IrfanView text overlay codes

IrfanView is a free image processing tool. FREE DOWNLOAD for 32 or 64 bit Windows. I run FREE 32 bit IrfanView (pronounced EarFanView) on Windows XP (without networking) in a FREE Oracle VirtualBox VM on Linux and Mac. Works flawlessly.

Available placeholders for file/image properties:

Placeholder Tag name/function $D - file directory/folder (whole path) $d - file directory/folder (last subfolder only) $F - file name (with extension) $N - file name (without extension) $O - file extension $S - file size $T - file date/time (see Appendix A for additional examples) $U - current system date/time (see Appendix A for additional examples) $X - file directory index $M - page index in a multipage image $Z - actual zoom size (for full screen/slideshow) $W - image width $H - image height $B - image bits per pixel $C - JPG file comment, if available $I - all IPTC data $Ix - value of the JPG IPTC tag x, if available (x is a number, see below) (IPTC PlugIn required) $E - all EXIF data $Ex - value of the JPG EXIF tag x, if available (x is a number, see below) (EXIF PlugIn required) | - new line Important/interesting IPTC tags/placeholders, according to IPTC specification: Placeholder Tag name/function $I5 - Object Name $I7 - Edit Status $I10 - Priority $I15 - Category $I20 - Supplemental Category $I25 - Keywords $I30 - Release Date $I35 - Release Time $I40 - Special Instructions $I45 - Reference Service $I47 - Reference Date $I50 - Reference Number $I55 - Created Date $I60 - Created Time $I65 - Originating Program $I70 - Program Version $I75 - Object Cycle $I80 - Byline (Author) $I85 - Byline Title $I90 - City $I92 - Sublocation $I95 - Province State $I100 - Country Code $I101 - Country $I103 - Original Transmission Reference $I105 - Headline $I110 - Credit $I115 - Source $I116 - Copyright $I120 - Caption $I121 - Local Caption $I122 - Caption Writer Important/interesting EXIF tags/placeholders, according to EXIF specification: Placeholder Tag name/function $E270 - ImageDescription $E271 - Make $E272 - Model $E274 - Orientation $E282 - XResolution $E283 - YResolution $E296 - ResolutionUnit $E305 - Software $E306 - DateTime (see Appendix A for additional examples) $E318 - WhitePoint $E531 - YCbCrPositioning $E532 - ReferenceBlackWhite $E33434 - ExposureTime $E33437 - FNumber $E34850 - ExposureProgram $E34855 - ISOSpeedRatings $E36864 - ExifVersion $E36867 - DateTimeOriginal (see Appendix A for additional examples) $E36868 - DateTimeDigitized (see Appendix A for additional examples) $E37121 - ComponentsConfiguration $E37122 - CompressedBitsPerPixel $E37377 - ShutterSpeedValue $E37378 - ApertureValue $E37379 - BrightnessValue $E37380 - ExposureBiasValue $E37381 - MaxApertureValue $E37382 - SubjectDistance $E37383 - MeteringMode $E37384 - LightSource $E37385 - Flash $E37386 - FocalLength $E37510 - UserComment $E37520 - SubsecTime $E37521 - SubsecTimeOriginal $E37522 - SubsecTimeDigitized $E40960 - FlashPixVersion $E40961 - ColorSpace $E40962 - ExifImageWidth $E40963 - ExifImageHeight $E41483 - FlashEnergy $E41486 - FocalPlaneXResolution $E41487 - FocalPlaneYResolution $E41488 - FocalPlaneResolutionUnit $E41492 - SubjectLocation $E41493 - ExposureIndex $E41495 - SensingMethod $E41728 - FileSource $E41729 - SceneType $E41985 - CustomRendered $E41986 - ExposureMode $E41987 - WhiteBalance $E41988 - DigitalZoomRatio $E41989 - FocalLengthIn35mmFilm $E41990 - SceneCaptureType $E41991 - GainControl $E41992 - Contrast $E41993 - Saturation $E41994 - Sharpness $E41995 - DeviceSettingDescription $E41996 - SubjectDistanceRange $E401 - GPSLatitudeRef $E402 - GPSLatitude $E403 - GPSLongitudeRef $E404 - GPSLongitude $E405 - GPSAltitudeRef $E406 - GPSAltitude $E407 - GPSTimeStamp Note: You can also use special EXIF tags from vendor specifications (Nikon, Canon, Fuji, Casio, Olympus). Here is the list of tags for Nikon cameras (many models): Placeholder Tag name/function $E1 - Data Version $E2 - ISO Setting $E3 - Color Mode $E4 - Image Quality $E5 - White Balance $E6 - Image Sharpening $E7 - Focus Mode $E8 - Flash Setting $E9 - Flash Mode $E11 - White Balance Adjustment $E14 - Exposure Adjustment $E15 - ISO Selection $E18 - Flash Compensation $E19 - ISO 2 $E128 - Image Adjustment $E129 - Tone Compensation $E130 - Auxiliary Lens $E131 - Lens Type $E132 - Lens $E133 - Manual Focus Distance $E134 - Digital Zoom $E135 - Flash Used $E136 - AF Focus Position $E137 - Bracketing $E141 - Color Mode $E144 - Light Type $E146 - Hue Adjustment $E148 - Saturation Adjustment $E149 - Noise Reduction Here is the list of tags for Canon cameras (many models): Placeholder Tag name/function $E1 - Macro mode $E2 - Self timer $E3 - Quality $E4 - Flash mode $E5 - Sequence mode $E7 - Focus mode $E10 - Image size $E11 - Easy shooting mode $E12 - Digital zoom $E13 - Contrast $E14 - Saturation $E15 - Sharpness $E16 - ISO Value $E17 - Metering mode $E18 - Focus type $E19 - AF point selected $E20 - Exposure mode $E25 - Focal length $E28 - Flash activity $E29 - Flash details $E32 - Focus mode 2 $E40 - White Balance $E41 - Sequence number $E42 - AF point used $E43 - Flash bias $E44 - Subject Distance $E60 - Image Type $E70 - Firmware Version $E80 - Image Number $E90 - Owner Name $E93 - File Number $E120 - Camera Serial Number Appendix A By default, all date/time placeholders deliver full text including date and time. If you want to get only specific values, you can use additional placeholder options (ANSI C compatible): %Y - year, 4 numbers %y - year, 2 numbers (00-99) %m - month %d - day %H - hour %M - minute %S - second Examples for file, EXIF or system date: Year: 2005, month: 11, day: 29 Placeholder Result text $T(%d.%m.%Y) - 29.11.2005 $T(%Y%m%d) - 20051129 $T(%d%m%y) - 291105 $E36868(%Y_%m_%d) - 2005_11_29 $T(%d_%m_%Y) - 29_11_2005 $T(day:%d, month:%m, year: %Y) - day: 29, month: 11, year: 2005 Today's Date:

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