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Job 8:22 "Those who hate you will be clothed with shame, And the tent of the wicked will be no longer." (nasb)

======= Job 9:1 ============
Job 9:1 Then Job answered and said,(KJV)
Job 9:1 Then Iob answered, and sayd,(Geneva)
Job 9:1 Job prit la parole et dit:(FR)
‫ 1 ׃9 וַיַּ֥עַן אִיּ֗וֹב וַיֹּאמַֽר׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:1 Then Job answered, (nasb)

======= Job 9:2 ============
Job 9:2 I know it is so of a truth: but how should man be just with God?(KJV)
Job 9:2 I knowe verily that it is so: for howe should man compared vnto God, be iustified?(Geneva)
Job 9:2 Je sais bien qu'il en est ainsi; Comment l'homme serait-il juste devant Dieu?(FR)
‫ 2 ׃9 אָ֭מְנָם יָדַ֣עְתִּי כִי־כֵ֑ן וּמַה־יִּצְדַּ֖ק אֱנ֣וֹשׁ עִם־אֵֽל׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:2 "In truth I know that this is so; But how can a man be in the right before God?(nasb)

======= Job 9:3 ============
Job 9:3 If he will contend with him, he cannot answer him one of a thousand.(KJV)
Job 9:3 If I would dispute with him, hee could not answere him one thing of a thousand.(Geneva)
Job 9:3 S'il voulait contester avec lui, Sur mille choses il ne pourrait répondre à une seule.(FR)
‫ 3 ׃9 אִם־יַ֭חְפֹּץ לָרִ֣יב עִמּ֑וֹ לֹֽא־יַ֝עֲנֶ֗נּוּ אַחַ֥ת מִנִּי־אָֽלֶף׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:3 "If one wished to dispute with Him, He could not answer Him once in a thousand times.(nasb)

======= Job 9:4 ============
Job 9:4 He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength: who hath hardened himself against him, and hath prospered?(KJV)
Job 9:4 He is wise in heart, & mighty in stregth: who hath bene fierce against him & hath prospered?(Geneva)
Job 9:4 A lui la sagesse et la toute-puissance: Qui lui résisterait impunément?(FR)
‫ 4 ׃9 חֲכַ֣ם לֵ֭בָב וְאַמִּ֣יץ כֹּ֑חַ מִֽי־הִקְשָׁ֥ה אֵ֝לָ֗יו וַיִּשְׁלָֽם׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:4 "Wise in heart and mighty in strength, Who has defied Him without harm?(nasb)

======= Job 9:5 ============
Job 9:5 Which removeth the mountains, and they know not: which overturneth them in his anger.(KJV)
Job 9:5 He remoueth the mountaines, and they feele not when he ouerthroweth them in his wrath.(Geneva)
Job 9:5 Il transporte soudain les montagnes, Il les renverse dans sa colère.(FR)
‫ 5 ׃9 הַמַּעְתִּ֣יק הָ֭רִים וְלֹ֣א יָדָ֑עוּ אֲשֶׁ֖ר הֲפָכָ֣ם בְּאַפּֽוֹ׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:5 "It is God who removes the mountains, they know not how, When He overturns them in His anger; (nasb)

======= Job 9:6 ============
Job 9:6 Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble.(KJV)
Job 9:6 Hee remooueth the earth out of her place, that the pillars thereof doe shake.(Geneva)
Job 9:6 Il secoue la terre sur sa base, Et ses colonnes sont ébranlées.(FR)
‫ 6 ׃9 הַמַּרְגִּ֣יז אֶ֭רֶץ מִמְּקוֹמָ֑הּ וְ֝עַמּוּדֶ֗יהָ יִתְפַלָּצֽוּן׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:6 Who shakes the earth out of its place, And its pillars tremble; (nasb)

