1) which ssh-keygen (get the path info) 2) /ssh-keygen -t rsa (using the path is always a good idea for security reasons) 3) cp id_rsa.pub id_rsa-workstation 4) scp id_rsa-workstation luser@server:/home/luser/.ssh/id_rsa-workstation (enter your passwd to make this happen, if necessary) 5) ssh -l luser server ls -l (should display your home dir on server) 6) ssh -l luser server (you should now be logged in to server) 7) cat id_rsa-workstation >> authorized_keys ( on server) 8) cp authorized_keys authorized_keys-date-time 9) which ssh-keygen (get the path info) 10)/ssh-keygen -t rsa 11)cp id_rsa.pub id_rsa-server 12)scp id_rsa-server luser@workstation:/home/luser/.ssh/id_rsa-server 13)ssh -l luser workstation ls -l (should display your home dir on workstation) 14)ssh -l luser workstation (you should now be back on the client system) 15)cat id_rsa-server >> authorized_keys ( on workstation) 16)cp authorized_keys authorized_keys-date-time 17) exit ; uname -a (should be on the server) 18) exit ; uname -a (should be back on workstation)