Linux, UNIX or MacOS -SIMPLE- .bashrc:# .bashrc ######################################################### ### .bashrc file - updated 10 june 2016 ######################################################### export PS1=" ------------------------------------------------ $(whoami)@`hostname` [\$PWD] ------------------------------------------------ --> " ######################################################### # alternate PS1 using only 2 lines: # export PS1='\u@\h [\w]\n--> ' ######################################################### if [ ! -d /home/$(whoami)/.History ] then /usr/bin/mkdir /home/$(whoami)/.History /usr/bin/echo "history directory made" fi ########################################### export HISTFILE="/home/$(whoami)/.History/`/bin/date '+%d%b%y_%H%M'.history`" export HISTSIZE=1024 ########################################### shopt -s histverify # enables recall of history line with !number for edit ########################################### export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vi; export VISUAL=/usr/bin/vi # very important - LEARN vi! ########################################### set -o vi # allows the use of the vi editor on the command line ########################################### PATH="$PATH:/home/$(whoami)/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" ########################################### alias ll="/usr/bin/ls -Al" alias mv="/usr/bin/mv -i" # recommended as a safety net, there are no undo's in Linux alias cp="/usr/bin/cp -i" # recommended as a safety net, there are no undo's in Linux alias rm="/usr/bin/rm -i" # recommended as a safety net, there are no undo's in Linux alias dfh='df -h | grep -v tmpfs | grep -v none | grep -v udev' # varies based on distro and whether systemd or initd alias mroe=more # just in case you type too fast... add others like this ########################################## #NOTES: check paths of commands using "which", e.g. which hostname; # If .bashrc fails to source, make .profile with: . ./.bashrc ########## # for Solaris 10, replace: $(whoami) with: `/usr/ucb/whoami` ########## # john - 23 sep 2015 # john - 16 may 2016 updated to use $(whoami) to define /home/(user)/.History # john - 10 jun 2016 added shopt -s histverify to permit "!number" from history for edit using vi ########## |
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