using cron to wget current weather info and record with time-date stamp

USAGE="usage:  sh ./"
# define current directory - must be set to directory of operation
# to make this script work change this line to the directory you want to use:
cd /home/USER/bin
#  a path variable and variables for commands should be defined here 
# to make the script portable. one would define wget, perl, mv and so on
#  with the system path here, not defining those paths could be a security
#  issue if this were run as root or on a compromised system
# e.g.  variables would be defined here
#    WGET=/bin/wget   and then used in the script as $WGET --out...
#  it's not a bad idea to export the variables; BASH doesn't need to
# runs hourly btwn 6 AM through 8 PM via crontab 
#  crontab entry: 
# 10 6-20 * * * /home/USER/bin/ >> /home/USER/bin/cron-log.txt
#       script created 20 January 2010
#     john meister -
# purpose - to capture images from a website that changes frequently, perhaps
#  this could be used with a web cam or maybe for weather info, as demonstrated
#  remember to provide copyright info and seek permission where
#    necessary. Or, do not make the page public. Using apache one can
#     hide the directory by naming the directory of the page with a period 
#     in front, e.g.  .images   e.g.  http://someserver.ex/.images 
#     or creating a robot.txt file that excludes it from searches
#		User-agent: *
#		Disallow: /cgi-bin/
#		Disallow: /.images
#       and hiding the file behind an index.html file (this won't stop a robot)
# this script example uses NOAA images, they are public domain, this script 
#  creates an hourly summary page of icing conditions by flight levels
# updated 31 mar 2010 to use perl for global replace, html page create
#                perl -pi -e  's/(.*)/<img src=\"$1\"><br>$1<hr>/'
# updated 1 apr 2010 rename "0_ALL_`date +%d%b-%H%M`_ALL.html" for sorting
wget --output-document="`date +%d%b-%H%M`_01K.gif" --no-http-keep-alive -q -nc \
wget --output-document="`date +%d%b-%H%M`_03K.gif" --no-http-keep-alive -q -nc \
wget --output-document="`date +%d%b-%H%M`_05K.gif" --no-http-keep-alive -q -nc \
wget --output-document="`date +%d%b-%H%M`_07K.gif" --no-http-keep-alive -q -nc \
wget --output-document="`date +%d%b-%H%M`_09K.gif" --no-http-keep-alive -q -nc \
wget --output-document="`date +%d%b-%H%M`_11K.gif" --no-http-keep-alive -q -nc \
wget --output-document="`date +%d%b-%H%M`_13K.gif" --no-http-keep-alive -q -nc \
wget --output-document="`date +%d%b-%H%M`_15K.gif" --no-http-keep-alive -q -nc \
wget --output-document="`date +%d%b-%H%M`_17K.gif" --no-http-keep-alive -q -nc \
wget --output-document="`date +%d%b-%H%M`_19K.gif" --no-http-keep-alive -q -nc \
wget --output-document="`date +%d%b-%H%M`_21K.gif" --no-http-keep-alive -q -nc \
wget --output-document="`date +%d%b-%H%M`_23K.gif" --no-http-keep-alive -q -nc \
wget --output-document="`date +%d%b-%H%M`_25K.gif" --no-http-keep-alive -q -nc \
wget --output-document="`date +%d%b-%H%M`_27K.gif" --no-http-keep-alive -q -nc \
wget --output-document="`date +%d%b-%H%M`_29K.gif" --no-http-keep-alive -q -nc \
wget --output-document="`date +%d%b-%H%M`_MAX.gif" --no-http-keep-alive -q -nc \
wget --output-document="`date +%d%b-%H%M`_ruc00hr_lvl_frzg.gif" --no-http-keep-alive -q -nc \
wget --output-document="`date +%d%b-%H%M`_ATX_NOR_Legend_0.gif" --no-http-keep-alive -q -nc \
wget --output-document="`date +%d%b-%H%M`_ALIR.jpg" --no-http-keep-alive -q -nc \
wget --output-document="`date +%d%b-%H%M`_WCIR.jpg" --no-http-keep-alive -q -nc \
#  31 March 2010 - found perl solution for global replace
# added section to consolidate recently created images into ALL.html page
ls `date +%d%b-%H%M`_* >  "0_ALL_`date +%d%b-%H%M`_ALL.html"
perl -pi -e  's/(.*)/
/' "0_ALL_`date +%d%b-%H%M`_ALL.html" ############################################################## # creates a subdirectory with the DDmmm format, e.g. 01Apr mkdir `date +%d%b` ##################################################################### mv *.gif `date +%d%b` mv *.jpg `date +%d%b` mv *ALL.html `date +%d%b` ##############################################################

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