using the id3tool to edit MP3 file information
this example shows a process used to take MP3s from a download, rename them so they sort properly and have complete id3tag information.
id3tool process:
1) copy original mp3's into new directories, create ##_AAA, cd ##_AAA; ls >> idAAA ; vi idAAA
cp -r ../ORIGINAL-MP3s/58_Hebrews/ 58_HEB ;
cd 58_HEB ;
ls >> id3heb
2) edit to "mv" from old long name to new short name
vi id3heb
:%s/.*/mv & 58_00_Heb_&/g
# edit by removing the long previous name and add number for each track - using searches and replaces a tedious manual process...
3) execute mv ; ls >> idAAA ; edit id3tool info saving old info behind #
sh ./id3heb # (this renames all the files to the new, shorter file name)
ls >> id3heb # appending to the file
vi id3heb
:24,$s/.*/# &/g # first select all the original "mv" lines to the bottom, then comment them out
:1,23s/.*/id3tool -t "&" -c Z -y 2018 -G "Speech" -a "Hebrews - Letters" -n "bridgechristianfellowshipcom" -r "Rick Crawford" &/g
4) execute id3tool info
sh ./id3heb # (this updates all the id3tag information in files)
id3tool *.mp3 # check to see if it updated and didn't truncate, if it did, edit "id3heb" and execute again
5) mv id3tool script idAAA to ../../ORIGINAL-BCF-MP3s/NOTES/
mv id3heb ../../ORIGINAL-MP3s/NOTES/
# save a copy of each script for the 66 directories to help identify proper time and sequence
6) scp -r NEW_DIR/ server:/web/bible/mp3 ; scp NEW_DIR/*.mp3 server:/web/BIBLE/MP3-ALL/ # one method was to ssh and cp -r
7) repeat for all 66 books: finished work:
--> id3tool 58_11_Heb_9-10v18.mp3
Filename: 58_11_Heb_9-10v18.mp3
Song Title: 58_11_Heb_9-10v18 # NOTE: field limited, to avoid truncation kept short
Artist: Rick Crawford
Album: Hebrews - Letters
Note: bridgechristianfellowshipcom # NOTE: field limited to 30 characters
Track: 11
Year: 2018
Genre: Speech (0x65)
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