directory 
#  ifuse -u /home/luser/iphone #  TO UNMOUNT FILESYSTEM
#  ifuse -u /home/luser/iphone #  TO UNMOUNT FILESYSTEM
#  NOTE:  when viewing with df -h:
#  Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
#  /dev/somedevice  99.9T  8500G  8900G  49% /
#  ifuse           239G   64G  176G  27% /home/luser/iphone
#  sudo umount /home/luser/iphone

quick use summary after setup:

#######################################3 ideviceinfo idevicepair pair # usbmuxd -f -v # may not be needed ifuse /home/luser/MNT/iphone8 # IF you touched a file in the mount point, then use "-o nonempty" ifuse -o nonempty /home/luser/MNT/iphone8 #### sudo umount /home/luser/MNT/iphone #######################################3 Today's Date:

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