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Job 17:16 "Will it go down with me to Sheol? Shall we together go down into the dust?" (nasb)

======= Job 18:1 ============
Job 18:1 Then answered Bildad the Shuhite, and said,(KJV)
Job 18:1 Then answered Bildad the Shuhite, and said,(Geneva)
Job 18:1 Bildad de Schuach prit la parole et dit:(FR)
‫ 1 ׃18 וַ֭יַּעַן בִּלְדַּ֥ד הַשֻּׁחִ֗י וַיֹּאמַֽר׃ ‬ Job
Job 18:1 Then Bildad the Shuhite responded, (nasb)

======= Job 18:2 ============
Job 18:2 How long will it be ere ye make an end of words? mark, and afterwards we will speak.(KJV)
Job 18:2 When will yee make an ende of your words? cause vs to vnderstande, and then wee will speake.(Geneva)
Job 18:2 Quand mettrez-vous un terme à ces discours? Ayez de l'intelligence, puis nous parlerons.(FR)
‫ 2 ׃18 עַד־אָ֤נָה ׀ תְּשִׂימ֣וּן קִנְצֵ֣י לְמִלִּ֑ין תָּ֝בִ֗ינוּ וְאַחַ֥ר נְדַבֵּֽר׃ ‬ Job
Job 18:2 "How long will you hunt for words? Show understanding and then we can talk.(nasb)

======= Job 18:3 ============
Job 18:3 Wherefore are we counted as beasts, and reputed vile in your sight?(KJV)
Job 18:3 Wherefore are wee counted as beastes, and are vile in your sight?(Geneva)
Job 18:3 Pourquoi sommes-nous regardés comme des bêtes? Pourquoi ne sommes-nous à vos yeux que des brutes?(FR)
‫ 3 ׃18 מַ֭דּוּעַ נֶחְשַׁ֣בְנוּ כַבְּהֵמָ֑ה נִ֝טְמִ֗ינוּ בְּעֵינֵיכֶֽם׃ ‬ Job
Job 18:3 "Why are we regarded as beasts, As stupid in your eyes? (nasb)

======= Job 18:4 ============
Job 18:4 He teareth himself in his anger: shall the earth be forsaken for thee? and shall the rock be removed out of his place?(KJV)
Job 18:4 Thou art as one that teareth his soule in his anger. Shall the earth bee forsaken for thy sake? or the rocke remoued out of his place?(Geneva)
Job 18:4 O toi qui te déchires dans ta fureur, Faut-il, à cause de toi, que la terre devienne déserte? Faut-il que les rochers disparaissent de leur place?(FR)
‫ 4 ׃18 טֹֽרֵ֥ף נַפְשׁ֗וֹ בְּאַ֫פּ֥וֹ הֲ֭לְמַּעַנְךָ תֵּעָ֣זַב אָ֑רֶץ וְיֶעְתַּק־צ֝֗וּר מִמְּקֹמֽוֹ׃ ‬ Job
Job 18:4 "O you who tear yourself in your anger-- For your sake is the earth to be abandoned, Or the rock to be moved from its place? (nasb)

======= Job 18:5 ============
Job 18:5 Yea, the light of the wicked shall be put out, and the spark of his fire shall not shine.(KJV)
Job 18:5 Yea, the light of the wicked shalbe quenched, and the sparke of his fire shall not shine.(Geneva)
Job 18:5 La lumière du méchant s'éteindra, Et la flamme qui en jaillit cessera de briller.(FR)
‫ 5 ׃18 גַּ֤ם א֣וֹר רְשָׁעִ֣ים יִדְעָ֑ךְ וְלֹֽא־יִ֝גַּ֗הּ שְׁבִ֣יב אִשּֽׁוֹ׃ ‬ Job
Job 18:5 "Indeed, the light of the wicked goes out, And the flame of his fire gives no light.(nasb)

======= Job 18:6 ============
Job 18:6 The light shall be dark in his tabernacle, and his candle shall be put out with him.(KJV)
Job 18:6 The light shalbe darke in his dwelling, and his candle shalbe put out with him.(Geneva)
Job 18:6 La lumière s'obscurcira sous sa tente, Et sa lampe au-dessus de lui s'éteindra.(FR)
‫ 6 ׃18 א֖‪[d]‬וֹר חָשַׁ֣ךְ בְּאָהֳל֑וֹ וְ֝נֵר֗וֹ עָלָ֥יו יִדְעָֽךְ׃ ‬ Job
Job 18:6 "The light in his tent is darkened, And his lamp goes out above him.(nasb)

======= Job 18:7 ============
Job 18:7 The steps of his strength shall be straitened, and his own counsel shall cast him down.(KJV)
Job 18:7 The steps of his strength shalbe restrained, and his owne counsell shall cast him downe.(Geneva)
Job 18:7 Ses pas assurés seront à l'étroit; Malgré ses efforts, il tombera.(FR)
‫ 7 ׃18 יֵֽ֭צְרוּ צַעֲדֵ֣י אוֹנ֑וֹ וְֽתַשְׁלִיכֵ֥הוּ עֲצָתֽוֹ׃ ‬ Job
Job 18:7 "His vigorous stride is shortened, And his own scheme brings him down.(nasb)

