one command SSH setup

use to create local key and scp to remote host from .ssh dir
		luser@linuxbox4 [/home/luser/.ssh]
		--> ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' -f id_rsa ; \
		cp id_rsa.lnxb4  ; \
		scp id_rsa.lnxb4 linuxbox:/home/luser/.ssh/ ; \
		ssh linuxbox "cp /home/luser/.ssh/authorized_keys \
		/home/luser/.ssh/authorized_keys-8oct2015 ; \
		cat /home/luser/.ssh/id_rsa.lnxb4 >> \
		/home/luser/.ssh/authorized_keys ; \
		scp linuxbox:/home/luser/.ssh/id_rsa.lnxb . ; \
		cp authorized_keys authorized_keys-8oct2015 ; \
		cat id_rsa.lnxb >> authorized_keys ; \
		ssh linuxbox w"
	luser for your userid
	lnxb4 for your client hostname
	lnxb for your remote hostname

The Single command to CREATE local KEY:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' -f id_rsa NOTES: # luser = local user # lnxb = linuxbox # lnxb4 = linuxbox4

summary of steps combined above

################################################# username: luser (local user) clientname: linuxbox4 (abbreviated lnxb4) remoteclient: linuxbox (abbreviated lnxb) setting up passwordless connection between both systems from linuxbox4 in /home/luser/.ssh - a new system on the network of other linuxboxes. ################################################# # establish rsa public key: 1) ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' -f id_rsa ################################################# # make a copy for public sharing: 2) cp id_rsa.lnxb4 ################################################# # THIS IS WHERE ALL THE MAGIC HAPPENS: # copy public key to main system, # then back up authorized keys there, # then add lnxb4 public key to authorized keys, # then copy main system's public key back to lnxb4, # then back up local authorized keys, # then add main system's public key to local authorized keys # you will need to enter luser's passwd 2 or 3 times during this process 3) scp id_rsa.lnxb4 linuxbox:/home/luser/.ssh/ ; \ # copy public key ssh linuxbox "cp /home/luser/.ssh/authorized_keys \ # backup remote autorhorized keys pt1 /home/luser/.ssh/authorized_keys-8oct2015 ; \ # backup remote autorhorized keys pt2 cat /home/luser/.ssh/id_rsa.lnxb4 >> \ # add your local key to remote host pt1 /home/luser/.ssh/authorized_keys ; \ # add your local key to remote host pt2 scp linuxbox:/home/luser/.ssh/id_rsa.lnxb . ; \ # copy remote key to your system cp authorized_keys authorized_keys-8oct2015 ; \ # backup your local authorized keys cat id_rsa.lnxb >> authorized_keys " # append your local authorized keys with remote key ################################################# # test connection from linuxbox4 4) ssh linuxbox # (you should be on linuxbox) ssh linuxbox4 w # (you should be seeing info from linuxbox4) exit # (you should be back on linuxbox4 # resume normal operations, you have a bi-directional passwordless connection.
################################################# ------------------------------------------------ luser@system [/home/luser/.ssh] ------------------------------------------------ --> ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' -f id_rsa Generating public/private rsa key pair. Your identification has been saved in id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in The key fingerprint is: 2b:2b:dd:e7:8d:12:8b:53:02:4f:be:9e:ce:7e:c0:2f luser@system The key's randomart image is: +--[ RSA 2048]----+ | ... | | +. . | | o+ | | .oo. | | .So | | oo.. | | . +o . | | = .+ .o | | o.o..=E . | +-----------------+ ------------------------------------------------ luser@linuxbox4 [/home/luser/.ssh] ------------------------------------------------ --> scp id_rsa.lnxb4 linuxbox:/home/luser/.ssh/ ; \ ssh linuxbox "cp /home/luser/.ssh/authorized_keys \ /home/luser/.ssh/authorized_keys-8oct2015 ; \ cat /home/luser/.ssh/id_rsa.lnxb4 >> \ /home/luser/.ssh/authorized_keys ; \ scp linuxbox:/home/luser/.ssh/id_rsa.lnxb . ; \ cp authorized_keys authorized_keys-8oct2015 ; \ cat id_rsa.lnxb >> authorized_keys ; \ ssh linuxbox w" ------------------------------------------------

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