Linux, UNIX or MacOS BASH run configuration file:


# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# the following is an example of a useful ".bashrc" files - it has been influenced by many flavors of UNIX and Linux.
# this bashrc file will work for Linux MINT, Ubuntu, Debian, SuSE and RedHat.  etc....
# to adjust for your version, test the commands and adjust the paths, e.g.  "which mkdir" - and correct the path.
# the prompt should display your USERname, hostname and the directory you are in.
# all commands are written to a history file based on the date, if you have multiple shells open you might
# add another identifier such as minutes to write to different files.  be aware of the aliases, you can override
# them at the command line by fully resolving the commands.  The aliases should not work in a script. 
#  john - 18 may 2013
################################## - updated 6 December 2014 - jm
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Cut and paste, being careful to make sure special characters copied correctly, replace USER with your userid.
#            be careful of the "tilda" (~) it doesn't always copy correctly 
#  To Replace "USER" with your userid type, vi .bashrc  then enter:  %s/USER/userid/g  )
#      to use for root user, change /home/USER to   /root
#	if used on a MacOS system change /home/USER to the path used.
#    PROMPT, PATH, umask, History file, Editor, ALIASES.
##  COPY BELOW   ############################################################################################
export PS1="
$(whoami)@`hostname` [\$PWD]
--> "
export PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;__`hostname` --- `date +%a--%d.%b.%y` --->  ${PWD}\007"'
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/:~/bin:/bin:/sbin/:/usr/sbin:~:/etc:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:.
#        NOTE:  NEVER put a "dot" in root's path...  can use the same file for root, but add /sbin
umask 022               #  creates files with 644 perms and directories with 755
if [ ! -d /home/USER/.History ]               # if the directory does not exist... then... make it...
		/bin/mkdir  /home/USER/.History 
		/bin/echo "history directory made"
HISTFILE="/home/USER/.History/`/bin/date '+%d%b%y_%H%M'.history`" ; export HISTFILE
export HISTSIZE=2048   #  the variables may be exported either way - creates the file: 07Dec14_0141.history
EDITOR=/usr/bin/vi; export EDITOR	      #  allows the use of the vi editor on the command line
VISUAL=/usr/bin/vi; export VISUAL	      #  allows the use of the vi editor on the command line
set -o vi	      			      #  allows the use of the vi editor on the command line
alias ll="/bin/ls -l"
alias mv="/bin/mv -i"		          # recommended as a safety net, there are no undo's in Linux
alias cp="/bin/cp -i"		          # recommended as a safety net, there are no undo's in Linux
alias rm="rm -i"		          # recommended as a safety net, there are no undo's in Linux
alias mroe=more		                  # just in case you type too fast... add others like this
#  alias l="/bin/ls -al"                  # optional - try command if you like it, uncomment and use
#  alias lm="/bin/ls -l | more"           # optional - try command if you like it, uncomment and use
# alias dfh='/bin/df -h | /bin/grep sd'   # optional - try command if you like it, uncomment and use
##### END COPY ABOVE  ######################################################################################

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