======= Job 9:7 ============
Job 9:7 Which commandeth the sun, and it riseth not; and sealeth up the stars.(KJV)
Job 9:7 He commandeth the sunne, & it riseth not: hee closeth vp the starres, as vnder a signet.(Geneva)
Job 9:7 Il commande au soleil, et le soleil ne paraît pas; Il met un sceau sur les étoiles.(FR)
‫ 7 ׃9 הָאֹמֵ֣ר לַ֭חֶרֶס וְלֹ֣א יִזְרָ֑ח וּבְעַ֖ד כּוֹכָבִ֣ים יַחְתֹּֽם׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:7 Who commands the sun not to shine, And sets a seal upon the stars; (nasb)

======= Job 9:8 ============
Job 9:8 Which alone spreadeth out the heavens, and treadeth upon the waves of the sea.(KJV)
Job 9:8 Hee himselfe alone spreadeth out the heauens, and walketh vpon the height of the sea.(Geneva)
Job 9:8 Seul, il étend les cieux, Il marche sur les hauteurs de la mer.(FR)
‫ 8 ׃9 נֹטֶ֣ה שָׁמַ֣יִם לְבַדּ֑וֹ וְ֝דוֹרֵ֗ךְ עַל־בָּ֥מֳתֵי יָֽם׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:8 Who alone stretches out the heavens And tramples down the waves of the sea; (nasb)

======= Job 9:9 ============
Job 9:9 Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south.(KJV)
Job 9:9 He maketh the starres Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the climates of the South.(Geneva)
Job 9:9 Il a créé la Grande Ourse, l'Orion et les Pléiades, Et les étoiles des régions australes.(FR)
‫ 9 ׃9 עֹֽשֶׂה־עָ֭שׁ כְּסִ֥יל וְכִימָ֗ה וְחַדְרֵ֥י תֵמָֽן׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:9 Who makes the Bear, Orion and the Pleiades, And the chambers of the south; (nasb)

======= Job 9:10 ============
Job 9:10 Which doeth great things past finding out; yea, and wonders without number.(KJV)
Job 9:10 He doeth great things, and vnsearcheable: yea, marueilous things without nomber.(Geneva)
Job 9:10 Il fait des choses grandes et insondables, Des merveilles sans nombre.(FR)
‫ 10 ׃9 עֹשֶׂ֣ה גְ֭דֹלוֹת עַד־אֵ֣ין חֵ֑קֶר וְ֝‪[t]‬נִפְלָא֗וֹת עַד־אֵ֥ין מִסְפָּֽר׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:10 Who does great things, unfathomable, And wondrous works without number.(nasb)

======= Job 9:11 ============
Job 9:11 Lo, he goeth by me, and I see him not: he passeth on also, but I perceive him not.(KJV)
Job 9:11 Lo, when he goeth by me, I see him not: and when he passeth by, I perceiue him not.(Geneva)
Job 9:11 Voici, il passe près de moi, et je ne le vois pas, Il s'en va, et je ne l'aperçois pas.(FR)
‫ 11 ׃9 הֵ֤ן יַעֲבֹ֣ר עָ֭לַי וְלֹ֣א אֶרְאֶ֑ה וְ֝יַחֲלֹ֗ף וְֽלֹא־אָבִ֥ין לֽוֹ׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:11 "Were He to pass by me, I would not see Him; Were He to move past me, I would not perceive Him.(nasb)

======= Job 9:12 ============
Job 9:12 Behold, he taketh away, who can hinder him? who will say unto him, What doest thou?(KJV)
Job 9:12 Behold, when he taketh a pray, who can make him to restore it? who shall say vnto him, What doest thou?(Geneva)
Job 9:12 S'il enlève, qui s'y opposera? Qui lui dira: Que fais-tu?(FR)
‫ 12 ׃9 הֵ֣ן יַ֭חְתֹּף מִ֣י יְשִׁיבֶ֑נּוּ מִֽי־יֹאמַ֥ר אֵ֝לָ֗יו מַֽה־תַּעֲשֶֽׂה׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:12 "Were He to snatch away, who could restrain Him? Who could say to Him, 'What are You doing?'(nasb)

