#   to source, type:  . ~/.bashrc  or  from home dir:  . ./.bashrc 
#  adjusted for Win10 BASH - 19 July 2017 - works for all Unix-like shells - check paths
# setup:  Path, Prompt, Permissions, History, Editor, Alias, Shell options and Functions
# do NOT use ~(tilde) .(period) for root user. To overwrite default PATH, remove $PATH
# W10 BASH DEFAULT=($PATH): /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games
export PATH=$PATH:/sbin/:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/etc:~/bin:~:.
#   useful prompt to provide clean view of shell and results
export PS1="
$(whoami)@`hostname` [\$PWD]
--> "
umask 022   #    umask 022 sets new files: 644 & dirs: 755   
if [ ! -d ~/.History ]                 # tests for directory, if not, then...
  /bin/mkdir  ~/.History 
  /bin/echo "history directory made"
#   sets up individual history files for each instance of the shell, VERY useful
HISTFILE="~/.History/`/bin/date '+%Y_%b_%d_%H:%M'.history`" ; export HISTFILE
HISTSIZE=2048; export HISTSIZE  # default is usually 1024, acceptable
EDITOR=/usr/bin/vi; export EDITOR    #  verify location by typing:  which vi
VISUAL=/usr/bin/vi; export VISUAL
set -o vi           #  allows recall of commands via vi commands and inline editing
#   optional aliases - use to create simple commands or alternate OS commands
alias l="/bin/ls -al" ; alias ll="/bin/ls -l"  # can separate commands with ;
alias lm="/bin/ls -l | more"
alias md="/bin/mkdir -p" #  creates full path
alias mv="/bin/mv -i"    # -i prevents overwriting files, use full path to override
alias cp="/bin/cp -i"    # -i prevents overwriting files, use full path to override
alias rm="rm -i"         # -i prevents overwriting files, use full path to override
alias dfh='/bin/df -h | /usr/bin/grep disk'   # modify to show primary file systems
alias vi="/usr/bin/vim"   # type which vi or which vim, set accordingly
alias mroe=more           # add any other words you mistype often
shopt -s histverify  # allows recall historical commands, edit, then use, type: history
shopt -s checkwinsize
#  creates a directory structure and changes to the lowest level - be aware of keywords
function dir-mkcd () { mkdir -p "$@" && eval cd "\"\$$#\""; }
# .exrc settings for vi, create .exrc and/or execute by typing :  (commands listed)
# set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab    # converts tabs to spaces, better for editing
# syntax off
# set ruler

Simply Linux: Basics Linux Tackles Microsoft Using BASH on Windows 10
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