comparing BASH (Unix/Linux/MacOSx) commands to Microsoft PowerShell
Looking at this comparison and knowing that you have to install/configure either BASH or PowerShell
in a Microsoft Windows 10 system, why would you bother messing with PowerShell when you can use BASH?
- alias (set aliases) ###### set-alias
- alias (show aliases) ###### get-alias
- apropos ###### get-help
- basename ###### dir | select name
- cal ###### No equivalent
- cd ###### cd
- clear ###### clear-host
- date ###### get-date
- date -s ###### set-date
- df -k ###### Get-WMIObject Win32_LogicalDisk | ft -a
- diff ###### Compare-Object -ReferenceObject (Get-Content file1) -DifferenceObject (Get-Content file2)
- dirname ###### dir | select directory
- du ###### No equivalent
- echo ###### write-output
- echo -n ###### write-host -nonewline
- | egrep -i sql ###### | where {[Regex]::Ismatch($\, "sql") }
- egrep -i ###### select-string
- egrep ###### select-string -casesensitive
- egrep -v ###### select-string -notmatch
- env ###### Get-ChildItem Env: | fl or get-variable
- errpt ###### get-eventlog
- export PS1=.$ . ###### function prompt {"$ " }
- find ###### dir *whatever* -recurse
- for (start, stop, step) ###### for ($i = 1; $i -le 5; $i++) {whatever}
- head ###### gc file.txt | select-object -first 10
- history ###### get-history
- history | egrep -i ls ###### history | select commandline | where commandline -like '*ls*' | fl
- hostname ###### hostname
- if-then-else ###### if ( condition ) { do-this } elseif { do-that } else {do-theother}
- if [ -f "$FileName" ] ###### if (test-path $FileName)
- kill ###### stop-process
- less ###### more
- locate ###### No equivalent
- ls ###### get-childitem OR gci OR dir OR ls
- ls -a ###### ls -force
- ls -ltr ###### dir c:\ | sort-object -property lastwritetime
- lsusb ###### gwmi Win32_USBControllerDevice
- mailx ###### send-mailmessage
- man ###### get-help
- more ###### more
- mv ###### rename-item
- pg ###### more
- ps -ef ###### get-process
- ps -ef | grep oracle ###### get-process oracle
- pwd ###### get-location
- read ###### read-host
- rm ###### remove-item
- script ###### start-transcript
- sleep ###### start-sleep
- sort ###### sort-object
- sort -uniq ###### get-unique
- tail ###### gc file.txt | select-object -last 10
- tail -f ###### gc -tail 10 -wait file.txt
- time ###### measure-command
- touch (empty file) ###### set-content -Path ./file.txt -Value $null
- touch (update date) ###### set-itemproperty -path ./file.txt -name LastWriteTime -value $(get-date)
- wc -l ###### gc ./file.txt | measure-object | select count
- whoami ###### [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() | select name
- whence or type ###### No equivalent
- unalias ###### remove-item -path alias:aliasname
- uname -m ###### Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem | select manufacturer, model
- uptime ###### get-wmiobject -class win32_operatingsystem | select LastBootUpTime`
- \ (line continuation) ###### ` (a backtick)