======= Job 9:13 ============
Job 9:13 If God will not withdraw his anger, the proud helpers do stoop under him.(KJV)
Job 9:13 God will not withdrawe his anger, and the most mightie helpes doe stoupe vnder him.(Geneva)
Job 9:13 Dieu ne retire point sa colère; Sous lui s'inclinent les appuis de l'orgueil.(FR)
‫ 13 ׃9 אֱ֭לוֹהַּ לֹא־יָשִׁ֣יב אַפּ֑וֹ *תחתו **תַּחְתָּ֥יו שָׁ֝חֲח֗וּ עֹ֣זְרֵי רָֽהַב׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:13 "God will not turn back His anger; Beneath Him crouch the helpers of Rahab.(nasb)

======= Job 9:14 ============
Job 9:14 How much less shall I answer him, and choose out my words to reason with him?(KJV)
Job 9:14 Howe much lesse shall I answere him? or howe should I finde out my words with him?(Geneva)
Job 9:14 Et moi, comment lui répondre? Quelles paroles choisir?(FR)
‫ 14 ׃9 אַ֭ף כִּֽי־אָנֹכִ֣י אֶֽעֱנֶ֑נּוּ אֶבְחֲרָ֖ה דְבָרַ֣י עִמּ‪[t]‬וֹ׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:14 "How then can I answer Him, And choose my words before Him?(nasb)

======= Job 9:15 ============
Job 9:15 Whom, though I were righteous, yet would I not answer, but I would make supplication to my judge.(KJV)
Job 9:15 For though I were iust, yet could I not answere, but I would make supplicatio to my Iudge.(Geneva)
Job 9:15 Quand je serais juste, je ne répondrais pas; Je ne puis qu'implorer mon juge.(FR)
‫ 15 ׃9 אֲשֶׁ֣ר אִם־צָ֭דַקְתִּי לֹ֣א אֶעֱנֶ֑ה לִ֝מְשֹׁפְטִ֗י אֶתְחַנָּֽן׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:15 "For though I were right, I could not answer; I would have to implore the mercy of my judge.(nasb)

======= Job 9:16 ============
Job 9:16 If I had called, and he had answered me; yet would I not believe that he had hearkened unto my voice.(KJV)
Job 9:16 If I cry, and he answere me, yet woulde I not beleeue, that he heard my voyce.(Geneva)
Job 9:16 Et quand il m'exaucerait, si je l'invoque, Je ne croirais pas qu'il eût écouté ma voix,(FR)
‫ 16 ׃9 אִם־קָרָ֥אתִי וַֽיַּעֲנֵ֑נִי לֹֽא־אַ֝אֲמִ֗ין כִּֽי־יַאֲזִ֥ין קוֹלִֽי׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:16 "If I called and He answered me, I could not believe that He was listening to my voice.(nasb)

======= Job 9:17 ============
Job 9:17 For he breaketh me with a tempest, and multiplieth my wounds without cause.(KJV)
Job 9:17 For he destroyeth mee with a tempest, and woundeth me without cause.(Geneva)
Job 9:17 Lui qui m'assaille comme par une tempête, Qui multiplie sans raison mes blessures,(FR)
‫ 17 ׃9 אֲשֶׁר־בִּשְׂעָרָ֥ה יְשׁוּפֵ֑נִי וְהִרְבָּ֖ה פְצָעַ֣י חִנָּֽם׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:17 "For He bruises me with a tempest And multiplies my wounds without cause.(nasb)

======= Job 9:18 ============
Job 9:18 He will not suffer me to take my breath, but filleth me with bitterness.(KJV)
Job 9:18 He wil not suffer me to take my breath, but filleth me with bitternesse.(Geneva)
Job 9:18 Qui ne me laisse pas respirer, Qui me rassasie d'amertume.(FR)
‫ 18 ׃9 לֹֽא־יִ֭תְּנֵנִי הָשֵׁ֣ב רוּחִ֑י כִּ֥י יַ֝שְׂבִּעַ֗נִי מַמְּרֹרִֽים׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:18 "He will not allow me to get my breath, But saturates me with bitterness.(nasb)

======= Job 9:19 ============
Job 9:19 If I speak of strength, lo, he is strong: and if of judgment, who shall set me a time to plead?(KJV)
Job 9:19 If we speake of strength, behold, he is strog: if we speake of iudgement, who shall bring me in to pleade?(Geneva)
Job 9:19 Recourir à la force? Il est tout-puissant. A la justice? Qui me fera comparaître?(FR)
‫ 19 ׃9 אִם־לְכֹ֣חַ אַמִּ֣יץ הִנֵּ֑ה וְאִם־לְ֝מִשְׁפָּ֗ט מִ֣י יוֹעִידֵֽנִי׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:19 "If it is a matter of power, behold, He is the strong one! And if it is a matter of justice, who can summon Him?(nasb)

======= Job 9:20 ============
Job 9:20 If I justify myself, mine own mouth shall condemn me: if I say, I am perfect, it shall also prove me perverse.(KJV)
Job 9:20 If I woulde iustifie my selfe, mine owne mouth shall condemne mee: if I would be perfite, he shall iudge me wicked.(Geneva)
Job 9:20 Suis-je juste, ma bouche me condamnera; Suis-je innocent, il me déclarera coupable.(FR)
‫ 20 ׃9 אִם־אֶ֭צְדָּק פִּ֣י יַרְשִׁיעֵ֑נִי תָּֽם־אָ֝֗נִי וַֽיַּעְקְשֵֽׁנִי׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:20 "Though I am righteous, my mouth will condemn me; Though I am guiltless, He will declare me guilty.(nasb)

======= Job 9:21 ============
Job 9:21 Though I were perfect, yet would I not know my soul: I would despise my life.(KJV)
Job 9:21 Though I were perfite, yet I knowe not my soule: therefore abhorre I my life.(Geneva)
Job 9:21 Innocent! Je le suis; mais je ne tiens pas à la vie, Je méprise mon existence.(FR)
‫ 21 ׃9 תָּֽם־אָ֭נִי לֹֽא־אֵדַ֥ע נַפְשִׁ֗י אֶמְאַ֥ס חַיָּֽי׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:21 "I am guiltless; I do not take notice of myself; I despise my life.(nasb)

======= Job 9:22 ============
Job 9:22 This is one thing, therefore I said it, He destroyeth the perfect and the wicked.(KJV)
Job 9:22 This is one point: therefore I said, Hee destroyeth the perfite and the wicked.(Geneva)
Job 9:22 Qu'importe après tout? Car, j'ose le dire, Il détruit l'innocent comme le coupable.(FR)
‫ 22 ׃9 אַחַ֗ת הִ֥יא עַל־כֵּ֥ן אָמַ֑רְתִּי תָּ֥ם וְ֝רָשָׁ֗ע ה֣וּא מְכַלֶּֽה׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:22 "It is all one; therefore I say, 'He destroys the guiltless and the wicked.'(nasb)

======= Job 9:23 ============
Job 9:23 If the scourge slay suddenly, he will laugh at the trial of the innocent.(KJV)
Job 9:23 If the scourge should suddely slay, should God laugh at the punishment of the innocent?(Geneva)
Job 9:23 Si du moins le fléau donnait soudain la mort!... Mais il se rit des épreuves de l'innocent.(FR)
‫ 23 ׃9 אִם־שׁ֭וֹט יָמִ֣ית פִּתְאֹ֑ם לְמַסַּ֖ת נְקִיִּ֣ם יִלְעָֽג׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:23 "If the scourge kills suddenly, He mocks the despair of the innocent.(nasb)

======= Job 9:24 ============
Job 9:24 The earth is given into the hand of the wicked: he covereth the faces of the judges thereof; if not, where, and who is he?(KJV)
Job 9:24 The earth is giuen into the hand of ye wicked: he couereth the faces of the iudges therof: if not, where is he? or who is he?(Geneva)
Job 9:24 La terre est livrée aux mains de l'impie; Il voile la face des juges. Si ce n'est pas lui, qui est-ce donc?(FR)
‫ 24 ׃9 אֶ֤רֶץ ׀ נִתְּנָ֬ה בְֽיַד־רָשָׁ֗ע פְּנֵֽי־שֹׁפְטֶ֥יהָ יְכַסֶּ֑ה אִם־לֹ֖א אֵפ֣וֹא מִי־הֽוּא׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:24 "The earth is given into the hand of the wicked; He covers the faces of its judges. If it is not He, then who is it?(nasb)

======= Job 9:25 ============
Job 9:25 Now my days are swifter than a post: they flee away, they see no good.(KJV)
Job 9:25 My dayes haue bene more swift then a post: they haue fled, and haue seene no good thing.(Geneva)
Job 9:25 Mes jours sont plus rapides qu'un courrier; Ils fuient sans avoir vu le bonheur;(FR)
‫ 25 ׃9 וְיָמַ֣י קַ֭לּוּ מִנִּי־רָ֑ץ בָּֽ֝רְח֗וּ לֹא־רָא֥וּ טוֹבָֽה׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:25 "Now my days are swifter than a runner; They flee away, they see no good.(nasb)

======= Job 9:26 ============
Job 9:26 They are passed away as the swift ships: as the eagle that hasteth to the prey.(KJV)
Job 9:26 They are passed as with the most swift ships, and as the eagle that flyeth to the pray.(Geneva)
Job 9:26 Ils passent comme les navires de jonc, Comme l'aigle qui fond sur sa proie.(FR)
‫ 26 ׃9 חָ֭לְפוּ עִם־אֳנִיּ֣וֹת אֵבֶ֑ה כְּ֝נֶ֗שֶׁר יָט֥וּשׂ עֲלֵי־אֹֽכֶל׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:26 "They slip by like reed boats, Like an eagle that swoops on its prey.(nasb)

======= Job 9:27 ============
Job 9:27 If I say, I will forget my complaint, I will leave off my heaviness, and comfort myself:(KJV)
Job 9:27 If I say, I wil forget my complaynt, I will cease from my wrath, and comfort mee,(Geneva)
Job 9:27 Si je dis: Je veux oublier mes souffrances, Laisser ma tristesse, reprendre courage,(FR)
‫ 27 ׃9 אִם־אָ֭מְרִי אֶשְׁכְּחָ֣ה שִׂיחִ֑י אֶעֶזְבָ֖ה פָנַ֣י וְאַבְלִֽיגָה׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:27 "Though I say, 'I will forget my complaint, I will leave off my sad countenance and be cheerful,'(nasb)

======= Job 9:28 ============
Job 9:28 I am afraid of all my sorrows, I know that thou wilt not hold me innocent.(KJV)
Job 9:28 Then I am afrayd of all my sorowes, knowing that thou wilt not iudge me innocent.(Geneva)
Job 9:28 Je suis effrayé de toutes mes douleurs. Je sais que tu ne me tiendras pas pour innocent.(FR)
‫ 28 ׃9 יָגֹ֥רְתִּי כָל־עַצְּבֹתָ֑י יָ֝דַ֗עְתִּי כִּי־לֹ֥א תְנַקֵּֽנִי׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:28 I am afraid of all my pains, I know that You will not acquit me.(nasb)

======= Job 9:29 ============
Job 9:29 If I be wicked, why then labour I in vain?(KJV)
Job 9:29 If I be wicked, why labour I thus in vaine?(Geneva)
Job 9:29 Je serai jugé coupable; Pourquoi me fatiguer en vain?(FR)
‫ 29 ׃9 אָנֹכִ֥י אֶרְשָׁ֑ע לָמָּה־זֶּ֝֗ה הֶ֣בֶל אִיגָֽע׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:29 "I am accounted wicked, Why then should I toil in vain?(nasb)

======= Job 9:30 ============
Job 9:30 If I wash myself with snow water, and make my hands never so clean;(KJV)
Job 9:30 If I wash my selfe with snowe water, and purge mine hands most cleane,(Geneva)
Job 9:30 Quand je me laverais dans la neige, Quand je purifierais mes mains avec du savon,(FR)
‫ 30 ׃9 אִם־הִתְרָחַ֥צְתִּי *במו־**בְמֵי־שָׁ֑לֶג וַ֝הֲזִכּ֗וֹתִי בְּבֹ֣ר כַּפָּי‪[t]‬׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:30 "If I should wash myself with snow And cleanse my hands with lye, (nasb)

======= Job 9:31 ============
Job 9:31 Yet shalt thou plunge me in the ditch, and mine own clothes shall abhor me.(KJV)
Job 9:31 Yet shalt thou plunge mee in the pit, and mine owne clothes shal make me filthie.(Geneva)
Job 9:31 Tu me plongerais dans la fange, Et mes vêtements m'auraient en horreur.(FR)
‫ 31 ׃9 אָ֭ז בַּשַּׁ֣חַת תִּטְבְּלֵ֑נִי וְ֝תִֽעֲב֗וּנִי שַׂלְמוֹתָֽי׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:31 Yet You would plunge me into the pit, And my own clothes would abhor me.(nasb)

======= Job 9:32 ============
Job 9:32 For he is not a man, as I am, that I should answer him, and we should come together in judgment.(KJV)
Job 9:32 For he is not a man as I am, that I shoulde answere him, if we come together to iudgement.(Geneva)
Job 9:32 Il n'est pas un homme comme moi, pour que je lui réponde, Pour que nous allions ensemble en justice.(FR)
‫ 32 ׃9 כִּי־לֹא־אִ֣ישׁ כָּמֹ֣נִי אֶֽעֱנֶ֑נּוּ נָב֥וֹא יַ֝חְדָּ֗ו בַּמִּשְׁפָּֽט׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:32 "For He is not a man as I am that I may answer Him, That we may go to court together.(nasb)

======= Job 9:33 ============
Job 9:33 Neither is there any daysman betwixt us, that might lay his hand upon us both.(KJV)
Job 9:33 Neyther is there any vmpire that might lay his hand vpon vs both.(Geneva)
Job 9:33 Il n'y a pas entre nous d'arbitre, Qui pose sa main sur nous deux.(FR)
‫ 33 ׃9 לֹ֣א יֵשׁ־בֵּינֵ֣ינוּ מוֹכִ֑יחַ יָשֵׁ֖ת יָד֣וֹ עַל־שְׁנֵֽינוּ׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:33 "There is no umpire between us, Who may lay his hand upon us both.(nasb)

======= Job 9:34 ============
Job 9:34 Let him take his rod away from me, and let not his fear terrify me:(KJV)
Job 9:34 Let him take his rod away from me, and let not his feare astonish me:(Geneva)
Job 9:34 Qu'il retire sa verge de dessus moi, Que ses terreurs ne me troublent plus;(FR)
‫ 34 ׃9 יָסֵ֣ר מֵעָלַ֣י שִׁבְט֑וֹ וְ֝אֵמָת֗וֹ אַֽל־תְּבַעֲתַֽנִּי׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:34 "Let Him remove His rod from me, And let not dread of Him terrify me.(nasb)

======= Job 9:35 ============
Job 9:35 Then would I speak, and not fear him; but it is not so with me.(kjv)
Job 9:35 Then will I speake, & feare him not: but because I am not so, I holde me still.(Geneva)
Job 9:35 Alors je parlerai et je ne le craindrai pas. Autrement, je ne suis point à moi-même.(FR)
‫ 35 ׃9 אַֽ֭דַבְּרָה וְלֹ֣א אִירָאֶ֑נּוּ כִּ֥י לֹא־כֵ֥ן אָ֝נֹכִ֗י עִמָּדִֽי׃ ‬ Job
Job 9:35 "Then I would speak and not fear Him; But I am not like that in myself. (nasb)

======= Job 10:1 ============
Job 10:1 My soul is weary of my life; I will leave my complaint upon myself; I will speak in the bitterness of my soul.(KJV)
Job 10:1 My soule is cut off though I liue: I wil leaue my complaint vpon my selfe, & wil speake in the bitternesse of my soule.(Geneva)
Job 10:1 Mon âme est dégoûtée de la vie! Je donnerai cours à ma plainte, Je parlerai dans l'amertume de mon âme.(FR)

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"Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960-2022 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission."
"Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved."