Systems Administration Overview

The Art of Linux Systems Administration

 01   Understanding the Linux philosophy and how it affects commands and tools
 02   Sys Admin overview: what is a sys admin and what do they do?
 03   Developing the Art of Systems Administrator, step 1, master the vi editor...
 04   System Lifecycle: install, analyze, configure, troubleshoot, modify, deploy and support
 05   Sys Admin basics:  Terminal, command line,  NO GUI, 5 basic commands
 06   Sys Admin tools Pt1:  the vi editor
 07   Sys Admin tools Pt2:  .bashrc, history, vi at the command line
 08   Sys Admin tools Pt3:  "script", regular expressions (grep, awk), and scripting
 09   Sys Admin tools Pt4:  basic SSH client setup 
 10   Sys Admin tools Pt5:  scripting template, basic loops, using output 
 11   Sys Admin tools Pt6:  using logs, web pages, spreadsheets, and email to manage resources(200.2)
 12   Sys Admin tools Pt6:  wrapper scripts, backup files, tarballs

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