CHAPTERS in NASB, Latin Vulgate, Spanish, French, German, Greek (LXX & Nestle-Aland) and NKJV:
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======= Hosea 6:1 ============
Hos 6:1 "Come, let us return to the Lord. For He has torn us, but He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bandage us.(nasb)
Hos 6:1 [In tribulatione sua mane consurgent ad me: Venite, et revertamur ad Dominum,(vulgate)
Oseas 6:1 Venid y volvámonos a Jehová; porque Él arrebató, y nos curará; hirió, y nos vendará.(E)
Osée 6:1 Venez, retournons à l'Eternel! Car il a déchiré, mais il nous guérira; Il a frappé, mais il bandera nos plaies.(F)
Hos 6:1 Kommt, wir wollen wieder zum HERRN; denn er hat uns zerrissen, er wird uns auch heilen; er hat uns geschlagen, er wird uns auch verbinden.(D)
Hos 6:1 πορευθῶμεν καὶ ἐπιστρέψωμεν πρὸς κύριον τὸν θεὸν ἡμῶν ὅτι αὐτὸς ἥρπακεν καὶ ἰάσεται ἡμᾶς πατάξει καὶ μοτώσει ἡμᾶς(lxx)
Hos 6:1 Come, and let us return to the Lord; For He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up.(nkjv)

======= Hosea 6:2 ============
Hos 6:2 "He will revive us after two days; He will raise us up on the third day, That we may live before Him.(nasb)
Hos 6:2 quia ipse cepit, et sanabit nos; percutiet, et curabit nos.(vulgate)
Oseas 6:2 Nos dará vida después de dos días; al tercer día nos resucitará y viviremos delante de Él.(E)
Osée 6:2 Il nous rendra la vie dans deux jours; Le troisième jour il nous relèvera, Et nous vivrons devant lui.(F)
Hos 6:2 Er macht uns lebendig nach zwei Tagen; er wird uns am dritten Tag aufrichten, daß wir vor ihm leben werden.(D)
Hos 6:2 ὑγιάσει ἡμᾶς μετὰ δύο ἡμέρας ἐν τῇ ἡμέρᾳ τῇ τρίτῃ ἀναστησόμεθα καὶ ζησόμεθα ἐνώπιον αὐτοῦ(lxx)
Hos 6:2 After two days He will revive us; On the third day He will raise us up, That we may live in His sight.(nkjv)

======= Hosea 6:3 ============
Hos 6:3 "So let us know, let us press on to know the Lord. His going forth is as certain as the dawn; And He will come to us like the rain, Like the spring rain watering the earth."(nasb)
Hos 6:3 Vivificabit nos post duos dies; in die tertia suscitabit nos, et vivemus in conspectu ejus. Sciemus, sequemurque ut cognoscamus Dominum: quasi diluculum præparatus est egressus ejus, et veniet quasi imber nobis temporaneus et serotinus terræ.(vulgate)
Oseas 6:3 Y conoceremos, y proseguiremos en conocer a Jehová; su salida está dispuesta como el alba, y vendrá a nosotros como la lluvia, como la lluvia tardía y temprana a la tierra.(E)
Osée 6:3 Connaissons, cherchons à connaître l'Eternel; Sa venue est aussi certaine que celle de l'aurore. Il viendra pour nous comme la pluie, Comme la pluie du printemps qui arrose la terre.(F)
Hos 6:3 Dann werden wir acht darauf haben und fleißig sein, daß wir den HERRN erkennen. Denn er wird hervorbrechen wie die schöne Morgenröte und wird zu uns kommen wie ein Regen, wie ein Spätregen, der das Land feuchtet.(D)
Hos 6:3 καὶ γνωσόμεθα διώξομεν τοῦ γνῶναι τὸν κύριον ὡς ὄρθρον ἕτοιμον εὑρήσομεν αὐτόν καὶ ἥξει ὡς ὑετὸς ἡμῖν πρόιμος καὶ ὄψιμος τῇ γῇ(lxx)
Hos 6:3 Let us know, Let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord. His going forth is established as the morning; He will come to us like the rain, Like the latter and former rain to the earth.(nkjv)

