CHAPTERS in NASB, Latin Vulgate, Spanish, French, German, Greek (LXX & Nestle-Aland) and NKJV:
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Job 15:35 They conceive trouble and bring forth futility; Their womb prepares deceit."(nkjv)

======= Job 16:1 ============
Job 16:1 Then Job answered,(nasb)
Job 16:1 Respondens autem Job, dixit:(vulgate)
Job 16:1 Entonces respondió Job, y dijo:(E)
Job 16:1 Job prit la parole et dit:(F)
Job 16:1 Hiob antwortete und sprach:(D)
Job 16:1 ὑπολαβὼν δὲ Ιωβ λέγει(lxx)
Job 16:1 Then Job answered and said:(nkjv)

======= Job 16:2 ============
Job 16:2 "I have heard many such things; Sorry comforters are you all.(nasb)
Job 16:2 [Audivi frequenter talia: consolatores onerosi omnes vos estis.(vulgate)
Job 16:2 Muchas veces he oído cosas como éstas: Consoladores molestos [sois] todos vosotros.(E)
Job 16:2 J'ai souvent entendu pareilles choses; Vous êtes tous des consolateurs fâcheux.(F)
Job 16:2 Ich habe solches oft gehört. Ihr seid allzumal leidige Tröster!(D)
Job 16:2 ἀκήκοα τοιαῦτα πολλά παρακλήτορες κακῶν πάντες(lxx)
Job 16:2 "I have heard many such things; Miserable comforters are you all!(nkjv)

======= Job 16:3 ============
Job 16:3 "Is there no limit to windy words? Or what plagues you that you answer?(nasb)
Job 16:3 Numquid habebunt finem verba ventosa? aut aliquid tibi molestum est, si loquaris?(vulgate)
Job 16:3 ¿Tendrán fin las palabras vanas? O ¿qué te anima a responder?(E)
Job 16:3 Quand finiront ces discours en l'air? Pourquoi cette irritation dans tes réponses?(F)
Job 16:3 Wollen die leeren Worte kein Ende haben? Oder was macht dich so frech, also zu reden?(D)
Job 16:3 τί γάρ μὴ τάξις ἐστὶν ῥήμασιν πνεύματος ἢ τί παρενοχλήσει σοι ὅτι ἀποκρίνῃ(lxx)
Job 16:3 Shall words of wind have an end? Or what provokes you that you answer?(nkjv)

======= Job 16:4 ============
Job 16:4 "I too could speak like you, If I were in your place. I could compose words against you And shake my head at you.(nasb)
Job 16:4 consolarer et ego vos sermonibus, et moverem caput meum super vos;(vulgate)
Job 16:4 También yo hablaría como vosotros. Si vuestra alma estuviera en lugar de la mía, yo podría hilvanar palabras contra vosotros, y sobre vosotros movería mi cabeza.(E)
Job 16:4 Moi aussi, je pourrais parler comme vous, Si vous étiez à ma place: Je vous accablerais de paroles, Je secouerais sur vous la tête,(F)
Job 16:4 Ich könnte auch wohl reden wie ihr. Wäre eure Seele an meiner Statt, so wollte ich auch Worte gegen euch zusammenbringen und mein Haupt also über euch schütteln.(D)
Job 16:4 κἀγὼ καθ᾽ ὑμᾶς λαλήσω εἰ ὑπέκειτό γε ἡ ψυχὴ ὑμῶν ἀντὶ τῆς ἐμῆς εἶτ᾽ ἐναλοῦμαι ὑμῖν ῥήμασιν κινήσω δὲ καθ᾽ ὑμῶν κεφαλήν(lxx)
Job 16:4 I also could speak as you do, If your soul were in my soul's place. I could heap up words against you, And shake my head at you;(nkjv)

======= Job 16:5 ============
Job 16:5 "I could strengthen you with my mouth, And the solace of my lips could lessen your pain.(nasb)
Job 16:5 roborarem vos ore meo, et moverem labia mea, quasi parcens vobis.(vulgate)
Job 16:5 [Mas] yo os alentaría con mis palabras, y la consolación de mis labios apaciguaría [el dolor vuestro].(E)
Job 16:5 Je vous fortifierais de la bouche, Je remuerais les lèvres pour vous soulager.(F)
Job 16:5 Ich wollte euch stärken mit dem Munde und mit meinen Lippen trösten.(D)
Job 16:5 εἴη δὲ ἰσχὺς ἐν τῷ στόματί μου κίνησιν δὲ χειλέων οὐ φείσομαι(lxx)
Job 16:5 But I would strengthen you with my mouth, And the comfort of my lips would relieve your grief.(nkjv)

