LINUX Commands - real world (as found in Cygwin)
to get and install cygwin on your home system, see:
alias Create an alias ( ex: alias ll="ls -al" )
awk Find and Replace text, database sort/validate/index
bash GNU Bourne-Again SHell
# bg Send to background - related to jobs - not something useful for cygwin
cal Display a calendar
cat Concatenate and print (display) the content of files
cd Change Directory
chmod Change access permissions
chown Change file owner and group
# chkconfig System services (runlevel) - not in cygwin
clear Clear terminal screen
cmp Compare two files
command Run a command - ignoring shell functions
cp Copy one or more files to another location
cut Divide a file into several parts
date Display or change the date & time
# dd Convert and copy a file, write disk headers, boot records - not found
df Display free disk space
diff Display the differences between two files
# dmesg Print kernel & driver messages - not found
du Estimate file space usage
echo Display message on screen
eject Eject removable media
env Environment variables
exit Exit the shell
export Set an environment variable
# fdisk Partition table manipulator for Linux - not recommended
# fg Send job to foreground - jobs related, not useful for cygwin
file Determine file type
find Search for files that meet a desired criteria
free Display memory usage
# fsck File system consistency check and repair - not found
# fuser Identify/kill the process that is accessing a file - not found
grep Search file(s) for lines that match a given pattern
head Output the first part of file(s)
history Command History
hostname Print or set system name
ifconfig --> ipconfig (microsoft command) Configure a network interface
# ifdown Stop a network interface - not found
# ifup Start a network interface up - not found
# jobs List active jobs - not recommended, but there
kill Stop a process from running - CAREFUL WITH THIS
# killall Kill processes by name - not found
less Display output one screen at a time
ln -s Create a symbolic link to a file
locate Find files
ls List information about file(s) (ls -al)
lsof List open files
man Help manual
mkdir Create new folder(s)
more Display output one screen at a time
mount Mount a file system
mv Move or rename files or directories
netstat Networking information
nice Set the priority of a command or job
# nohup Run a command immune to hangups
nslookup Query Internet name servers interactively
# passwd Modify a user password - NOT RECOMMENDED
ping Test a network connection
ps Process status
pwd Print Working Directory
read Read a line from standard input
# reboot Reboot the system - DO NOT TRY THIS... will reboot your PC!!!
rm Remove files
# rsync Remote file copy (Synchronize file trees) - not found
# scp Secure copy (remote file copy) - not found
sed Stream Editor
# shutdown Shutdown or restart linux - not recommended
sleep Delay for a specified time
sort Sort text files
# ssh Secure Shell client (remote login program) - use putty...
# su Substitute user identity - not found
# sudo Execute a command as another user - not found
tail Output the last part of file
tar Store, list or extract files in an archive
tee Redirect output to multiple files
test Evaluate a conditional expression
time Measure Program running time
touch Change file timestamps
top List processes running on the system
traceroute --> tracert (Microsoft command) Trace Route to Host
tr Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters
# ulimit Limit user resources
umask Users file creation mask
umount Unmount a device
unalias Remove an alias
uname Print system information
uniq Uniquify files
# uptime Show uptime - not found
# useradd Create new user account - not found
# userdel Delete a user account - not found
# usermod Modify user account - not found
vi Text Editor
# vmstat Report virtual memory statistics - not found
# w uptime info - not found
wc Print byte, word, and line counts
whereis Search the user's $path, man pages and source files for a program
which Search the user's $path for a program file
while Execute commands
who Print all usernames currently logged in
whoami Print the current user id and name (`id -un')
# wget Retrieve web pages or files via HTTP, HTTPS or FTP - not found
xargs Execute utility, passing constructed argument list(s)
zip Package and compress (archive) files.
. Run a command script in the current shell
!! Run the last command again
### Comment / Remark
-- Linux commands, scripts, tools and systems administration --