======= Hosea 6:4 ============
Hos 6:4 What shall I do with you, O Ephraim? What shall I do with you, O Judah? For your loyalty is like a morning cloud And like the dew which goes away early.(nasb)
Hos 6:4 Quid faciam tibi, Ephraim? quid faciam tibi, Juda? misericordia vestra quasi nubes matutina, et quasi ros mane pertransiens.(vulgate)
Oseas 6:4 ¿Qué haré a ti, Efraín? ¿Qué haré a ti, oh Judá? La piedad vuestra [es] como la nube de la mañana, y como el rocío que de madrugada viene.(E)
Osée 6:4 Que te ferai-je, Ephraïm? Que te ferai-je, Juda? Votre piété est comme la nuée du matin, Comme la rosée qui bientôt se dissipe.(F)
Hos 6:4 Was soll ich dir tun, Ephraim? was soll ich dir tun, Juda? Denn eure Liebe ist wie eine Morgenwolke und wie ein Tau, der frühmorgens vergeht.(D)
Hos 6:4 τί σοι ποιήσω Εφραιμ τί σοι ποιήσω Ιουδα τὸ δὲ ἔλεος ὑμῶν ὡς νεφέλη πρωινὴ καὶ ὡς δρόσος ὀρθρινὴ πορευομένη(lxx)
Hos 6:4 "O Ephraim, what shall I do to you? O Judah, what shall I do to you? For your faithfulness is like a morning cloud, And like the early dew it goes away.(nkjv)

======= Hosea 6:5 ============
Hos 6:5 Therefore I have hewn them in pieces by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of My mouth; And the judgments on you are like the light that goes forth.(nasb)
Hos 6:5 Propter hoc dolavi in prophetis; occidi eos in verbis oris mei: et judicia tua quasi lux egredientur.(vulgate)
Oseas 6:5 Por esta causa los corté por medio de los profetas, con las palabras de mi boca los maté; y tus juicios [serán] como luz que sale.(E)
Osée 6:5 C'est pourquoi je les frapperai par les prophètes, Je les tuerai par les paroles de ma bouche, Et mes jugements éclateront comme la lumière.(F)
Hos 6:5 Darum schlage ich sie durch die Propheten und töte sie durch meines Mundes Rede, daß mein Recht wie das Licht hervorkomme.(D)
Hos 6:5 διὰ τοῦτο ἀπεθέρισα τοὺς προφήτας ὑμῶν ἀπέκτεινα αὐτοὺς ἐν ῥήμασιν στόματός μου καὶ τὸ κρίμα μου ὡς φῶς ἐξελεύσεται(lxx)
Hos 6:5 Therefore I have hewn them by the prophets, I have slain them by the words of My mouth; And your judgments are like light that goes forth.(nkjv)

======= Hosea 6:6 ============
Hos 6:6 For I delight in loyalty rather than sacrifice, And in the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.(nasb)
Hos 6:6 Quia misericordiam volui, et non sacrificium; et scientiam Dei plus quam holocausta.(vulgate)
Oseas 6:6 Porque misericordia quise, y no sacrificio; y conocimiento de Dios más que holocaustos.(E)
Osée 6:6 Car j'aime la piété et non les sacrifices, Et la connaissance de Dieu plus que les holocaustes.(F)
Hos 6:6 Denn ich habe Lust an der Liebe, und nicht am Opfer, und an der Erkenntnis Gottes, und nicht am Brandopfer.(D)
Hos 6:6 διότι ἔλεος θέλω καὶ οὐ θυσίαν καὶ ἐπίγνωσιν θεοῦ ἢ ὁλοκαυτώματα(lxx)
Hos 6:6 For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, And the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.(nkjv)

======= Hosea 6:7 ============
Hos 6:7 But like Adam they have transgressed the covenant; There they have dealt treacherously against Me.(nasb)
Hos 6:7 Ipsi autem sicut Adam transgressi sunt pactum: ibi prævaricati sunt in me.(vulgate)
Oseas 6:7 Mas ellos, cual Adán, traspasaron el pacto; allí prevaricaron contra mí.(E)
Osée 6:7 Ils ont, comme le vulgaire, transgressé l'alliance; C'est alors qu'ils m'ont été infidèles.(F)
Hos 6:7 Aber sie übertreten den Bund wie Adam; darin verachten sie mich.(D)
Hos 6:7 αὐτοὶ δέ εἰσιν ὡς ἄνθρωπος παραβαίνων διαθήκην ἐκεῖ κατεφρόνησέν μου(lxx)
Hos 6:7 "But like men they transgressed the covenant; There they dealt treacherously with Me.(nkjv)

======= Hosea 6:8 ============
Hos 6:8 Gilead is a city of wrongdoers, Tracked with bloody footprints.(nasb)
Hos 6:8 Galaad civitas operantium idolum, supplantata sanguine.(vulgate)
Oseas 6:8 Galaad, ciudad de obradores de iniquidad, ensuciada de sangre.(E)
Osée 6:8 Galaad est une ville de malfaiteurs, Elle porte des traces de sang.(F)
Hos 6:8 Denn Gilead ist eine Stadt voll Abgötterei und Blutschulden.(D)
Hos 6:8 Γαλααδ πόλις ἐργαζομένη μάταια ταράσσουσα ὕδωρ(lxx)
Hos 6:8 Gilead is a city of evildoers, And defiled with blood.(nkjv)

