VirtualBox Virtual Machine Plan |
Linux at Lunch - dial in only, shared screen viewing limited - discussing the links providedVirtualBox Strategy, Plan and Goals
Session #42 - November 25, 2015 (Wednesday) - update on Performance Tests; VirtualBox: SuSE on SuSEMain pages for #42 presentation: update on performance testing Step-by-step screen shots of install of SuSE 13.2 Linux on VirtualBox Virtual Machine on SuSE Linux exercises: (use VirtualBox with two VMs, or Cygwin, or a Linux system) (continuing Q and A and review) the goals: 1) work with the command line and SSH between systems – learn basic Linux functions and shell commands 2) later, build VMs for Windows testing and interoperability - demonstrate the use of Linux as a SECURE and reliable host for Microsoft - will build Win7 VM's for testing browsers and java by test team - showing stability of Linux as VM host/cost saver - will build various NON-networked Windows Server versions for testing (w2k8r2, w2k12 and w2k16) 3) networking between 2 VM's but isolated from local network - Allow active testing of unapproved Operating Systems (win and linux) 4) remote access from Microsoft to Linux system running a Microsoft system to permit active development and testing REFERENCE notes and exercises FOR VirtualBox:
note: there was no session November 18, 2015 Session #41 - November 11, 2015 - SHORT SESSION: VirtualBox - discussion continuesShort session today... starting 11:15, ending before noon... Volunteered for a Veterans' Day activity...
Session #40 - November 4 2015 - Q and A - VirtualBox - lab exerciseQandA - VirtualBox - lab exercises - review and exercises: (using VirtualBox with two VMs, or Cygwin, or a Linux system)(continuing QandA and review) working with the command line once you have a VirtualBox Linux shell. Linux command review and exercises: (using VirtualBox with two VMs, or Cygwin, or a Linux system)
Session #39 - October 28, 2015 - using the VirtualBox - lab exerciseLinux command review and exercises: (using VirtualBox with two VMs, or Cygwin, or a Linux system)
Session #38 - October 21, 2015 - SSH One Command Setup, C programming Overview & CENTOS VirtualBox install
Session #37 - 14 October 2015 - Troubleshooting OverviewHow do you solve system problems? What tools do you use? Is there a simple way of determining the problem? Session #36 - 7 October 2015 - VirtualBox OverviewVirtualBox basics - setup and uses #35 - 30 September 2015 - Systems Administration Overviewso you think you want to be a Sys Admin? #34 - 9 September 2015 - System Configuration FilesWhat files and directories are important? #33 - 2 September 2015 - GRUB and Wrapper Scripts
Session #32 - 19 August 2015 - How to Dual Boot Microsoft Windows 10 and SUSE Linux 13.2Session #31 - 12 August 2015 - Security BasicsThe vulnerabilities, exploits, attack vectors, actual risks and payoffsSession #30 August 5, 2015 - CSV, XML, Spreadsheets and the use of AWK to filter output
Session #29 July 8, 2015 - performance analysis tools #28 June 24, 2015 - as requested: REAL WORLD SCRIPTINGpractical scripts: creating, dating, renaming, numbering and managing files
Session #27 June 17, 2015 - server name link changes, drive fail/system rescue
Session #26 June 10, 2015 - Networking basics, analysis/tools and differences
Session #25 June 3, 2015 - /var/log/messages - errors, fixing... attacks, stopping... good networks...
NOTE: NO CLASS on May 27, 2015insomnia prevention classes resumes on 3 June 2015 with Session #25!Session #24 May 20, 2015 - NOTE: (no class on the 27th)conclusion: Detailed analysis of TimeLapse scripts, page creation and crontab
Session #23 May 13, 2015 - Detailed analysis of TimeLapse scripts, page creation and crontab #22 May 6, 2015 - follow up of LVM, discussion of scripts #21 Apr 29, 2015 - resize2fs and LVM #20 Apr 22, 2015 - LVM configuration #19 Apr 15, 2015 - ftp, vsftp, scp, sshSession #18 - Apr 8, 2015 - Systemd systemd andthe general boot up process of Linux systems. (comparing /etc/init.d/) for additional reading: Session #17 - Apr 1, 2015 - proxy/vnc Session #16 - Mar 25, 2015 - ssh, scp, and rsyncuse of ssh to examine, monitor and scp to copy files, create a script and use rsyncto manage several systems from one. Walk through the process and establish a wrapper script to make archive copies on each system. Session #15 - Mar 18, 2015 - systemd, tree, ssh and scpdiscussion on systemd, tree command, use ssh to examine and scp to copyfiles, create a script and use rsync to manage several systems from one. Session #14 - Mar 11, 2015 - general discussion on Linux shells, commands - open discussion with groupSession #13 - Mar 4, 2015 - 1) general Linux info, 2) basics, and 3) advanced topicsSession #12 - Feb 25, 2015 - The power of the command line: grepDiscussion of GREP: example: grep -v ^[[:space:]]$ and grep -v [[:space:]]Session #11 - Feb 18, 2015 -The basics of Apache2 configuration, sed examples and use.1);O=D (general updates can be seen near the top of this page)2) http://LinuxMeister/Notes/basic-Apache-setup.(basic install and config, and major config files) 3) http://LinuxMeister/Notes/apache-tricks.(virtual server configurations and settings) 4) list of modules used for development purposes) 5) apache to Ubuntu, Debian or Mint - not there by default) Session #10 - Feb 11, 2015 - Using Linux to Analyze TrafficSession #10 - Feb 11, 2015 - Using Linux to Analyze Traffic- wget, crontab, ls , vi, mencoder, sed, grep, cat, tac, lsof, netstat.1);O=D 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) Session #9 - Feb 4, 2015 - SSH, rsync, interoperability, and wrapper scripts to manage data across several computers.Session #9 - Feb 4, 2015 - SSH, rsync, interoperability, and wrapper scripts to manage data across several computers.1) 2) 3) http://LinuxMeister/Notes/ManagingFiles-ssh-rsync.html Will discuss details on how to configure directory structure on Windows and Linux systems to synchronize a set of Files on several computers. Will discuss setup of bi-directional ssh passwordless connection between two Linux systems, and RSYNC configuration. Will discuss wrapper scripts to make backup copies for files that will be rotated and replaced, preventing redundant or corrupt files. If we have time we'll also discuss WinSCP and how it can be used from Microsoft systems. Emphasis will be on the Linux aspect of ssh and rsync, but also on general file management and config mgt for end users. If time, will discuss SSH tunneling through firewalls/VPNs/NATs: NOTE: updated Gparted page from last week: Session #8 - 28 January 2015 - discuss the use of cal, grep, tee and the use of a simple loop in a shellWork with cal, grep, and a do-while loop in a BASH script to determine if it there is truth to the internet claim that:December 2012 having 5 Saturdays, 5 Sundays and 5 Mondays only happened once every 823 years! Commands covered: cal, cat, man, more, ls, grep, tee and basic do while loops and tests in BASH http://LinuxMeister/Intro-to-Linux/28jan2015/ Brief discussion on recovery of /home on a failing or corrupted system: http://LinuxMeister/Intro-to-Linux/28jan2015/how-to-preserve-home.txt tar cvfz home.tar /home(note: will need to be root or use sudo, make sure you have enough space to create the file) Session #7 - 21 January 2015 Session #6 - 14 January 2015http://LinuxMeister/Intro-to-Linux/ misc notes and screenshots found here… not organized.Files created during session found here. In particular http://LinuxMeister/Intro-to-Linux/14jan2015/reg-exp-users.txt demonstrated the use of “script� and the creation of the http://LinuxMeister/Intro-to-Linux/14jan2015/reg-exp-users.RAW file, which was then filtered using cat {filename}.RAW | col -b > {filename}.txt Regular Expressions and the power of the command line.Continued demonstrating filtering. http://LinuxMeister/Intro-to-Linux/ Demonstration of: grep, sed, awk, perl, wc -l, cat, strings, tee, head, tail, col -b, echo, man, --help, ifconfig, dmesg and which Session #5 - 7 January 2015 http://LinuxMeister/Intro-to-Linux/Demonstration of: grep, sed, awk, perl, wc -l, cat, strings, tee, head, tail, col -b, echo, man, --help, ifconfig, dmesg and whichSESSION #4 - December 17, 2014: pkg mgt, rsync, wine, mount RSYNC basics Firefox about features showing add-ons, in the URL type: about:support using wine - some examples and the man page SESSION #3 - December 10, 2014 - basic commandsdiscuss ssh files, show how to use Gparted, exercise on real world Linux commands, discuss VNC setupcontinue discussion on regularly used commands, e.g. grep, sed, awk, sort, uniq, file permissions and chmod, chown exercise #2 - real world examples of commands and file permissions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Links:
SESSION #2 - December 3, 2014 - SAW:"simple always works"provided link to exercise #1, discussed environment (.bashrc), path, chmod, discussed "SAW" -SAW:"simple always works", History files viewed with sort, uniq, and how to create notes for reference: ls, sort, grep, uniq, wc -l (after using a command, use history recall, add echo and quotes around it, and then append to ~/bin/cool-commands.txt e.g. echo "ls *.jpg > ALL.html ; perl -pi -e 's/(.*)/<img src="$1"><BR>$1<HR>/g' ALL.html ; perl -pi -e 's/<img src=""><BR><HR>//g' ALL.html ; cat ALL.html" >> ~/bin/cool-commands.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Links: (do this on your system, use "script exercise-1.raw", when finished type exit, then cat exercise-1.raw | col -b > exercise-1.txt - then edit in vi and save) (use the vi editor to create and run on your system) (mkdir and cd LAB, then create this script in vi and run) (the output of the script above is needed to use the commands, YMMV, counts may be different) SESSION #1 - November 26, 2014 - OVERVIEWprovided overview of Linux using the pdf: 5 basic commands: man, ls (ls -al, ls -Al), cd, pwd, more discussed .bashrc and showed a few script examples, talked about "script" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Links: (print out and use as a guide) (print out and keep as a guide) (copy and build your own .basrhc for Cygwin or Linux) (use the commands and the vi editor) ONE HOUR Linux SESSIONS![]() ![]() ebooks by john:
the past 2014 and 2015 sessions: (not all links active, current or working, YMMV)########################################################################################################## ########################################################################################################## SESSION 4: December 17, 2014 discuss file systems (fdisk, fsck, dd, rsync,, backup strategies, LVM, file naming conventions, installation of Linux, dual-booting and other practical ways of using Linux). and some wine... exercise #3 - configuring a system at home - download Linux Mint MATE 17, SuSE 13.2, or Centos 7 and configure apps using apt-get, zypper or yum ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Links: ![]() -- Linux commands, scripts, tools and systems administration -- |
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