1) UNIX was created by:
	a) Ken Thompson & Dennis Ritchie at AT&T
	b) Kernighan & Ritchie at AT&T
	c) Al Gore & Bill Gates
	d) Mickey Mouse & Pluto 

2) The key leaders of the "open source movement" are:
	a) Richard Stallman (GNU) & Linus Torvalds (Linux)
	b) the SCO group
	c) Bill Gates & Al Gore
	d) Microsoft and Adobe 

3) When installing Linux or UNIX one should:
	a) consider the distribution of the filesystems
	b) secure a license code word from Microsoft
	c) get permission from Bill Gates and SCO
	d) learn how to program in the C language

4) The terms "stdin" and "stdout" generally refer to:
	a) the keyboard and the display
	b) memory allocation and the printer
	c) punched cards and a wireless network
	d) the EULA and other legalese

5) Identify the four file types found in Linux and UNIX:
	a) plain, block, character and directory
	b) block, manilla, folder, and security 
	c) device, personal, financial, and spreadsheets
	d) powerpoint, excel, word and visio

6) Identify the five essential commands:
	a) man, ls, cd, pwd, more
	b) help, dir, cd, del, type
	c) woman, sl, ds, dpw, erom
	d) del, copy, type, dir, ren

7) The command used to configure network interface parameters is:
	a) ifconfig
	b) ipconfig
	c) deltree
	d) rm -rf

8) The most common editor found on almost every UNIX or Linux system is:
	a) vi
	b) emacs
	c) notepad
	d) Microsoft Word

9) Unix and Linux may be summarized as consisting of two things:
	a) processes and files
	b) desktop and applications
	c) CDE and Open Office
	d) keyboard and monitor

10) The greatest security risk on a UNIX or Linux system is:
	a) user passwords
	b) email, especially Outlook
	c) web browser, especially Internet Explorer
	d) Microsoft applications
copyright 2004 John Meister http://johnmeister.com/