======= Hosea 6:9 ============
Hos 6:9 And as raiders wait for a man, So a band of priests murder on the way to Shechem; Surely they have committed crime.(nasb)
Hos 6:9 Et quasi fauces virorum latronum, particeps sacerdotum, in via interficientium pergentes de Sichem: quia scelus operati sunt.(vulgate)
Oseas 6:9 Y como ladrones que esperan a algún hombre, [así] una compañía de sacerdotes asesina en el camino de Siquem; porque ponen en efecto la abominación.(E)
Osée 6:9 La troupe des sacrificateurs est comme une bande en embuscade, Commettant des assassinats sur le chemin de Sichem; Car ils se livrent au crime.(F)
Hos 6:9 Und die Priester samt ihrem Haufen sind wie die Räuber, so da lauern auf die Leute und würgen auf dem Wege, der gen Sichem geht; denn sie tun, was sie wollen.(D)
Hos 6:9 καὶ ἡ ἰσχύς σου ἀνδρὸς πειρατοῦ ἔκρυψαν ἱερεῖς ὁδὸν κυρίου ἐφόνευσαν Σικιμα ὅτι ἀνομίαν ἐποίησαν(lxx)
Hos 6:9 As bands of robbers lie in wait for a man, So the company of priests murder on the way to Shechem; Surely they commit lewdness.(nkjv)

======= Hosea 6:10 ============
Hos 6:10 In the house of Israel I have seen a horrible thing; Ephraim's harlotry is there, Israel has defiled itself.(nasb)
Hos 6:10 In domo Israël vidi horrendum: ibi fornicationes Ephraim, contaminatus est Israël.(vulgate)
Oseas 6:10 En la casa de Israel he visto suciedad; allí [está] la prostitución de Efraín, se ha contaminado Israel.(E)
Osée 6:10 Dans la maison d'Israël j'ai vu des choses horribles: Là Ephraïm se prostitue, Israël se souille.(F)
Hos 6:10 Ich sehe im Hause Israel, davor mir graut; denn da hurt Ephraim und verunreinigt sich Israel.(D)
Hos 6:10 ἐν τῷ οἴκῳ Ισραηλ εἶδον φρικώδη ἐκεῖ πορνείαν τοῦ Εφραιμ ἐμιάνθη Ισραηλ καὶ Ιουδα(lxx)
Hos 6:10 I have seen a horrible thing in the house of Israel: There is the harlotry of Ephraim; Israel is defiled.(nkjv)

======= Hosea 6:11 ============
Hos 6:11 Also, O Judah, there is a harvest appointed for you, When I restore the fortunes of My people.(nasb)
Hos 6:11 Sed et Juda, pone messem tibi, cum convertero captivitatem populi mei.](vulgate)
Oseas 6:11 También para ti oh Judá, está preparada una cosecha, cuando yo haga volver el cautiverio de mi pueblo.(E)
Osée 6:11 A toi aussi, Juda, une moisson est préparée, Quand je ramènerai les captifs de mon peuple.(F)
Hos 6:11 Aber auch Juda wird noch eine Ernte vor sich haben, wenn ich meines Volks Gefängnis wenden werde.(D)
Hos 6:11 ἄρχου τρυγᾶν σεαυτῷ ἐν τῷ ἐπιστρέφειν με τὴν αἰχμαλωσίαν τοῦ λαοῦ μου(lxx)
Hos 6:11 Also, O Judah, a harvest is appointed for you, When I return the captives of My people.(nkjv)

======= Hosea 7:1 ============

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Translations of each verse by CHAPTERS in English, Latin, Spanish, French, German, Greek and English in this order:
  1. (nasb) - The most accurate translation: NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE® Copyright © 1960-1995 The Lockman Foundation. Used by Permission.
  2. (vulgate) - LATIN: Jerome's Vulgate (405 AD) - Public Domain
  3. (E) - SPANISH: Reina Valera Gómez - DERECHOS RESERVADOS - Rights Reserved - Copyright 2010 RVG-Spanish
  4. (F) - FRENCH: Louis Segond 1910 - Public Domain LSG-French
  5. (D) - GERMAN: Luther's Die Heilige Schrift(1545 AD), based on the Textus Receptus, Vulgate & other sources
  6. (lxx)/(Nestle-Aland) - GREEK: Public Domain - LXX Old Testament and Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece.
    GREEK-OT: The Septuagint, LXX (132 BC) - translation from Hebrew into Greek by 70 Jewish scholars
    GREEK-NT: Nestle-Aland, oldest manuscript; Not included in this compliation: Textus Receptus, a later version used by Luther & the KJV
    To view both NT Greek manuscripts see the AKDG parallel version: ../AKDG/
  7. (nkjv) - Updated KJV - New King James Version NKJV - Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
By presenting these translations by chapter it provides easier navigation and complies with copyright permissions.

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"Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960-2022 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission."
"Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved."
"Scripture taken from the Reina Valera Gómez - DERECHOS RESERVADOS -(RVG-Spanish) Copyright © 2010 Used by permission. All rights reserved."