======= Job 18:8 ============
Job 18:8 For he is cast into a net by his own feet, and he walketh upon a snare.(KJV)
Job 18:8 For hee is taken in the net by his feete, and he walketh vpon the snares.(Geneva)
Job 18:8 Car il met les pieds sur un filet, Il marche dans les mailles,(FR)
‫ 8 ׃18 כִּֽי־שֻׁלַּ֣ח בְּרֶ֣שֶׁת בְּרַגְלָ֑יו וְעַל־שְׂ֝בָכָ֗ה יִתְהַלָּֽךְ׃ ‬ Job
Job 18:8 "For he is thrown into the net by his own feet, And he steps on the webbing.(nasb)

======= Job 18:9 ============
Job 18:9 The gin shall take him by the heel, and the robber shall prevail against him.(KJV)
Job 18:9 The grenne shall take him by the heele, and the theefe shall come vpon him.(Geneva)
Job 18:9 Il est saisi au piège par le talon, Et le filet s'empare de lui;(FR)
‫ 9 ׃18 יֹאחֵ֣ז בְּעָקֵ֣ב פָּ֑ח יַחֲזֵ֖ק עָלָ֣יו צַמִּֽים׃ ‬ Job
Job 18:9 "A snare seizes him by the heel, And a trap snaps shut on him.(nasb)

======= Job 18:10 ============
Job 18:10 The snare is laid for him in the ground, and a trap for him in the way.(KJV)
Job 18:10 A snare is layed for him in the ground, and a trappe for him in the way.(Geneva)
Job 18:10 Le cordeau est caché dans la terre, Et la trappe est sur son sentier.(FR)
‫ 10 ׃18 טָמ֣וּן בָּאָ֣רֶץ חַבְל֑וֹ וּ֝מַלְכֻּדְתּ֗וֹ עֲלֵ֣י נָתִֽיב׃ ‬ Job
Job 18:10 "A noose for him is hidden in the ground, And a trap for him on the path.(nasb)

======= Job 18:11 ============
Job 18:11 Terrors shall make him afraid on every side, and shall drive him to his feet.(KJV)
Job 18:11 Fearefulnesse shall make him afrayde on euery side, and shall driue him to his feete.(Geneva)
Job 18:11 Des terreurs l'assiègent, l'entourent, Le poursuivent par derrière.(FR)
‫ 11 ׃18 סָ֭בִיב בִּֽעֲתֻ֣הוּ בַלָּה֑וֹת וֶהֱפִיצֻ֥הוּ לְרַגְלָֽיו׃ ‬ Job
Job 18:11 "All around terrors frighten him, And harry him at every step.(nasb)

======= Job 18:12 ============
Job 18:12 His strength shall be hungerbitten, and destruction shall be ready at his side.(KJV)
Job 18:12 His strength shalbe famine: and destruction shalbe readie at his side.(Geneva)
Job 18:12 La faim consume ses forces, La misère est à ses côtés.(FR)
‫ 12 ׃18 יְהִי־רָעֵ֥ב אֹנ֑וֹ וְ֝אֵ֗יד נָכ֥וֹן לְצַלְעֽוֹ׃ ‬ Job
Job 18:12 "His strength is famished, And calamity is ready at his side.(nasb)

======= Job 18:13 ============
Job 18:13 It shall devour the strength of his skin: even the firstborn of death shall devour his strength.(KJV)
Job 18:13 It shall deuoure the inner partes of his skinne, and the first borne of death shall deuoure his strength.(Geneva)
Job 18:13 Les parties de sa peau sont l'une après l'autre dévorées, Ses membres sont dévorés par le premier-né de la mort.(FR)
‫ 13 ׃18 יֹ֭אכַל בַּדֵּ֣י עוֹר֑וֹ יֹאכַ֥ל בַּ֝דָּ֗יו בְּכ֣וֹר מָֽוֶת׃ ‬ Job
Job 18:13 "His skin is devoured by disease, The firstborn of death devours his limbs.(nasb)

======= Job 18:14 ============
Job 18:14 His confidence shall be rooted out of his tabernacle, and it shall bring him to the king of terrors.(KJV)
Job 18:14 His hope shalbe rooted out of his dwelling, & shal cause him to go to the King of feare.(Geneva)
Job 18:14 Il est arraché de sa tente où il se croyait en sûreté, Il se traîne vers le roi des épouvantements.(FR)
‫ 14 ׃18 יִנָּתֵ֣ק מֵ֭אָהֳלוֹ מִבְטַח֑וֹ וְ֝תַצְעִדֵ֗הוּ לְמֶ֣לֶךְ בַּלָּהֽוֹת׃ ‬ Job
Job 18:14 "He is torn from the security of his tent, And they march him before the king of terrors.(nasb)