======= Job 16:6 ============
Job 16:6 "If I speak, my pain is not lessened, And if I hold back, what has left me?(nasb)
Job 16:6 Sed quid agam? Si locutus fuero, non quiescet dolor meus, et si tacuero, non recedet a me.(vulgate)
Job 16:6 Si hablo, mi dolor no cesa; y si dejo de hablar, no se aparta de mí.(E)
Job 16:6 Si je parle, mes souffrances ne seront point calmées, Si je me tais, en quoi seront-elles moindres?(F)
Job 16:6 Aber wenn ich schon rede, so schont mein der Schmerz nicht; lasse ich's anstehen so geht er nicht von mir.(D)
Job 16:6 ἐὰν γὰρ λαλήσω οὐκ ἀλγήσω τὸ τραῦμα ἐὰν δὲ καὶ σιωπήσω τί ἔλαττον τρωθήσομαι(lxx)
Job 16:6 "Though I speak, my grief is not relieved; And if I remain silent, how am I eased?(nkjv)

======= Job 16:7 ============
Job 16:7 "But now He has exhausted me; You have laid waste all my company.(nasb)
Job 16:7 Nunc autem oppressit me dolor meus, et in nihilum redacti sunt omnes artus mei.(vulgate)
Job 16:7 Pero ahora me ha fatigado: Tú has asolado toda mi compañía.(E)
Job 16:7 Maintenant, hélas! il m'a épuisé... Tu as ravagé toute ma maison;(F)
Job 16:7 Nun aber macht er mich müde und verstört alles, was ich bin.(D)
Job 16:7 νῦν δὲ κατάκοπόν με πεποίηκεν μωρόν σεσηπότα(lxx)
Job 16:7 But now He has worn me out; You have made desolate all my company.(nkjv)

======= Job 16:8 ============
Job 16:8 "You have shriveled me up, It has become a witness; And my leanness rises up against me, It testifies to my face.(nasb)
Job 16:8 Rugæ meæ testimonium dicunt contra me, et suscitatur falsiloquus adversus faciem meam, contradicens mihi.(vulgate)
Job 16:8 Tú me has llenado de arrugas; testigo es mi flacura, que se levanta contra mí para testificar en mi rostro.(E)
Job 16:8 Tu m'as saisi, pour témoigner contre moi; Ma maigreur se lève, et m'accuse en face.(F)
Job 16:8 Er hat mich runzlig gemacht, das zeugt wider mich; und mein Elend steht gegen mich auf und verklagt mich ins Angesicht.(D)
Job 16:8 καὶ ἐπελάβου μου εἰς μαρτύριον ἐγενήθη καὶ ἀνέστη ἐν ἐμοὶ τὸ ψεῦδός μου κατὰ πρόσωπόν μου ἀνταπεκρίθη(lxx)
Job 16:8 You have shriveled me up, And it is a witness against me; My leanness rises up against me And bears witness to my face.(nkjv)

======= Job 16:9 ============
Job 16:9 "His anger has torn me and hunted me down, He has gnashed at me with His teeth; My adversary glares at me.(nasb)
Job 16:9 Collegit furorem suum in me, et comminans mihi, infremuit contra me dentibus suis: hostis meus terribilibus oculis me intuitus est.(vulgate)
Job 16:9 Su furor [me] despedazó, y me ha sido contrario: Crujió sus dientes contra mí; contra mí aguzó sus ojos mi enemigo.(E)
Job 16:9 Il me déchire et me poursuit dans sa fureur, Il grince des dents contre moi, Il m'attaque et me perce de son regard.(F)
Job 16:9 Sein Grimm zerreißt, und der mir gram ist, beißt die Zähne über mich zusammen; mein Widersacher funkelt mit seinen Augen auf mich.(D)
Job 16:9 ὀργῇ χρησάμενος κατέβαλέν με ἔβρυξεν ἐπ᾽ ἐμὲ τοὺς ὀδόντας βέλη πειρατῶν αὐτοῦ ἐπ᾽ ἐμοὶ ἔπεσεν(lxx)
Job 16:9 He tears me in His wrath, and hates me; He gnashes at me with His teeth; My adversary sharpens His gaze on me.(nkjv)

======= Job 16:10 ============
Job 16:10 "They have gaped at me with their mouth, They have slapped me on the cheek with contempt; They have massed themselves against me.(nasb)
Job 16:10 Aperuerunt super me ora sua, et exprobrantes percusserunt maxillam meam: satiati sunt pœnis meis.(vulgate)
Job 16:10 Abrieron contra mí su boca; hirieron mis mejillas con afrenta; contra mí se juntaron todos.(E)
Job 16:10 Ils ouvrent la bouche pour me dévorer, Ils m'insultent et me frappent les joues, Ils s'acharnent tous après moi.(F)
Job 16:10 Sie haben ihren Mund aufgesperrt gegen mich und haben mich schmählich auf meine Backen geschlagen; sie haben ihren Mut miteinander an mir gekühlt.(D)
Job 16:10 ἀκίσιν ὀφθαλμῶν ἐνήλατο ὀξεῖ ἔπαισέν με εἰς σιαγόνα ὁμοθυμαδὸν δὲ κατέδραμον ἐπ᾽ ἐμοί(lxx)
Job 16:10 They gape at me with their mouth, They strike me reproachfully on the cheek, They gather together against me.(nkjv)

======= Job 16:11 ============
Job 16:11 "God hands me over to ruffians And tosses me into the hands of the wicked.(nasb)
Job 16:11 Conclusit me Deus apud iniquum, et manibus impiorum me tradidit.(vulgate)
Job 16:11 Dios me ha entregado al mentiroso, y en las manos de los impíos me hizo estremecer.(E)
Job 16:11 Dieu me livre à la merci des impies, Il me précipite entre les mains des méchants.(F)
Job 16:11 Gott hat mich übergeben dem Ungerechten und hat mich in der Gottlosen Hände kommen lassen.(D)
Job 16:11 παρέδωκεν γάρ με ὁ κύριος εἰς χεῖρας ἀδίκου ἐπὶ δὲ ἀσεβέσιν ἔρριψέν με(lxx)
Job 16:11 God has delivered me to the ungodly, And turned me over to the hands of the wicked.(nkjv)

======= Job 16:12 ============
Job 16:12 "I was at ease, but He shattered me, And He has grasped me by the neck and shaken me to pieces; He has also set me up as His target.(nasb)
Job 16:12 Ego ille quondam opulentus, repente contritus sum: tenuit cervicem meam, confregit me, et posuit me sibi quasi in signum.(vulgate)
Job 16:12 Próspero estaba yo, y [me] desmenuzó; y me arrebató por la cerviz y me despedazó, y me puso por blanco suyo.(E)
Job 16:12 J'étais tranquille, et il m'a secoué, Il m'a saisi par la nuque et m'a brisé, Il a tiré sur moi comme à un but.(F)
Job 16:12 Ich war in Frieden, aber er hat mich zunichte gemacht; er hat mich beim Hals genommen und zerstoßen und hat mich zum Ziel aufgerichtet.(D)
Job 16:12 εἰρηνεύοντα διεσκέδασέν με λαβών με τῆς κόμης διέτιλεν κατέστησέν με ὥσπερ σκοπόν(lxx)
Job 16:12 I was at ease, but He has shattered me; He also has taken me by my neck, and shaken me to pieces; He has set me up for His target,(nkjv)

======= Job 16:13 ============
Job 16:13 "His arrows surround me. Without mercy He splits my kidneys open; He pours out my gall on the ground.(nasb)
Job 16:13 Circumdedit me lanceis suis; convulneravit lumbos meos: non pepercit, et effudit in terra viscera mea.(vulgate)
Job 16:13 Me rodearon sus arqueros, partió mis riñones, y no perdonó: Mi hiel derramó por tierra.(E)
Job 16:13 Ses traits m'environnent de toutes parts; Il me perce les reins sans pitié, Il répand ma bile sur la terre.(F)
Job 16:13 Er hat mich umgeben mit seinen Schützen; er hat meine Nieren gespalten und nicht verschont; er hat meine Galle auf die Erde geschüttet.(D)
Job 16:13 ἐκύκλωσάν με λόγχαις βάλλοντες εἰς νεφρούς μου οὐ φειδόμενοι ἐξέχεαν εἰς τὴν γῆν τὴν χολήν μου(lxx)
Job 16:13 His archers surround me. He pierces my heart and does not pity; He pours out my gall on the ground.(nkjv)

======= Job 16:14 ============
Job 16:14 "He breaks through me with breach after breach; He runs at me like a warrior.(nasb)
Job 16:14 Concidit me vulnere super vulnus: irruit in me quasi gigas.(vulgate)
Job 16:14 Me quebrantó de quebranto sobre quebranto; corrió contra mí como un gigante.(E)
Job 16:14 Il me fait brèche sur brèche, Il fond sur moi comme un guerrier.(F)
Job 16:14 Er hat mir eine Wunde über die andere gemacht; er ist an mich gelaufen wie ein Gewaltiger.(D)
Job 16:14 κατέβαλόν με πτῶμα ἐπὶ πτώματι ἔδραμον πρός με δυνάμενοι(lxx)
Job 16:14 He breaks me with wound upon wound; He runs at me like a warrior.(nkjv)

======= Job 16:15 ============
Job 16:15 "I have sewed sackcloth over my skin And thrust my horn in the dust.(nasb)
Job 16:15 Saccum consui super cutem meam, et operui cinere carnem meam.(vulgate)
Job 16:15 Yo cosí cilicio sobre mi piel, y hundí mi cabeza en el polvo.(E)
Job 16:15 J'ai cousu un sac sur ma peau; J'ai roulé ma tête dans la poussière.(F)
Job 16:15 Ich habe einen Sack um meine Haut genäht und habe mein Horn in den Staub gelegt.(D)
Job 16:15 σάκκον ἔρραψα ἐπὶ βύρσης μου τὸ δὲ σθένος μου ἐν γῇ ἐσβέσθη(lxx)
Job 16:15 "I have sewn sackcloth over my skin, And laid my head in the dust.(nkjv)

======= Job 16:16 ============
Job 16:16 "My face is flushed from weeping, And deep darkness is on my eyelids,(nasb)
Job 16:16 Facies mea intumuit a fletu, et palpebræ meæ caligaverunt.(vulgate)
Job 16:16 Mi rostro está hinchado por el llanto, y mis párpados entenebrecidos:(E)
Job 16:16 Les pleurs ont altéré mon visage; L'ombre de la mort est sur mes paupières.(F)
Job 16:16 Mein Antlitz ist geschwollen von Weinen, und meine Augenlider sind verdunkelt,(D)
Job 16:16 ἡ γαστήρ μου συγκέκαυται ἀπὸ κλαυθμοῦ ἐπὶ δὲ βλεφάροις μου σκιά(lxx)
Job 16:16 My face is flushed from weeping, And on my eyelids is the shadow of death;(nkjv)

======= Job 16:17 ============
Job 16:17 Although there is no violence in my hands, And my prayer is pure.(nasb)
Job 16:17 Hæc passus sum absque iniquitate manus meæ, cum haberem mundas ad Deum preces.(vulgate)
Job 16:17 A pesar de no haber iniquidad en mis manos, y de haber sido pura mi oración.(E)
Job 16:17 Je n'ai pourtant commis aucune violence, Et ma prière fut toujours pure.(F)
Job 16:17 wiewohl kein Frevel in meiner Hand ist und mein Gebet ist rein.(D)
Job 16:17 ἄδικον δὲ οὐδὲν ἦν ἐν χερσίν μου εὐχὴ δέ μου καθαρά(lxx)
Job 16:17 Although no violence is in my hands, And my prayer is pure.(nkjv)

======= Job 16:18 ============
Job 16:18 "O earth, do not cover my blood, And let there be no resting place for my cry.(nasb)
Job 16:18 Terra, ne operias sanguinem meum, neque inveniat in te locum latendi clamor meus:(vulgate)
Job 16:18 ¡Oh tierra! no cubras mi sangre, y no haya lugar a mi clamor.(E)
Job 16:18 O terre, ne couvre point mon sang, Et que mes cris prennent librement leur essor!(F)
Job 16:18 Ach Erde, bedecke mein Blut nicht! und mein Geschrei finde keine Ruhestätte!(D)
Job 16:18 γῆ μὴ ἐπικαλύψῃς ἐφ᾽ αἵματι τῆς σαρκός μου μηδὲ εἴη τόπος τῇ κραυγῇ μου(lxx)
Job 16:18 "O earth, do not cover my blood, And let my cry have no resting place!(nkjv)

======= Job 16:19 ============
Job 16:19 "Even now, behold, my witness is in heaven, And my advocate is on high.(nasb)
Job 16:19 ecce enim in cælo testis meus, et conscius meus in excelsis.(vulgate)
Job 16:19 Mas he aquí que en los cielos [está] mi testigo, y mi testimonio en las alturas.(E)
Job 16:19 Déjà maintenant, mon témoin est dans le ciel, Mon témoin est dans les lieux élevés.(F)
Job 16:19 Auch siehe da, meine Zeuge ist mein Himmel; und der mich kennt, ist in der Höhe.(D)
Job 16:19 καὶ νῦν ἰδοὺ ἐν οὐρανοῖς ὁ μάρτυς μου ὁ δὲ συνίστωρ μου ἐν ὑψίστοις(lxx)
Job 16:19 Surely even now my witness is in heaven, And my evidence is on high.(nkjv)

======= Job 16:20 ============
Job 16:20 "My friends are my scoffers; My eye weeps to God.(nasb)
Job 16:20 Verbosi amici mei: ad Deum stillat oculus meus:(vulgate)
Job 16:20 Mis amigos me escarnecen; mis ojos derramarán lágrimas ante Dios.(E)
Job 16:20 Mes amis se jouent de moi; C'est Dieu que j'implore avec larmes.(F)
Job 16:20 Meine Freunde sind meine Spötter; aber mein Auge tränt zu Gott,(D)
Job 16:20 ἀφίκοιτό μου ἡ δέησις πρὸς κύριον ἔναντι δὲ αὐτοῦ στάζοι μου ὁ ὀφθαλμός(lxx)
Job 16:20 My friends scorn me; My eyes pour out tears to God.(nkjv)

======= Job 16:21 ============
Job 16:21 "O that a man might plead with God As a man with his neighbor!(nasb)
Job 16:21 atque utinam sic judicaretur vir cum Deo, quomodo judicatur filius hominis cum collega suo.(vulgate)
Job 16:21 ¡Oh que alguien intercediera por el hombre ante Dios, como el hombre [intercede] por su prójimo!(E)
Job 16:21 Puisse-t-il donner à l'homme raison contre Dieu, Et au fils de l'homme contre ses amis!(F)
Job 16:21 daß er entscheiden möge zwischen dem Mann und Gott, zwischen dem Menschenkind und seinem Freunde.(D)
Job 16:21 εἴη δὲ ἔλεγχος ἀνδρὶ ἔναντι κυρίου καὶ υἱὸς ἀνθρώπου τῷ πλησίον αὐτοῦ(lxx)
Job 16:21 Oh, that one might plead for a man with God, As a man pleads for his neighbor!(nkjv)

======= Job 16:22 ============
Job 16:22 "For when a few years are past, I shall go the way of no return.(nasb)
Job 16:22 Ecce enim breves anni transeunt, et semitam per quam non revertar ambulo.](vulgate)
Job 16:22 Mas los años contados vendrán, y yo iré por el camino de donde no volveré.(E)
Job 16:22 Car le nombre de mes années touche à son terme, Et je m'en irai par un sentier d'où je ne reviendrai pas.(F)
Job 16:22 Denn die bestimmten Jahre sind gekommen, und ich gehe hin des Weges, den ich nicht wiederkommen werde.(D)
Job 16:22 ἔτη δὲ ἀριθμητὰ ἥκασιν ὁδῷ δέ ᾗ οὐκ ἐπαναστραφήσομαι πορεύσομαι(lxx)
Job 16:22 For when a few years are finished, I shall go the way of no return.(nkjv)

======= Job 17:1 ============

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Translations of each verse by CHAPTERS in English, Latin, Spanish, French, German, Greek and English in this order:
  1. (nasb) - The most accurate translation: NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE® Copyright © 1960-1995 The Lockman Foundation. Used by Permission.
  2. (vulgate) - LATIN: Jerome's Vulgate (405 AD) - Public Domain
  3. (E) - SPANISH: Reina Valera Gómez - DERECHOS RESERVADOS - Rights Reserved - Copyright 2010 RVG-Spanish
  4. (F) - FRENCH: Louis Segond 1910 - Public Domain LSG-French
  5. (D) - GERMAN: Luther's Die Heilige Schrift(1545 AD), based on the Textus Receptus, Vulgate & other sources
  6. (lxx)/(Nestle-Aland) - GREEK: Public Domain - LXX Old Testament and Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece.
    GREEK-OT: The Septuagint, LXX (132 BC) - translation from Hebrew into Greek by 70 Jewish scholars
    GREEK-NT: Nestle-Aland, oldest manuscript; Not included in this compliation: Textus Receptus, a later version used by Luther & the KJV
    To view both NT Greek manuscripts see the AKDG parallel version: ../AKDG/
  7. (nkjv) - Updated KJV - New King James Version NKJV - Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
By presenting these translations by chapter it provides easier navigation and complies with copyright permissions.

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"Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960-2022 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission."
"Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved."
"Scripture taken from the Reina Valera Gómez - DERECHOS RESERVADOS -(RVG-Spanish) Copyright © 2010 Used by permission. All rights reserved."