======= Job 18:15 ============
Job 18:15 It shall dwell in his tabernacle, because it is none of his: brimstone shall be scattered upon his habitation.(KJV)
Job 18:15 Feare shall dwell in his house (because it is not his) and brimstone shalbe scattered vpon his habitation.(Geneva)
Job 18:15 Nul des siens n'habite sa tente, Le soufre est répandu sur sa demeure.(FR)
‫ 15 ׃18 תִּשְׁכּ֣וֹן בְּ֭אָהֳלוֹ מִבְּלִי־ל֑וֹ יְזֹרֶ֖ה עַל־נָוֵ֣הוּ גָפְרִֽית׃ ‬ Job
Job 18:15 "There dwells in his tent nothing of his; Brimstone is scattered on his habitation.(nasb)

======= Job 18:16 ============
Job 18:16 His roots shall be dried up beneath, and above shall his branch be cut off.(KJV)
Job 18:16 His rootes shalbe dryed vp beneath, and aboue shall his branche be cut downe.(Geneva)
Job 18:16 En bas, ses racines se dessèchent; En haut, ses branches sont coupées.(FR)
‫ 16 ׃18 מִ֭תַּחַת שָֽׁרָשָׁ֣יו יִבָ֑שׁוּ וּ֝מִמַּ֗עַל יִמַּ֥ל קְצִירֽוֹ׃ ‬ Job
Job 18:16 "His roots are dried below, And his branch is cut off above.(nasb)

======= Job 18:17 ============
Job 18:17 His remembrance shall perish from the earth, and he shall have no name in the street.(KJV)
Job 18:17 His remembrance shall perish from the earth, and he shall haue no name in the streete.(Geneva)
Job 18:17 Sa mémoire disparaît de la terre, Son nom n'est plus sur la face des champs.(FR)
‫ 17 ׃18 זִֽכְרוֹ־אָ֭בַד מִנִּי־אָ֑רֶץ וְלֹא־שֵׁ֥ם ל֝֗וֹ עַל־פְּנֵי־חֽוּץ׃ ‬ Job
Job 18:17 "Memory of him perishes from the earth, And he has no name abroad.(nasb)

======= Job 18:18 ============
Job 18:18 He shall be driven from light into darkness, and chased out of the world.(KJV)
Job 18:18 They shall driue him out of the light vnto darkenesse, and chase him out of the world.(Geneva)
Job 18:18 Il est poussé de la lumière dans les ténèbres, Il est chassé du monde.(FR)
‫ 18 ׃18 יֶ֭הְדְּפֻהוּ מֵא֣וֹר אֶל־חֹ֑שֶׁךְ וּֽמִתֵּבֵ֥ל יְנִדֻּֽהוּ׃ ‬ Job
Job 18:18 "He is driven from light into darkness, And chased from the inhabited world.(nasb)

======= Job 18:19 ============
Job 18:19 He shall neither have son nor nephew among his people, nor any remaining in his dwellings.(KJV)
Job 18:19 Hee shall neither haue sonne nor nephewe among his people, nor any posteritie in his dwellings.(Geneva)
Job 18:19 Il ne laisse ni descendants ni postérité parmi son peuple, Ni survivant dans les lieux qu'il habitait.(FR)
‫ 19 ׃18 לֹ֘א נִ֤ין ל֣וֹ וְלֹא־נֶ֣כֶד בְּעַמּ֑וֹ וְאֵ֥ין שָׂ֝רִ֗יד בִּמְגוּרָֽיו׃ ‬ Job
Job 18:19 "He has no offspring or posterity among his people, Nor any survivor where he sojourned.(nasb)

======= Job 18:20 ============
Job 18:20 They that come after him shall be astonied at his day, as they that went before were affrighted.(KJV)
Job 18:20 The posteritie shalbe astonied at his day, and feare shall come vpon the ancient.(Geneva)
Job 18:20 Les générations à venir seront étonnées de sa ruine, Et la génération présente sera saisie d'effroi.(FR)
‫ 20 ׃18 עַל־י֭וֹמוֹ נָשַׁ֣מּוּ אַחֲרֹנִ֑ים וְ֝קַדְמֹנִ֗ים אָ֣חֲזוּ שָֽׂעַר׃ ‬ Job
Job 18:20 "Those in the west are appalled at his fate, And those in the east are seized with horror.(nasb)

======= Job 18:21 ============
Job 18:21 Surely such are the dwellings of the wicked, and this is the place of him that knoweth not God.(kjv)
Job 18:21 Surely such are the habitations of the wicked, and this is the place of him that knoweth not God.(Geneva)
Job 18:21 Point d'autre destinée pour le méchant, Point d'autre sort pour qui ne connaît pas Dieu!(FR)
‫ 21 ׃18 אַךְ־אֵ֭לֶּה מִשְׁכְּנ֣וֹת עַוָּ֑ל וְ֝זֶ֗ה מְק֣וֹם לֹא־יָדַֽע־אֵֽל׃ ס ‬ Job
Job 18:21 "Surely such are the dwellings of the wicked, And this is the place of him who does not know God." (nasb)

======= Job 19:1 ============
Job 19:1 Then Job answered and said,(KJV)
Job 19:1 Bvt Iob answered, and said,(Geneva)
Job 19:1 Job prit la parole et dit:(FR)

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"Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960-2022 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission."
"Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved."